LockedSticky2023-06-14 - After cleaning up old comments and obsolete forums threads.
HOWTO mq302test:
setstage mq302test {1..9} triggers a hold ownership change (to imperials)
setstage mq302test 200 changes the above for (to stormcloaks)
setstage mq302test 100 changes the above back (to imperials)
1-Solitude 6-Dawnstar 7-Winterhold
3-Morthal 4-Whiterun 8-Windhelm
2-Markarth 5-Falkreath 9-Riften
Avoid spamming these commands. If it does not work at all, it could be broken and you'll need to load an earlier savegame. Note that a hold flips over only after you travel far away from the hold. -
I wonder will this fix the bug with legate rikke about (The Reunification of Skyrim quest), the bug that encounter is legate rikke never offer the dialogue option to take down fort dunstad and I've tried every possible way(from reddit to other forum) to resolve this issue, any mods suggestion my fella kinsman? or this mods here is my salvation?
idk what it is but the battle of martkath keeps repeating and repeating. i cant progress pass it, removing the mod doesnt work </3
Nevermind issues not fixed by my previous suggestions and soldiers still spawning after castle battles. -
I keep getting this crash when I start the mission to defend Dawnstar:
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF6FC91FDD3 SkyrimSE.exe+026FDD3
Edit: I had For The Stormcloaks on, but it still crashed when I turned that off. -
For some reason with this mod all forts except Graymoor claimed by CW sides from the start of a game. Is it intentional?
I'm not sure though, it maybe Immersive Patrols,i think -
I remember a friend of mine downloaded this a long while ago and his playthrough got ruined. It had something to do with him needing to speak to someone in Markarth, but everyone there was aggroed, so he couldn't talk to them.
Has anyone else had a problem with that, or was he just doing something wrong?
Edit: Btw, in case the author is the sensitive type, I'm asking others who have downloaded the mod. This isn't necessarily a troubleshoot or bug report.-
I'm actually running into this issue currently except in Riften for the Imperial quest Compelling Tribute. I made sure to not wear faction armor, guards outside of riften are not hostile but as soon as I enter riften, there are stormcloak soldiers that start to attack me along with the guards. I'm also running OCW with Skyrim at War - Reborn so it could be an issue with SAW.
I know Faction Warfare has an MCM option to set faction hostility. I think I ran into this same issue on my previous modlist and was able to continue my playthrough using faction warfare. -
Noice. Thanks dude!
Can someone please write a walkthrough guide of this for dumbasses like me? I just finished Whiterun battle and don't know what to do. Something like, here go there, now go here... I'm confused
Started a new playthrough today and out of no where its saying CWMapActivatorScript.pex is being overwritten, i've not installed any new mods or messed with the load order since I last played. I'm unsure why its saying it .
I've never had this error until today, did you ever work it out? Any idea which mod it is conflicting with?
I'm going to unpack the BSA's as suggested in the thread and load this last. I'll report back later. -
Edit….This worked a treat. I did the following if anyone is wondering:
1. manual download of OCW
2. Created new folder and added these 3 files
3. extracted the BSA files into the new folder
4. Once these were unpacked, deleted BSA’s
5. zipped the folder
6. loaded to Vortex
7. changed file from default to be a late loader
8. started Skyrim, exited cell, reentered cell
9. And it worked…..it just works 👍
I forgot to update it here but it was a town mod, the mod author added it to the map and it caused that bug
Does this mod work with JK's skyrim and his interiors? and if not so, is there a patch?
Hi there, I'm attacking Whiterun in my savegame, I have previous saves in wich the city is still neutral and orders to prepare assault were not given. When should I proceed to install the mod? Before or after Whiterun (as stormcloak).