About this mod
This mod introduces new lore-friendly ways to get kidnapped by Astrid (allowing you to Destroy the Dark Brotherhood even after sparing Grelod) while also expanding the actual quest to destroy the DB with new dialogue, choices, more memorable fights and a more cohesive quest. Enjoy!
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This mod can be seen as a continuation of my "Innoncence Lost - Quest Expansion" mod. "DTDB QE" introduces new lore-friendly ways to get kidnapped by Astrid (allowing you to Destroy the Dark Brotherhood even after sparing Grelod) while also expanding the actual "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest with new dialogue, choices, a more memorable fight with each member and overall a more worthy experience.
New way to meet the Dark Brotherhood (and possibly destroy them) :
- Alternative way to get kidnapped without having to kill Grelod. Naturally, without removing the vanilla path, which is still available.
- Killing ANY of the vanilla DB contracts can trigger Astrid kidnapping you. As per vanilla, Grelod is not the only NPC someone has performed the Black Sacrament on. Killing any of the npcs that have kill contracts in vanilla will eventually lead to Astrid kidnapping you and asking you why you stole a kill from the DB. Unlike Grelod, some of these NPCs are hostile on sight, so technically you don't have to feel bad for killing some random enemy that wants you dead. This way, you will be put face to face with Astrid as part of your regular playthrough and (possibly) without putting your morals at risk.
- There are 13 targets in vanilla, and killing any of them will trigger the kidnapping. The Astrid's lines have been spliced appropiately to fit the new path, also letting you know who it was that triggered the kidnapping.
- Only if you spare Grelod: The new path for being kidnapped is ONLY active if you've put Grelod in jail (via Innocence Lost Quest Expansion), and then talked to Constance to finish the quest. Why? I want the Grelod quest to remain the major way to join the Dark Brotherhood, and the new path to be "plan B". This means that if you kill one of the other DB targets, but Grelod is still alive, you will not be kidnapped, unless Grelod is out of the picture.
More Epic Path To Destroy the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary:
- Fully voiced (Spliced + New VA)
- The vanilla "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest is very lack-luster. You immediately get the password and location of the sanctuary, you go in and you kill everybody. Boring! You will now have to discover the password on your own, meet a new character and track down a couple of assassins outside the sanctuary.
- Made with compatibility in mind: Minimal edits everywhere in the mod. Penitus Oculatus remains compatible without patches.
- More epic fight against each of the DB members (New combat mechanics for each + new combat lines)
- Expands on the lore while staying as respecful to the original material as possible. The "new" character introduced in the quest (Gaston Bellefort) appears in vanilla as the author of "The Night Mother's Truth", but in vanilla he's already dead. In this mod, you will get to meet him before his ultimate demise.
- Chance to see the Dark Brotherhood doing their work while you hunt them down. Sneaking around or disguising themselves among the common folk. It won't be as easy as killing them all in one place.
- If the bound prisoners in Astrid's shack are alive and freed by the end of the quest, they can be found randomly in the world with mini stories of their own. You can even recruit the mercenary for your travels, but he's a bit of a coward.
- Tons of easter eggs, as usual in my mods.
The mod is very minimalistic in what it touches (as usual with my mods). Only the quest DB02 ("With Friends Like These...") has been edited.
✅ USSEP - No conflicts.
✅ Innocence Lost - Quest Expansion - Compatible and strongly recommended as it unlocks more content in this mod.
✅ Penitus Oculatus - No conflicts.
✅ Realistic Dark Brotherhood Kidnapping - No conflicts.
❗ Unfaltered Virtue - Use the "Kidnapping Only" version of my mod if you want to use both mods together.
❌ Dark Brotherhood Rising Revengeance - The mods do the same thing, but in different ways, sadly incompatible.
- Big thanks to TheOscar0 for working hand-in-hand with me to make this mod come true. Oscar wouldn't shut up about making a better quest for Destroy The Dark Brotherhood and he literally forced me to work on this. Pls send help!
- A huge thank you to J-Boy for his performance as Gaston Bellefort. He did an incredible job with Gaston - even better than we could have hoped for. It's not always easy to portray an eccentric character like our dear Gaston, but he really succeeded in bringing life into the character. It was a real treat to work with him and if you're looking for a skilled, passionate and professional voice actor, you should consider reaching out to him.

〜AzX, Ares, BeatenPlastic, El, Eric, Fatsalaad, Fluffpants,
Jonathon, Macpherb, Maya, Nanoteh, Nightfallstorm,
Sir Trooper, Thomas, Sea Sparrow, Tzephira Ball〜
& everyone who is supporting me on Patreon or via other means
Thank you! Your support means a lot!

- ESL flagged? Safe to install mid-game?
- Can I install this with X similar mod?
- Who are the NPCs that can potentially trigger the kidnapping?
Helvard, Lurbuk, Hern, Deekus, Ma'randru-jo, Anoriath, Alain Dufont, Narfi, Agnis, Beitild and Safia. Technically also possible with: Ennodius, Maluril and Vittoria Vici.
- Why does killing the additional DB targets not trigger the kidnapping unless I spare Grelod?
- But... my immersion!
- Will the Dark Brotherhood still kidnap me if one of the targets dies, but I wasn't the one that killed them?
- Why is Vittoria Vici, Maluril and Ennodius Papius included in the list, even though you cannot kill them unless you're doing their dedicated quests?
- What happens to the three prisoners in the Abandoned Shack if I free them? What if I don't?
- Fultheim the Fearless will become recruitable, but he comes with a twist: He's a coward and will often run away from combat.
- Vasha will join a bandit gang, and he will remember you if you happen to meet him, but he'll attack you all the same.
- Alea will end up without her children, after she pays her no-good-husband a visit, which puts her in jail.
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