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TheOscar0 - JaySerpa

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  1. jayserpa
    • premium
    • 9,733 kudos
    Astrid after you accidentally kill Agnis, the maid in Fort Greymoor
  2. jayserpa
    • premium
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    Pssst, you, yes you. Can I tempt you into the dark side?

    Version 54 of Gate to Sovngarde has a changelog of 8 pages with a ton of things only available in GTS (at least for now). I've put a crazy amount of work into this. Highlights include... a religion roleplaying overhaul (on top of Pilgrim), new werewolf mechanics, new vampire tweaks, tons of bugfixes, custom Anniversary Edition integrations and more. Enjoy!
  3. duneddog
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Post Redacted.
    1. duneddog
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      Post Redacted.
  4. shaneskinner
    • member
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    I imprisoned Grelod, then killed another of the contracts, and was kidnapped as I was supposed to be. I killed Astrid and freed the hostages.

    However, After talking to the guy to start destroying the DB, we go through the conversation, but the next stage of the quest does not start, and the quest arrow remains on him.

    I dropped a save and tried console commanding to the next stage, but that sets me onto the vanilla path where I magically know the answer to the Door's riddle.

    Is there a way for me to continue this quest as it should be? Thanks!
    1. duneddog
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Post Redacted. 
  5. Velvet269
    • supporter
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    The dark brotherhood member that you have to kill in Markarth conflict with the mod SKY CITY - Markarth Rising, he is clipped inside a building, if anyone can do a patch, that would be great.
  6. Velvet269
    • supporter
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    can you make it so I can bring my followers into the dark brotherhood sanctuary? with difficulty mod it's kinda hard to beat them solo at lvl 10+.
  7. Bob0o0
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    What's the ID for Gabriella's Note it didn't spawn in
  8. locochoco
    • member
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    thankyou for this mod!

    also, i know this is meant only for the destroy path, but is there any chance for this mod to allow you to free the 2 remaining captives in the join path too, please? i hate that the other two captives just stay in the shack forever after you kill one :/
  9. TheBaddestWitch
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    I'd be nice if someone made a replacer for the new NPC, just feels out of place in my CoTR replaced Skyrim yk?
    1. jayserpa
      • premium
      • 9,733 kudos
      You meet him for 5 minutes and never see him again... Is it really needed that he looks like a Ken...
    2. TheBaddestWitch
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      A ken? I only mod NPCs to look like actually rough and rugged Nordic people. Making them all like supermodels is just, ew.
  10. Goldbartender
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Which targets will attack you first?
  11. RollandM
    • member
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    Killing the targets gets me wanted in the holds. Is this a bug?
    1. jayserpa
      • premium
      • 9,733 kudos
      Untouched by this mod
    2. skyrimlover1212
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      What? Murder makes you a wanted criminal? Shock and surprise.
  12. FirstNameBeans
    • supporter
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    Is this mod compatible with Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Enhanced? I would like to utilize elements of both (using this and killing Alain Dufain to start the Destroy quest, using the other to get all the unique quest items).
    1. skyrimlover1212
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I doubt it is, but I agree that it would be nice if this mod also added a way to get the unique DB questline items. It's sad that we have to choose bewteen an interesting questline and Loot....Well, I guess we can use a mod like Simple Mod Item Spawner -Alternative To AddItemMenu to get the items and just pretend to find them on their corpses or in the Sanctuary?