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- Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -
Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -
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This page was last updated on 29 October 2024, 3:45AM
- Changelogs
Version 2.4.1
- Tweaked the water settings a little further, thanks to Biggie
- Tweaked the rainwetsurfaces to look a bit more intense during rain storms, thanks Gonzeh
- Adjusted the rain visibility for rainstorms to be a bit more visible and less transparent
- Made overcast weather slightly brighter
- Made storm weather slightlhy brighter
- Made overcast rain weather slightly brighter
Version 2.4
- Changed the bloom settings
- Reworked the fire settings
- Reworked the water settings
- Reworked sunsets and sunrises
- Reworked dusk and dawn settings
- Reworked day and night settings
- Reworked SubSurfaceScattering
- Reworked SSAO
- Reworked the skies and clouds
- Reworked ImageBasedLighting
- Adjusted the saturation
- Added skyscattering settings to all weather types
- Adjusted the windowlight settings to be more intense in interiors
- Set the skygradient settings in interiors to a really intense setting
- Removed Cresty's version. This was causing issues with certain brightness and inconsistancies with ground fog. NAT3 already covers it.
- And many more changes I probably forget to mention :P
Version 2.3
- Reduced bloom intensity during exterior day time. Less glowy snow and surfaces!
- Fixed the cloudy aurora weathers, aurora's do not have a weird outline at night anymore
- Readjusted clear aurora settings, a bit brighter, for a more dramatic look
- Brightened star settings at night for ash cloudy weathers on Solstheim
- Re-adjusted the ambient desat for overcast weathers
- Made fog weathers slightly darker and gave it a more grey-ish tint on surfaces during the day
- Addon ESP changes; copied over the vanilla raindrop settings in a new formID and re-added that to FogRain. This gives much better rain drops than having square ones
- Addon ESP changes; removed more lens effects from more weathers
- Adjusted FogRain from NAT3 to accomendate the rain texture changes
- Lowered the snow brightness on clear weather ini for that one particular weather that has snow on a clear weather
- Changed sky brightness on cloudy weathers by a subtle amount
Version 2.2.1
- Fixed wetsurface effect being too strong in some interiors.
Version 2.2
- Fixed the overbright VL for cloudy weathers. Especially noticable on a couple of them
- Fixed the sky settings on light rain at night, better blending
- Fixed the sky settings on storm rain at night, better blending
- Fixed greenish tint during the day for light rain
- Subtle SSAO setting adjustments, mainly for skin improvements
- Brightened nighttime VL on fog weathers
- Reduced the green midtone ad green shadow tone for interiors. This results in a warmer look
- Reverted Solstheim back to NAT3's intended look, in favor and respect of NAT3. I wasn't 100% happy with the previous edits.
- Added a root builder version
Version 2.1
- Lowered the contrast by a tiny bit on exteriors
- Lowered the whitepoint by a tiny bit on exteriors
- Lowered the contrast by a small amount in interiors
- Lowered the whitepoint by a small amount in interiors
- Fixed the [eye] settings being too overbright during the day
- Fixed the weathers 10a23c and d4886 by splitting them into StormRain_ALT.ini and readjusted the cloud, sky and VL settings to look a bit better
- Lowered the direct light, direct lighting curve and ambient light by a small amount on all clear and cloudy weathers
- Readjusted the [water] settings for an even better blending
- Soft bloom tweaks for interiors, less glowing on skin in direct light
- Removed all the optional filess, tweak it yourself if you have to
- Vignette and Black bars disabled by default, tweak it yourself if you have to
- Readjusted the cloud settings for night time on cloudy weathers
- Lowered the rainwetsurfaces intensity on all rain weathers
- Lowered the subsurfacescattering on complex grass
Version 2.0
- Gave cloudy_aurora and clear_aurora different sunset colors
- The Panda's NAT3 ENB tweaks now include the changes to all solstheim weathers which are the same in style as Azurite II's solstheim. Does NOT require Azurite II.
- Added all of Dawnfire Azurite II's solstheim ENB weather tweaks and weatherlist changes to this ENB
- Adjusted the region changes from NATIII back to vanilla records in the ESP for more volcanic ash weathers appearing
- Adjusted the cresty's version to incorperate the Solstheim changes, but did not add anything cresty related to the solstheim weathers as I did not deem it necessary
- Reduced the direct light of clear and cloudy weathers by a small amount
- Reduced global white point by a small amount
Version 1.8
- Retweaked the sun settings for Solstheim weathers
- Retweaked sunrise/sunsets for storm snow weathers
- Readjusted SSS for less saturated skin, similar to that of Ebony ENB
- Readjusted SSAO mainly for skin improvements, similar to that of Ebony ENB
- Lowered VDR tonemapping by a subtle amount. Softer shadows during the day
Version 1.7
- Adjusted day time VL for clear and cloudy weathers. This should make everything look more atmospheric
- Lowered the sky color curve on sunrise for cloudy weathers
- Enabled procedural sun
- Copied over all rays settings to each weather, so I can tune some weathers to have unique ray settings
- Adjusted ambient light of fog_ weather ini on all time of day settings
- Adjusted the cloud opacity to a higher number on storm weathers so the sun blocks a bit better
- Adjusted the cloud opacity on clear and cloudy weathers to block the sun rays a bit better for a more dramatic effect
- Recolored the sunset sunrays on storm weathers
- Adjusted rays settings on clear weathers
- Adjusted rays settings on cloudy weathers
- Adjusted procedural sun settings on storm weathers
- Adjusted procedural sun settings on fog weathers
- Adjusted procedural sun settings on clear weathers
- Adjusted procedural sun settings on cloudy weathers
- Fixed the way too green volumetric fog on fog_ weather ini. It should be fixed now
- Adjusted the sun color tone of fog_ weather ini to a softer green/yellow'ish tone
- Small visibiiity changes for interiors. Made ALL interiors a tiny bit brighter. But maintining the same visual style
- Adjusted the pointlight saturation to be a bit more saturated in mines
- Adjusted the rays settings for overcast to be less intense
- Increased ambient light for better visibility in imperial fort dungeons
- Gave a subtle desaturation to point light in imperial fort dungeons
- Reduced bloom glow in interiors for a more softer and natural look
- Reduced ambientlight intensity for light rain weathers
- Added an optional for darker complex grass, this might be useful if you prefer darker grass and use grass lods. Both for performance and default.
- Main files have brighter complex grass to ensure a better landscape blending for the most part
- Changed performance preset in EVLAS to FAST. This will give a slight performance boost but also reduces the shadow distance. Which looks better during the mornings, especially with dense forest mods
- Reduced the VDR midtones on sunnrise/day/sunset for subtle better visibility and better overal colorblending. This should look better on dense forests.
- Increased the pointlight of many weathers to create a more "contrasted" tone, yet keeping visibility
- Adjusted adaption levels by a subtle amount; slightly lower minimal levels, slightly higher maximum levels
Version 1.6.2
- Incorperated all 1.6.1 fixes and changes
- Copied over the default fire settings to every weather and interior ini and set ignoreweathersystem = true to false, so I could adjust soulcairn and apocrypha skies (weirdly enough, those skies only react to fire settings)
- Incorperated the bizarre shadow fix to the Dawnfire ENB required files. So bizarre shadow fix is not necessary anymore
- Adjusted the soulcairn weathers in the ESP to work with the sky/cloud/image space of NAT3. Previously it was using the vanilla color settings
- Added an optional file in the fomod to work with Cresty's distant mist. This is highly optional. But this means any patch for cresty's distant mist is not required anymore
- Adjusted soulcairn ENB weather ini for the new changes
- Adjusted apocrypha exterior weather ini it's fire settings for the sky changes
- Adjusted apocrypha interior ini it's fire settings for the sky changes
- Adjusted apocrypha's interior sky settings to be the same as exteriors
Version 1.6.1
- Contrasted night times more and made it a little darker, this was significantly brighter in the current update compared to 1.5.
- Fixed the way too prominent rainwetsurfaces for stormweathers at night
- Reduced complex grass brightness and changed the SSS settings for a more natural blend. Darker at night and bright enough during the day
- Fixed the volumetric fog (mountain fogs) settings for cloudy at night
- Made the skylighting a little darker for all clear and cloudy weathers at night
- Adjusted direct light for all cloudy and clear weathers at night
- Added an update file for 1.6. So you don't have to re-download the entire ENB.
Version 1.6
- Adjusted sky color to be less bright
- Adjusted fog distance and curve for clear and cloudy weathers
- Adjusted sunray settings and retweaked the sun for most weathers
- Tweaked the water settings to fit Water for ENB
- Changed the sky color settings to a deeper blue for all cloudy weathers
- Changed the sky color settigns to a deeper blue for all clear weathers
- Fixed the cloudy_vt weather settings for all time of days. Volumetric Fog tweaks, sky tweaks, fog curve tweaks. Should blend better now
- Lowered the contrast by a very small amount for day/sunrise/sunset
- Adjusted the rainwetsurfaces for heavy storms to look a little more prominent
- Adjusted sky settings for the dungeon ini. Brighter gradient and brighter clouds to look more realistic
- Adjusted dawn and dusk contrast and saturation.
- Adjusted VDR topnemapping to be a tad brighter on all day times
- Brightened skylighting for all clear and cloudy weathers -> Sunrise,sunset
- Brightened skylighting for overcast weathers -> Sunrise, day, sunset
- Brightened skylighting for fog weathers -> Sunrise, day, sunset
- Brightened skylighting for storm weathers -> Sunrise, day, sunset
- Brightened skylighting for Helgen Unique weathers
- Adjusted the interior dungeon brightness a little bit so Night-Eye works a lot better in interiors
- Night-Eye adjusted to be brighter overall, better visibility for stealth players
- Lowered volumetric fog (mountain fogs) intensity on ash storms
- Adjusted skylighting, lowered the brightness on ash storms
- Added eldergleam sanctuary to the location interiors and is fully and uniquely tweaked
- Added blindcliff cave to the location interiors and added it to the dungeon ini
- Added southfringe sanctum to the location interiors and added it to the dungeon ini
- Added mossmother cavern to the location interiors and is added under the cavern.ini
- Added fallowstone cave to the location interiors and is added under the cavern ini
- Added shadowgreen cavern to the location interiors and is added under the cavern ini
- Added frostmere crypt to the location interiors and is added under the cavern ini
- Added karthspire redoubt to the location interiors and is added under the cavern ini
- Added DLC1 Ancestors Glade to the location interiors and is fully and uniquely tweaked
- Added DLC1 forebears holdout to the location interiors and added under the cavern ini
Version 1.5.2
- Added pointlight change to forts, forgot to add it in previous update
- Added pointlight change to Ice Caves, forgot to add it in previous update
- Added pointlight change to Dwarven ruins, forgot to add it in previous update
- Added te dragonsreach hotfix to the main ENB
Version 1.5.1 HOTFIX
- Hotfix for Dragonsreach's pointlighting
Version 1.5.1
- Increased the pointlight even further for more contrast on all interiors
- Adjusted all interiors even more, mainly dungeons to be darker. Granted a bit more visibility to civil interiors
- Reduced blackpoint for all interiors
- Reduced black point for exteriors
- Increased saturation for exteriors
- Adjusted the complexparticle light to make it look more intense
- Rebalanced fog curve for fog weathers during dusk
- Zero'd out fog visibility for interiors
- Made fire adjustments. All interiors and exteriors use the same brightness of 0.7 and curve of 1.5. This will make Embers XD look EVEN nicer.
Version 1.5
- Made the interiors even more saturated and contrasted. Which makes interiors look so much more alive and vibrant, yet natural
- Tweaked the water settings. They are now back on global paramaters
- Increased the pointlight to 2.0 on all civil interiors
- Added candlehearthhall INI to have reduced pointlight and reduced ambient light. Making the window look less overbright
- Increased pointlight in dungeon, forts, dwarven ruins, ice caves, caves, riften ratway, mines apocrypha and blackreach interiors to 2.0
- Several pointlight desaturation adjustments for forts, mines and riften ratway
- Added a new optional for Vignette instead of blackbars
- Tweaked the NAT Overcast night time settings to have better distant blending
- Changed the skylighting to global settings instead. All weather use the same skylighting balance now
- Possible low res shadow bug: Set the shadow quality on high
- Possible low res shadow bug: Set the normalmapshadows on high
- Possible low res shadow bug: Reverted the LUT to what Ebony ENB used, it was a very very minor tweak anyway. Renamed it approriately
- Possible low res shadow bug: Increased the SSAO resolution scale and sourcetexturescale to 0.35, this to make SSAO look abit more more sharp
- Possible low res shadow bug: Swapped back the SSAO settings to what Ebony ENB used
Version 1.4.1
- Many users mainly prefer Embers XD + Inferno flames. Therefor I had to change things globally and the tuning for fire to be more universal is a lot better.
- Had to reduce whitepoint in global paramaters to make flames look less overblown and there for direct light in interiors is also less intense. This is a nice trade-off
- Had to reduce fire settings in every INI for interiors to make it look less intense and less flat-white. Fires still look bright, but atleast a bit more realistc now
Version 1.4
- NEW required files. These will have the same name and edits for Ebony ENB as well as Dawnfire ENB. So you can switch from a vibrant preset to a moody grim preset within ease.
- Required files update: added changes which are present in Ebony ENB's KreatE preset to the new Nat3 weather tweak esp
- Adjusted the ESP addon to have adjusted storm weather sky color tweaks
- Added Sovngarde weathers to the ESP and removed the sun settings from it. This clipped oddly with the sky from Sovngarde.
- Made interiors just a little darker and more contrasted and gave it a small saturation boost
- A little stronger contrast and saturation for Sunsat/Sunrise/Day
- Adjusted Riften weather fog 10fe7e to look a bit more contrasted and increased the IBL and wetsurfaces without looking too glossy or overdone
- Fixed the Cloudy_Aurora weathers, reduced it's wetsurfaces and IBL settings so things don't look too glossy
- Reduced the blue tint from the midtones and shadowtones. This makes lightsources look more natural
- Adjusted fire intensity and curve a little lower
- Adjusted the pointlight desat further in the minus values so civil interiors look warmer
Version 1.3
- Reduced the redtones in interiors to make it look less pink-ish
- Reduced redtones for exteriors as well to make it look more natural
- Reduced saturation in interiors with a subtle amount
- Darkened the distant fog curve on storm weathers
- Adjusted the lightsprite to be more visible in interiors
- Increased the gradient intensity on cloudy weathers
- Increased brightness of light rain during nighttime, dawn and dusk
- Enabled displacement on water
- Bump in ambient light for clear/cloudy
- Disabled complexmaterial by default. This causes issues for certain setups with armor/clothing which has not been adjusted for complex material.
- Included the hotfix file in the new update. Everything should look better bloom/fire wise.
- Adjusted the interior of castle volkihar interior to look a bit more bleak and grim
- Created a simple fomod to pick your performance setup. This saves you the time to go in your skyrimprefs ini.
Version 1.2.1
- Reduced bloom intensity in interiors
- Reduced fire intensity in interiors
Version 1.2
- Improved volumetric lighting on many weathers to smoothen transition. Especialy noticable during night-time.
- Adjusted the Dawnfire LUT to be slightly more vibrant and have a slightly stronger red tone. Fairly subtle. But this will increase the color representation a bit better
- SSAO tweaks, a llittle softer and with more detail
- SSS tweaks, skin looks propperly represented. Bright in bright light, darker in dark light. Skin looks more natural overall
- Reduced the intensity a little for the complexparticle lights
- Image based lighting tweaks so the grass, foliage, trees etc looks less plastic-like during fog/storm weathers
- Lots of ambientlight tweaks for lots of weathers which have the IBL tweaked as well
- More saturation for night times
- Softer shadows from cloud shadows. More subtle, but still noticable
- Wet surface adjustment for certain weathers. Glossyness reduced, looks way more natural
- Bloom reduced in blackreach. Seems everything was overblown
- Added new storm weather tweaks in the ESP file, same visual style, but changed lightning frequency (Thanks Gonzeh!) So storm lightning automatically works without a patch
- Particle settings update to accommendate natural waterfalls
- Interior changes. Very slightly brighter
- Brightened the mines cus hey ... how the heck do you mine without some visibility
- Added Riften Ratway interior to the interior weather list to make it look more wet
- Left parallax enabled. Most peeps use it now anyway and I keep forgetting to set it to false.
Version 1.1
- As per request and also per my own opinion; darkened the interiors.
- Mainly the dungeon interiors have been made darker, caves, ice caves, imperial forts, mines, dwarven ruins and nordic ruins.
- Civil interiors have been slightly adjusted, just a little darker but not much
Version 1.0
- Initial release
- Author's activity
August 2024
04 Aug 2024, 12:29AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
July 2024
29 Jul 2024, 9:21AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
28 Jul 2024, 4:43PM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 5:41PM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 1:54PM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 1:31PM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 12:04PM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 11:59AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 2.4.1'
27 Jul 2024, 11:39AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'file visible to the public'
27 Jul 2024, 11:38AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 11:38AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jul 2024, 11:38AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 2.4.1'
27 Jul 2024, 11:37AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
File added
'Dawnfire ENB for NATIII [version 2.4.1]'
27 Jul 2024, 11:36AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
File added
'Dawnfire ENB FoMod for ROOT builder [version 2.4.1]'
27 Jul 2024, 11:33AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
27 Jul 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: mechanicalpanda
Mod image added
- Mod page activity
February 2025
04 Feb 2025, 6:59AM | Action by: jmp0628
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
03 Feb 2025, 10:47PM | Action by: Larsonpl
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
03 Feb 2025, 12:47PM | Action by: Otsocity
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
03 Feb 2025, 6:37AM | Action by: Jdnicho4
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
03 Feb 2025, 5:51AM | Action by: LUDWIG97BLADE
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
01 Feb 2025, 7:00PM | Action by: scordj
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
January 2025
30 Jan 2025, 1:46PM | Action by: CBH36
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
29 Jan 2025, 3:29PM | Action by: linus04
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
29 Jan 2025, 1:31PM | Action by: yosyos120537
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
29 Jan 2025, 8:16AM | Action by: paul87926
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
29 Jan 2025, 7:18AM | Action by: linus04
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
28 Jan 2025, 1:19AM | Action by: OGREALNobody
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
27 Jan 2025, 4:58PM | Action by: AsholdCrusader
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
27 Jan 2025, 5:31AM | Action by: jetkratos
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
26 Jan 2025, 12:33PM | Action by: HK416a
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
26 Jan 2025, 12:41AM | Action by: Doomsday1366
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
25 Jan 2025, 9:13PM | Action by: RedOrangeHood
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
25 Jan 2025, 1:35PM | Action by: fenderjoe1
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
25 Jan 2025, 1:36AM | Action by: DrBlueDrop
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'
23 Jan 2025, 10:10PM | Action by: MantisKing3001
'Dawnfire ENB - NAT3 Weathers - EVLAS - LUX -'