So, i'm having a REALLY annoying problem with some of the dodge animations, for example, all of the Rogue-Assassin Type Class dodges are borked, the NPCs that use them just dodge in place, it's like their animmotion data aren't working for some obscure reason. I have a custom NPC that uses dodge animations from nioh2 and they will move correctly when dodging, and i have checked the annotations from them, and i see no reason as to why the Rogue-Assassin's ones wouldn't work. I haven't seen anyone anywhere having this problem, which is really weird, and i can't find any hint anywhere as to why this would be happening. Maybe it's a problem with Pandora? But even if it is, it's weird why just some animations are affected. I also have this problem with some special stagger animations from elden rim , the enemies are supposed to fly back when hit by some attacks, but they just play the falling animation in place, and this is so jarring. Has ANYONE encountered this bug?? If i fix it, i'll be able to fix the elden rim's bug too.
EDIT: I SOLVED the damn problem. It was Pandora indeed messing up something. I tried with Nemesis, and EVERYTHING worked flawlessly, even the Elden Rim special staggers, so the solution is to not use Pandora until it is properly released.
Very cool. Do you happen to know if the dodge animations come with stamina costs built in, or should we keep bStaminaCost_enable set to True in the UND ini?
Sounds cool but how do you install it? Im using pandora does it still work? Needs any order or the requirements Do you have to activate TK Dodge on pandora/Nemesis?
"recursive_directory_iterator::operator++: The system cannot find the path specified."
Not sure what's going
EDIT: I SOLVED the damn problem. It was Pandora indeed messing up something. I tried with Nemesis, and EVERYTHING worked flawlessly, even the Elden Rim special staggers, so the solution is to not use Pandora until it is properly released.
But you can always test your self by disabling UND's stamina cost option.