Head back to the Harthstone Isles to help the East Empire Company again. A total of 6 quests where you will learn how to communicate with harpies and centaurs, or defeat them before they are able to strike, help a Warden and face the Winterborn Spriggans!
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Author notes
The assets used belong to their own creators. Credit them if you use their assets, not me.
The voice actors of this mod do not allow reproduction of their voices through AI generation. If you wish to expand on their characters and add new lines, please get in direct contact with them.
The voice actors of this mod do not allow reproduction of their voices through AI generation. If you wish to expand on their characters and add new lines, please get in direct contact with them.
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More to do in the Harthstone Isles Russian translation
Version 1.0.1a
Removed unused files from the BSA archives
Version 1.0.1
Removed harpies' Wind Spells to stop conflicts with other mods using Wind Spells
Fixed the texture for clay
Added Mihail's scripts to fix the missing harpies wings
Version 1.0.0
First release
"Zenithar says: Work hard, and you will be rewarded. Spend wisely, and you will be comfortable. Never steal, or you will be punished." - The Ten Commands of the Nine Divines (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Help the workers of the East Empire Company Estate in the Harthstone Isles. They are struggling with harpies, centaurs, spriggans, wardens and mental health, but you can help them deal with all of them at once! This mod adds a total of 6 quests in the Harthstone Isles from the mod Harthstone Isles by the Arcane University students.
Where can I find the quests?
Head to the East Empire Estate close to Coecillia's Cottage and talk to Trano, he will launch the two first quests. When you are done with both, talk to Trano again. The priest of Zenithar also gives one, if you decide to recruit him. Fendingclaw, the harpy matriarch also gives one, if you haven't killed her. Finally, you can find a lost Warden on the coast of Faadgolt, he gives the last one, but you need to have started Trano's first quest for him to spawn.
Where is the priest of Zenithar that I need to recruit?
In Windhelm or near Windhelm, he's going to the inn.
What can I offer to the Centaurs?
Raw beef, raw goat meat, raw mammoth meat or raw horker meat.
How much time do I need to wait for the Harpies to have built a nest?
Around 2 real-time minutes, every time the quest asks you to wait.
Is this mod voiced?
All characters were voiced by real voice actors! Thanks to them for making this mod a unique experience with their talented voice acting!