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Mod articles

  • v1.1 fix

    There were a number of female NPC's that had red noses however most  of their face was not tinted. Found this was from removing rough skin during original on those NPC's noses were tinted red.  Removed red tint on a number of female NPC's.  


  • Conflicts Load Order and Patches

    This Mod was created by updating race and individual NPC redcords.
    Race Records: First pdating the race entries to set new defaults for Head, Brows, Facial Hair, and Hair.  This means if an NPC record does not have a value entered for this head part however shows "default" it will pull to the reace file for details.  

    NPC Records: Any editable NPC record was update. 
    Face Complextion set to Default or clean complextion. NPCs will no longer have freckles, rough complextion or age of 40 or 50.
    All Face Dirt Entries set to Color Average
    Head: Set to high poly version
    Brows: Set to High Poly Version if available
    Facial Hair: Set to High Poly Version
    Hair: Set to KS hairstlye except for Kaijhit a...