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  1. Decaroidea
    • premium
    • 104 kudos
    Don't be deceived, maids 2 is actually pretty good quest mod. and it even has a new island!

    As always, feedback and suggestions to improve the tweaks or to implement are always welcomed!
  2. SindSieEcht
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
  3. rakigako
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Not sure if this could be fixed but the Sky's Divide island is missing most of the LODs (mountain & the big tower in the middle) after generating LODs with dyndolod.
    Update: Found out the issue was using "Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds" with Dyndolod 3.
  4. Kuster47
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Could you make a path with Nyhus?Game will crash with both mods installed.
  5. yumeshir0
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Wow, these are all fantastic! Thanks so much for spending your time and effort in working on these. I was already looking forward to a new playthrough of Maids 2, but these really have me excited to play.
    1. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you i'm glad you liked them :)
  6. lucascas000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love that you're working with the cc with Maids cause I love this mod too, im alos going to try depression and peace day along with it and am about to download this but I have a question. Have you considered making a patch for cc goblins or does 1 exist? My game has the goblin lair behind the warehouse entrance.
    1. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      I'm planning to create a patch to either move Euphoria Palace's Warehouse or Gromm's Pass to a slightly different location to fix this incompatibility 
      once i have some free time again :)
    2. lucascas000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yay :)
  7. AlanBlackSnow
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    It's need a patch if you use the Anniversary Edition (all cc mods).
    If I remember correctly it's the goblin creation that's incompatible.
    1. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      a patch is planned :)
  8. Redkins
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nothing can save that mod man :(
    1. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      I'm not sure man. once you get pass the initial presentation and horniness of the mod, you are left with an incredibly well built mod with tons of branching and interesting dialogue, intense plot and unique dungeons and puzzles
    2. bigdaddy55
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      A rewrite can save it if someone can do it with the author's permission. I would have liked to see more control over the fates of the npcs and a way to keep playing after the main quest.
    3. Frazzlesnap
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      I agree 100% with Decaroidea. I wasn't too wild about the start, but it really grew on me. I also like how little it conflicts with other mods. I've got 2233 mods, and Maids 2 doesn't cause problems with any of them, a rarity for something so large and in-depth.
      I really appreciate the patches! The more love this mod gets, the better.
    4. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      It is honestly quite impressive. The amount of scripted scenes and almost zero issues
    5. Sentosa2
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      this mod was insanely good, storywise. played it as a teenager. never finished but for some reason the memory sticks. It really is always part of each playthrough. the underlying story is epic for some reason, somehow its like top 3 of my skyrim quest mods, and I mod alot of skyrim, so thats saying something.

      Could you also change the armor sets that those "champion" guys use? it shows as ebony but abit weird.
    6. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      The heros of nirn? Yes. I was planning on replacing them with Ebony Plate from the Creation club, but if you have a better armor suggestion, go ahead!
    7. Sentosa2
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks thats great! Good choice, but I use AE, someone says it conflicts (?) hope not. thanks for the great mod
  9. sattyre
    • premium
    • 255 kudos
    Nice.  I think all the armors from Maids 2 are still available in LE.  At least they were a year or two ago.  That may or may not help with the sirens dropping armor bits.
    I've read a lot of complaints from people about maids.  It gets a lot of flack, but I personally think it is one of the most well made quest mods out there.  It runs like a dream and doesn't conflict with much.  I've run it on top of 500+ mods and had no or very little trouble,  I'm alway happy to see people make stuff for it.  I have some patches and tweaks of my own for it on my patch page.  You are welcome to use, tweak or rehost them as you like.
    1. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      Thanks. Maids 2 actually had the reverse effect on me. I didn't like how it started but it quickly grow on me the more and more the plot moved forward.

      As for the armor. Most of the original armor is available on LE as you said but the permission for the vanguard armor (seratic armor originally called) are Very ambiguous and I don't want to risk it...

      Also you are very kind for your offer! Thank you <3
    2. sattyre
      • premium
      • 255 kudos
      yup a lot of the old mods had pretty ambiguous perms.  Perms just weren't such an issue in those days.  I actually just published a ported mod with ambiguous perms.  I simply made it very clear it was still the original owners mod and it would be taken down on request.  I also gave the original author page perms, so they could pull it themselves if they want.  I did reach out to them over several years though and never got a response.

      Frankly, I doubt the original authors give a crap anymore if they haven't been around, and if they do find their work republished in a respectful way giving them full credit and authority, I doubt most of them would make anything of it even if they make you take it down.  It is a toss of the dice though.  Some people are way over possessive.

      Yeah it started a little weak, but it really took off after a bit.  What I found impressive was how well it was implemented mechanically.  For such a large sprawling mod, it has very few conflicts, and for all it's scripts, they seemed to fire and perform pretty flawlessly.  I also enjoy a mod with a good storyline.  If you liked Maids, you'd probably like the Rigmor saga.  It's also a storyline mod, though with that one you have to check with Rigmor a lot to make sure you don't miss dialogue.  If you have an issue with it, it's probably because you missed a dialogue que and it can't advance the quest.
    3. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      oh i tried rigmor and finished it... but in the end sadly i didn't like it
  10. tl01016
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    would you consider implementing a post-ending follower option (ie resurrection)?
    1. bigdaddy55
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'll second that motion.
    2. Decaroidea
      • premium
      • 104 kudos
      Isn't that covered already by the post mortem addon?
  11. lameche
    • member
    • 0 kudos