LockedStickyDon't be deceived, maids 2 is actually pretty good quest mod. and it even has a new island!
As always, feedback and suggestions to improve the tweaks or to implement are always welcomed! -
Not sure if this could be fixed but the Sky's Divide island is missing most of the LODs (mountain & the big tower in the middle) after generating LODs with dyndolod.
Update: Found out the issue was using "Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds" with Dyndolod 3. -
Could you make a path with Nyhus?Game will crash with both mods installed.
Wow, these are all fantastic! Thanks so much for spending your time and effort in working on these. I was already looking forward to a new playthrough of Maids 2, but these really have me excited to play.
Love that you're working with the cc with Maids cause I love this mod too, im alos going to try depression and peace day along with it and am about to download this but I have a question. Have you considered making a patch for cc goblins or does 1 exist? My game has the goblin lair behind the warehouse entrance.
It's need a patch if you use the Anniversary Edition (all cc mods).
If I remember correctly it's the goblin creation that's incompatible. -
nothing can save that mod man :(
A rewrite can save it if someone can do it with the author's permission. I would have liked to see more control over the fates of the npcs and a way to keep playing after the main quest.
I agree 100% with Decaroidea. I wasn't too wild about the start, but it really grew on me. I also like how little it conflicts with other mods. I've got 2233 mods, and Maids 2 doesn't cause problems with any of them, a rarity for something so large and in-depth.
I really appreciate the patches! The more love this mod gets, the better. -
this mod was insanely good, storywise. played it as a teenager. never finished but for some reason the memory sticks. It really is always part of each playthrough. the underlying story is epic for some reason, somehow its like top 3 of my skyrim quest mods, and I mod alot of skyrim, so thats saying something.
Could you also change the armor sets that those "champion" guys use? it shows as ebony but abit weird. -
Thanks thats great! Good choice, but I use AE, someone says it conflicts (?) hope not. thanks for the great mod
Nice. I think all the armors from Maids 2 are still available in LE. At least they were a year or two ago. That may or may not help with the sirens dropping armor bits.
I've read a lot of complaints from people about maids. It gets a lot of flack, but I personally think it is one of the most well made quest mods out there. It runs like a dream and doesn't conflict with much. I've run it on top of 500+ mods and had no or very little trouble, I'm alway happy to see people make stuff for it. I have some patches and tweaks of my own for it on my patch page. You are welcome to use, tweak or rehost them as you like.-
yup a lot of the old mods had pretty ambiguous perms. Perms just weren't such an issue in those days. I actually just published a ported mod with ambiguous perms. I simply made it very clear it was still the original owners mod and it would be taken down on request. I also gave the original author page perms, so they could pull it themselves if they want. I did reach out to them over several years though and never got a response.
Frankly, I doubt the original authors give a crap anymore if they haven't been around, and if they do find their work republished in a respectful way giving them full credit and authority, I doubt most of them would make anything of it even if they make you take it down. It is a toss of the dice though. Some people are way over possessive.
Yeah it started a little weak, but it really took off after a bit. What I found impressive was how well it was implemented mechanically. For such a large sprawling mod, it has very few conflicts, and for all it's scripts, they seemed to fire and perform pretty flawlessly. I also enjoy a mod with a good storyline. If you liked Maids, you'd probably like the Rigmor saga. It's also a storyline mod, though with that one you have to check with Rigmor a lot to make sure you don't miss dialogue. If you have an issue with it, it's probably because you missed a dialogue que and it can't advance the quest.
would you consider implementing a post-ending follower option (ie resurrection)?