About this mod
Modern game‘s Combat animations framework for skyrimAE/SE(3rd)&skyrimVR(npc), including melee/range weapons, allowing for Jumping/Swimming/Charge attacks.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Melee&Ranged weapon support 近战与远程武器支持
- Custom events 自定义派生注释
- Jumping Attack 空中攻击
- Swimming Attack 水下攻击
- DIY Charge Attack 自定义蓄力攻击
- Directional PowerAttack & Vanilla AttackSpeed Support 方向重击与原版攻速支持
- NPC Combo Attacks Support(Same as player rules) 原生支持NPC出招逻辑(与玩家共享派生规则)
- Fully compatible with DMCO(any version) 适配任意版本的DMCO闪避
- Fully compatible with Perk Overhaul mods(Vokrii, ord and any others) 兼容任意技能树大修模组(因为支持方向重击和原版攻速)
- MCM menu 可配置模组菜单
TEST Videos:
ANIMATION LIST (Land) 动作文件表-地面
Normal Attack N&P 常规轻重击 [LMB]
- BFCO_Attack1.hkx BFCO_Attack2.hkx BFCO_Attack3.hkx ... BFCO_Attack20.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttack1.hkx BFCO_PowerAttack2.hkx BFCO_PowerAttack3.hkx ... BFCO_PowerAttack20.hkx
Jump Attack 空中攻击 [jump + LMB]
- BFCO_JumpAttack.hkx
- BFCO_JumpAttackPower.hkx
Sprint Attack 冲刺攻击 [sprint/WhirlwindSHOUT + LMB]
- BFCO_SprintAttack.hkx
- BFCO_SprintAttackPower.hkx
Dual Attack 特殊攻击 [LMB+RMB]
- BFCO_SpecialAttack.hkx
- BFCO_SpecialAttackPower.hkx
PowerAttack-Directional 方向重击 [WASD + LMB]
- BFCO_PowerAttackA.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttackB.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttackL.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttackR.hkx
PowerAttack-Comb 强力重击 [Hotky /or/ Normal Attack N&P + Actionkey ]
- BFCO_PowerAttackComb.hkx
ANIMATION LIST (Water) 动作文件表-水下
Normal Attack N&P 常规轻重击 [LMB]
- BFCO_SwimAttack1.hkx
- BFCO_SwimAttack2.hkx
- BFCO_SwimAttack3.hkx
- BFCO_SwimAttackPower.hkx
EVENT LIST (Land) 动作注释表-地面
Custom events - ALL (BFCO_*.hkx) 通用派生注释(适用所有地面攻击动作)
- PIE.@SGVF|BFCO_AttackSpeed|1.0 (*Optional, used to change attack speed like MCO)
- BFCO_NextIsAttack1 (the first HAS TO BE AT 0.0s TIME, Set the number of the next attack-N)
- BFCO_NextIsPowerAttack2 (the first HAS TO BE AT 0.0s TIME, Set the number of the next attack-P)
- BFCO_NextWinStart (Attack-N win open)
- BFCO_NextPowerWinStart (Attack-P win open)
- BFCO_DIY_EndLoop (Attack-N&P win close)
- BFCO_DIY_recovery (From now on, player can use movement/block keys to end this attack)
Normal Attack 常规动作 [Bash/Sprint Attack + RMB]
- BFCO_RangeAttack1.hkx~BFCO_RangeAttack10.hkx
Bash Attack 近战攻击 [RMB]
- BFCO_BowBash.hkx
- BFCO_BowPowerBash.hkx
Sprint Attack 冲刺攻击 [sprint + RMB]
- BFCO_SprintAttackPower.hkx
Jump Shoot 空中攻击 [jump+LMB]
- BFCO_JumpAttackPower.hkx
Custom events - ALL BOW (BFCO_*.hkx) 通用派生注释(适用所有地面攻击动作)
- PIE.@SGVF|BFCO_AttackSpeed|1.0 (*Optional, used to change attack speed like MCO)
- BFCO_NextIsAttack1 (the first HAS TO BE AT 0.0s TIME, Set the number of the next attack-N by Key M2)
- BFCO_NextWinStart (Attack-N win open)
- BFCO_DIY_EndLoop (Attack-N&P win close)
- BFCO_DIY_recovery (From now on, player can use movement keys to end this attack)
ANIMATION LIST (DIY Charge Attack) 动作文件表-蓄力攻击
Charge pose 蓄力姿态
- BFCO_*Power*.hkx (see HOW TO CREATE)
Charge attack 蓄力斩击
- BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge1.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge2.hkx
- BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge3.hkx
EVENT LIST (DIY Charge Attack) 动作注释表-蓄力攻击
Custom events A-Charge pose 蓄力姿态注释
- BFCO_DIY_EndLoop (HAS TO BE AT 0.0s TIME, to disable the normal N&P event)
- BFCO_ChargeStageStart (HAS TO BE AT 0.0s TIME, set this hkx as a charge pose)
- BFCO_ChargeStage1 (Minimum charging time, Play BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge1.hkx when M1 is released)
- BFCO_ChargeStage2 (Optional, Play BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge2.hkx when M1 is released)
- BFCO_ChargeStage3 (Maximum charge time, Play BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge3.hkx when M1 is still being held down)
Custom events B-Charge attack 蓄力斩击注释
- same as EVENT LIST (Land)>Custom events - ALL 使用通用派生注释
HOW TO CREATE 如何创建蓄力攻击
1.Create charge pose:
Create a charge pose hkx and rename it to BFCO_*Power*.hkx which you want to replace with a charged attack(e.g BFCO_PowerAttackA.hkx),
edit your BFCO_*Power*.hkx to include the Custom events A-Charge pose
创建一个蓄力姿势hkx,命名为BFCO_*Power*.hkx (例如BFCO_PowerAttackA.hkx) ,这将决定蓄力攻击动触发方式和attackData
2.Create charge attack:
Get 3 attack animations renamed to BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge1~3.hkx, edit the hkx to include the Custom events B-Charge attack
创建3个攻击hkx,命名为BFCO_PowerAttack_Charge1~3.hkx, 分别对应3段蓄力斩击,可填写通用派生注释
BFCO v3.2 added a behavior Integer variable 'BFCO_iAttackVariants' , it can be used as a condtion of OAR, animator could set its value by custom events (The range of the value should be a integer and greater than 0)
1.Let's assuming that value is 1, so the annotation should be sth likes that
2.After that, you should create an additional OAR animation folder, and add this condtion function into the folder 's config file:
3.Once the "SCAR_AttackVariants" graph variable Int be set to 1 here, OAR could pick the next attack animation within this additional OAR animation folder.(Whenever attack end, "SCAR_AttackVariants" will reset to the default value of 0)
Shout-Attack Rules 龙吼派生
Attacks can be entered immediately after any SHOUT is fired, WhirlwindSHOUT will link Sprint Attacks. 龙吼后摇允许派生常规攻击动作(以及环战技动作),旋风冲刺龙吼可以直接派生冲刺轻重击
Bock-Attack Rules 格挡规则 (optional 可选)
Allow immediate blocking during attack 在攻击时按格挡键立刻进入格挡
hold the block button in attacking, will enter block after the attack win close (BFCO_DIY_recovery)
Install 安装
- Install the Requirements. 安装所需前置
- Install BFCO with mod manager. 安装BFCO
- (optional) Nemesis/Pandora user should run Nemesis/Pandora and check BFCO patch. (可选)运行Nemesis/Pandora工具并勾选BFCO项目
update 更新
- (optional) Nemesis/Pandora user should run Nemesis/Pandora agin after each update (可选)Nemesis/Pandora用户应在每次更新后运行Nemesis/Pandora工具
- Update in middlegame is absolutely safe 更新不会损害现有存档
uninstall 卸载
- Weapon sheathed and saved to exit the game 收起武器后存档退出
- Remove mod files 卸载mod
- (optional) Nemesis/Pandora user should run Nemesis/Pandora agin (可选)Nemesis/Pandora用户应再次运行Nemesis/Pandora工具
Compatible with
- PerkOverhaul mods: Compatible, BFCO supports vanilla attack speed and direction heavy attack, so it do compatbile with every perk mods, including Vokrii, ord and any others 兼容任意技能树大修模组(因为支持方向重击和原版攻速)
- SCAR: Compatible, Animation without SCAR-event is managed by bfcoAI, while animation with SCAR-event is still managed by scarAI.(NPC can correctly use Combo Attacks without SCAR-event, but using SCAR can make it better) 如果动作中存在scar注释,则该动作交由scar接管(虽然BFCO本身的AI足以让npc正确使用连段,但SCAR2.0为npc提供了更多的可能性)
- DMCO: Compatible(any version), both attack during dodge and dodge during attack are allowed 兼容任何版本DMCO,允许闪避派生攻击或攻击派生闪避
- For Honor Power Attack+Dual Wield Parrying SKSE: Compatible
- BowRapidComboV3:Compatible patche available
Incompatible with
- One Click Power Attack NG: (Repetitive functions, see MCM>BFCO) Will cause light attacks to fail
- One Click Power Attack NG - Fixed: (Repetitive functions, see MCM>BFCO) Will cause light attacks to fail
- Elden Power Attack: (Repetitive functions, see MCM>BFCO)
- Skysa/ABR/MCO (Repetitive functions, Now you can easily convert the MCO hkx to BFCO by using MCO To BFCO Converter)
- UCBO - Unarmed Combat Behavior Overhaul (Repetitive functions)
- CGO (Repetitive functions *Whenever player jumps to attack, it will cause stuck in a falling)
- FNIS (Because Nemesis/Pandora is better)
- Kaputt - Melee Killmove Manager (It will disrupt the connection between PowerAttacks)
- Campfire(To ensure compatibility, you should open the Campfire folder and find the PapyrusUtil.dll and delete it, Since there is an updated version of PapyrusUtil.dll in PapyrusUtil SE, it should not be overridden by any mod)
- BFCO supports vanilla attack speed and direction heavy attack, so it do compatbile with every PerkOverhaul mods(Vokrii, ord and any others)
- More animations allow: Jumping Attack, Swimming Attack, DIY Charge Attack
- NPC Combo Attacks Support: NPC can auto combo Attacks without SCAR, perhaps it is good news for animators(while animation with SCAR-event is still managed by scarAI)
- Custom MCM: You can choose to use LMB like Vanilla to launch both light and Power attacks, or bind independent hotkeys for Power attacks, hold LMB to launch continuous light attacks, etc
Q: If an mco powerattack was trigger by KeytraceA+D+powerattackKey, how to trigger it after converting to BFCO?
—— Still is KeytraceA+D+powerattackKey (go to MCM>BFCO set a powerattackKey), of course you also need dTry's Key Utilities
Q: Is controller friendly?
—— Yes
black364 make base weapon hkxs (soon)
AchangAlax make base swimattack hkx
maxsu2017 make BFCO.dll for recovery event(based on my source code)
doodlum for base source code of BFCO.dll
绝伦少年Arway make Promotion video
lSmoothl make base bowattack hkx