Regarding Cathedral Landscapes if you are using the Complex Parallax Addon you do not need this mod as the complex parallax addon includes parallax enabled meshes, but if using Skyland or Skyland AIO with the complex parallax addon this mod will be useful as the meshes for blended roads included with Skyland AIO are not parallax enabled and Skyland (the landscape retexture) does not include any meshes.
Every one has there own opinion, and that's fine. Also are you talking about the images on the page or tested in game, if you have tested in game would you mind sharing what landscape textures you used? Thanks for the feed back.
I have a question : What is the difference between your patch and this one ? ( They do the same things right ?
This mod and FYX - Riften Canal and Round Posts do not edit the same meshes so they should work together. And regarding load order this should load after blended roads.
I'll have to check out the differences, it looks like the blending is better from the pictures. I'm curious why you replaced dragonbridge's nice stone walkway with dirt just to get a parallax effect. I guess I'd rather have the stone.
EDIT: oops, my bad, I guess Blended Roads has the dirt, I was looking at the stone walkway provided by HD Remastered Blended Roads. btw your mod is compatible with that mod since that mod is all textures except for that one bridge.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention I will look in to making a patch. For now if you wish you can load HD Remastered Blended Roads after this mod although you wont have parallax on dragonbridge's.
Edit: A patch for HD Remastered Blended Roads is not posable as the path on dragonbridge's is not done in the same way as the rest of blended roads and the rocks are part of the dirt texture. So to keep the rock texture but have parallax on the other meshes you can load the mods in the following order: 1.Blended roads 2.Blended Roads Parallax Meshes 3.HD Remastered Blended Roads
I have a question : What is the difference between your patch and this one ? (
They do the same things right ?
Edit: They appear to do the same thing although Parallax Mesh Patch Collection does not have a non SMIM version.
EDIT: oops, my bad, I guess Blended Roads has the dirt, I was looking at the stone walkway provided by HD Remastered Blended Roads. btw your mod is compatible with that mod since that mod is all textures except for that one bridge.
Edit: A patch for HD Remastered Blended Roads is not posable as the path on dragonbridge's is not done in the same way as the rest of blended roads and the rocks are part of the dirt texture. So to keep the rock texture but have parallax on the other meshes you can load the mods in the following order:
1.Blended roads
2.Blended Roads Parallax Meshes
3.HD Remastered Blended Roads