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  1. SirArindel
    • premium
    • 581 kudos
    Known issues:

    - Customizable Camera doesn't appear in MCM:
    It might take a bit longer, but you can try console command: setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1

    - FOV slider doesn't work:
    I'm not sure of the cause of this yet, could be a mod conflict such as SkyrimSouls which changes TweenMenu's behaviour, at least this is what I suspect. Normally, the FOV is supposed to change when you open TweenMenu (TAB button).
  2. OmegaFye
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    fantastic mod i always use, any idea why smoothcam doesn"t work with this on though?
    1. cubbyman1
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      it could be the version of the game you are using, and this is why i'm here, because i didn't want to backport to 1.5.97 and this mod doesn't seem to have that requirement in order to work, as much as i like smoothcam, all i want is a customizable camera.
  3. HuggyBizzle
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    • 1 kudos
    I'm assuming that Improved Camera SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community and this mod aren't compatible together? I was hoping to get first person animations working with Immersive Interactions and for that I need Improved Camera, but I don't know if they are incompatible.
  4. alonsotherion
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A very odd thing is happening... everytime I load a game (even through  dying), the camera speed and increments settings stop working, so I have to open MCM and tweak the slider a bit to fix it, but it happens everytime I load.
    I discovered the issue... the AIM FIX  mod was doing it... just uninstalled
  5. CallofOniiChan
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    How do I adjust it for first person ?
    1. bladestuckin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      1st person camera height is driven by the skeleton. I used Nifscope to change mine. No mod needed.
  6. cool108205
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      ~  너무 감사드립니다 .... ^^
     카메라 시점이 이렇게 중요하다니 ... 정말 감사드립니다 .... !
  7. flama1987
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I may be too late to the party, but I want to sincerely thank you for this mod. I've been trying for weeks to find a fitting customization for my "isometric" modlist and your mod did wonders! I will share a video as soon as I can, thanks a lot!
  8. AndreaBallo
    • member
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    correct me if im wrong but this mod doesnt let you customize the first person camera height? i used the command "setscale" to increase my height but the first person camera is still at default height, i cant use showracemenu because im a vampire and it could break the save and its surprising there isnt a single working mod for this
  9. OniBank
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    you are a saint for this mod. FInally I can see over my amazon character's shoulders!
  10. Mohammad15252
    • supporter
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    Hello, im just wondering if this mod will conflict with True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community ? I dont know if that mod tweaks ini files or not bcs i have no clue since im just noob. Or with SmoothCam?
    1. SirArindel
      • premium
      • 581 kudos
      Works fine with TDM. Not with SmoothCam since it does same thing as my mod, but in a different way.
    2. Mohammad15252
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Oh thats realy sad... because i needed this view mode and fly cam in your mod.
    3. SirArindel
      • premium
      • 581 kudos
      SmoothCam has a similar feature to view mode I believe. As for fly cam, you can still use my mod and SmoothCam together, fly cam will still work I think, but the rest of my mod will not work unless you toggle off SmoothCam through MCM in-game. Alternatively, you can try Photo Mode for fly cam if it's for screenshot purposes.
    4. Mohammad15252
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thanks, bro it seems i did not have smoothcam installed, i just had it on my downloads, so im now using your mod and it works great. thanks
  11. rainxliane
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    oof... this mod... when you use view mode and then you sprint you jitter for 1 frame meaning that the sprint transition looks messed up
    1. jaydos6927
      • member
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      yeah this has recently been happening to me. I have installed a bunch of mods and now its only present on new character that I make. Not sure what the culprit is. potentially better third person selection? Have to do some investigating will let you know. But yes it annoys the hell out of me too.
    2. jaydos6927
      • member
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      seems to only be an issue when I load a profile. don't know if that helps for you

      Update: Seems to be the Improved Controls toggle in the Features section. Turned it off and it does not happen, still zooms out on sprint but doesn't bug out
    3. rainxliane
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks mister! i really love this mod's FOV locking