LockedStickyA backported OldRim version has been created. Everything seems to be working fine. There is a mod page here...
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93216 -
Can you got back to the island after you repair the ship and leave? Or is it a one time trip there?
Will I be unable to complete the Underground King quest if I have killed two dragons?
Just finished this mod, I gotta say I love it so much, especially at the beginning, it really feels like a survival experience, and it's so relaxing hiking and exploring around, alone, just love it. Also i love how the deeper you explore the crazier things get, idk if it's just me but these kind of "long forgotten ruins full of mystery" things are just amazing to me, it feels like having completed a DLC or a whole short indie game, really cool work.
I think it would be helpful to leave a read me tutorial in the mods folder for those that get stuck. Would resolve so many peoples problems, me included )
I can't find the third sphere
Edit: Upon further investigation I found the last sphere. I searched everywhere around the glowing mushrooms but couldn't find one of the spheres. Well, I noticed that every table the other 2 spheres sat on had some other rocks on them. I went to the glowing mushrooms by the coast and sure enough there was a table with black rocks on it, but no sphere.....
Well... I found the sphere at the bottom of the cliff. It must have been knocked off the table as my Summoned Atronach was fighting the Dwemer Sphere.
(if u ever do updates, you should make the sphere's static) -
Thank you so much for this epic mod. I was considering making a mod like this myself when I found your mod. My idea was to make an area with a bunch of islands and you having to survive and navigate between them. (I still might do it)
I was having a hard time with the 3rd clue on the pirate treasure quest (shamefully had to look it up).
In my mind, I was stuck thinking that the clue is somewhere near the sea... I thought the idea was that he came out of the cave, tossed the next clue down the waterfall, and watched it flow all the way down to the sea. Am I the only one who understood the clue this way? Now I know what the bottom of the sea looks like having almost drowned multiple times x.x
Anyway, Amazing mod.
I want to share my personalized experience:
I play an extremely hardcore setup. Requiem with 30% dmg dealt. I always play with Campfire/Frostfall/Last Seed/Hunterborn. I play with experience mod where all xp is disabled except from killing enemies and 1xp for anything crafted or potion created (had to start off killing rabbits and turkeys, then foxes then wolves then deer/elk then bears). I have it so that generic quests give you 5xp and main quests give you 25xp, so you don't get much (It took me about 20 hours on the island to get to level 7, and I had to kill pretty much everything on the Island, collect every ingredient on the island, use all the pelts ingredients and ores to make stuff and gain xp). I use a degradation mod called "Service your Gear" which makes my gear degrade forcing me to make more gear (giving me more use for the pelts and ore on the island). With that I use a mod called "Don't roll in that" to reduce all dropped armor and weapons (except already dead bodies) by 90% so it was very satisfying to finally land a piece of Falmer gear. For my death alternative mod I use "Sacrifice or Sovengard" which allows me to become etherial on death and pay 10% of my gold as punishment unless you run out of gold, causing a perma death (made me run so many times away from enemies as the island doesn't have much gold so I could afford to die only so many times). I cannot save my game anywhere except at a bed. I also have fast travel, but it costs gold which I did not have. I could afford to travel once to transport all my gear from one home to another, and it cost me half my gold. I was so mad.
All in all, these mods absolutely made playing your mod such a good time. Every single decision I made was extremely important. I kid you not when I say that to take down a fox, I needed 15 arrows at lvl 1. So I started off hunting Turkeys and rabbits. Once I got to level 2 I started hunting foxes skinning their pelts and using their bones to craft arrows with Scrimshaw from hunterborn. Around lvl 3 I hunted lone wolves, as groups of 3 were extremely difficult till higher levels. At level 4-5 I hunted deer and elk and could finally start crafting semi good armor aka better than cloths lmao. After having hunted every species to extinction (except mammoths) I had to finally go into the ruins. I had to cheeze the first few falmer as they get stuck pretty easily. Killing a lvl 32 falmer with a lvl 6 character made for some hefty xp. Cheezing the falmer in the ancient ruins got me from lvl 6 to lvl 8. I was not about to change my difficulty settings x.x
I was limited on arrows, and had to use up every ingot I made to get through the ancient ruins.
This was the most fun I had in a game in a while, where you truly are surviving and thinking about every move. I won't be pointing out the minor issues I ran into, but I do want to mention one thing. I don't want to spoil anything to anyone reading, but the one enemy in the center of the ancient ruins was waaaaaaay too easy to cheeze, and he did absolutely nothing as I shot arrows at him from a distance. Im not sure if my other mods were getting in the way or what, but he never did any ranged attacks. Granted, it took about 200 arrows and 40 poisons to take him down, but he didn't put up much of a fight. If you ever do come back to working on this mod, would be nice to make him more challenging where he could attack from a distance. Still, I could not have taken him down without having done lots of crafting and alchemy, though he was standing still.
Thanks again for such a great mod.
Now I have to figure out how to get off this damn thing, as I'm running out of recourses. <3 -
What is the logic behind Pirate's Treasure's last riddle and location?
Edit: I can't believe how a wonderful mod like this turns around to suck hardcore right after the final pirate treasure riddle. The quest design becomes horrible and stupid. Journal tells player nothing useful, glitches begin to appear and the level design makes you cheese skyrim travel mechanics on purpose wtf? I was having hours of blast out of this mod until the final phase man wtf?
I'm so angry and sorry... endorsed anyway -
how do I progress the white wolf quest via console? I have some mod that changes my blue mountain flowers into something else and now can't finish the quest.
Does anyone know if this mod can be run in Skyrim VR?
Apparently USSEP has been adjusted for VR and Alternate Start has been adjusted to work on VR with a patch, could I download the ESP for alternate start and select The Island as my beginning? -
So, I crouched down and slowly sniped the mammoths to death. And then I found a thing. Oh. Well, that would have made it a lot easier. Oh, well. At least I got some levels in Archery and Stealth out of it.
Hello, I would like to more or less report a bug. At the end of the "shipwrecked" quest it says, that I need 3 venison chops. That doesn't exist in my game because of another mod, "complete alchemy and cooking overhaul". They are called venison steaks now. Sadly, the quest can't be finished, and I am now stuck on the island.