Adds a bit of interactivity to the "help" console command. After using it, you can click on the displayed records to quickly insert a relevant console command.
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Version 1.0.8
Generated commands are always prefixed with "player.", less annoying this way.
Changed the order of two custom commands for shouts.
Version 1.0.7
Added support for WRLD records (cow command)
Added support for Exterior Cell output (generates coc)
Version 1.0.6
Bugfix: click on records not working after loading a saved game
Removed unused dependency
Version 1.0.5
Added support for SoulGem records.
Version 1.0.4
Fixed a bug where without More Informative Console the mod would not work.
Clicking the same line will generate alternative commands.
Added support for more records: adding AMMO, Faction, Quest, and Location. Also added support for the result of "sqs" (Show Quest Stages) command: click and it will generate the needed command to advance that quest.
Added two new console commands, to "unlockshout" and "learnshout", as doing this via vanilla console commands was a major pain. Now you can click on a SHOUT record in console to generate the commands to instantly learn (just adds the words of power to you) or unlock the shout (no need to spend dragon souls).
There's an API for third parties to register console commands as well.
Version 1.0.3
Fixed letter casing.
Version 1.0.2
Added support for Skyrim Search SE, you can click on the search results from "ss" command to generate a prompt.
Version 1.0.1
Added highlights, when you hover over a record that can be clicked, it changes color.
Move the caret (typing indicator) to the end, makes it easier to modify the command.
Do you use the "help" command a lot? You have to squint to find the form ID and then type it in. This little mod makes it possible to click on the result and automatically inserts a revelant console command into the prompt. If you click on a WEAPON record for example, it adds "player.additem <that weapon> 1" or if you click on a CELL record it adds the "coc" command. If you click on the same line again, it will generate a different console command for that record, for example clicking continuously on a PERK record will generate "addperk", "removeperk" and "hasperk" commands. Now the mod also support "sqs" (Show Quest Stages) command, so you can advance quests easily.
Small notes, please read. This mod uses Papyrus so it does not work before you load a game. After you go into the game, it should work.
Compatibility This mod does not touch the Console menu directly, so it should be compatible with everything, that includes mods that do modify the Console menu like More Informative Console. Also it integrates with Skyrim Search so you can teleport NPCs to yourself, advance quests or complete them using console commands.