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Kenny Leone

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  1. deleted241587251
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    I've been wanting this mod for 14 years, now that I look at it it's over-op, there's no need for the dragonborn to defeat Alduin, just send Serana to take care of it :D
  2. deleted240877481
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Hello Lenoe why Sacrilege instead of Sacrosanct?
    1. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Sacrosanct is great but OP
  3. huangx001033
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, can this MOD allow other NPCs to replicate combat AI? 
  4. quietlychamil
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Has anyone else tried this in VR?  The dll loads fine but whenever she tries to transform I get an instant CTD.
    1. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      If you pass me a pdb crash log, I could figure out what functions VR doesn't like. If it's possible to change them, then maybe I'll consider it. No promises tho.
    2. quietlychamil
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Hiya, thank you for the response but I wasn't far into the game and ended up scraping my save files and clearing out my logs.  Now that we have the NPCSpellVariance mod, I ended up going a different path and removing this mod in favor of trying out the various new spell mods on Serana but they're added through SPID and I think that conflicts with her VL form and spells.  Somethings just don't work in VR too, if this was actually a VR problem and not a mod conflict on my end. =(.
  5. ronaldsmcnuggets
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Then, check that intolerant people aren't part of her combat team (e.g., guards, dawnguard).

    Does this include the Companions? The members of the Circle are all in the guard faction.
  6. Dmigra
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    After a bit of playtesting, I'm sorry to say this does not work properly for me. I use Serana Dialogue addon and TrueBlood Serana which are the only mods affecting Serana. I resolved Conflicts, forwarded the spells from this mod and removed default spells, actor scripts, combat style, & class from Serana and Valerica's npc records just like this mod does. 

    I used more informative Console to check whether she got the spells and effects from this mod, and she does.

    • She uses a drain spell. but I couldn't figure out if it was from this or the vanilla one. I guess from this because I removed the spells that this mod removes.
    • She successfully transforms into vampire lady form.
    • She does not cast any spells vampire lady form. She just walks backwards and uses the bat form to dodge. However a blue circle explosion happens.

    I checked for any new spells are being added. So far could not find anything.

    I am forced to conclude that this mod has some kind of incompatibility with Serana Dialogue Addon  since that mod adds some combat related stuff, but I did not use any dialogues that initiate any changes. I even tested with a new save which I did not ask Serana to modify her combat behaviors or add or remove spells. Still she just walks backwards.

    So If you are using SDA, this may have incompatibilities
    1. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Something is probably messing with her vampire quest. The one that gives her abilities, or it needed to be restarted (stopquest "EDID", then startquest "EDID"). A new game helps with this since quests only give out their abilities once.

      When you say you started a new save, did you coc into Riverwood and call Serana? If so, was she following you and fighting like a normal follower? Or did she ignore combat? How did you call her? With a summoning spell or did you use "setstage"?

      It would be great to see screenshots of what your SSEdit looks like for the Actor records, and the vampire quest.
    2. Dmigra
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      It was a complete new save. I went through Helgen, saved Serana from Dimhollow, sided with Dawnguard and she is following me. In daytime, she uses a drain spell (I'm sure the spell is from this mod, it had an id starting vls) ,an ice spike spell (which I don't think from this mod so it must be SDA) as spells. when she runs out of magicka, she uses her dagger. She uses your UND to evade attacks. She also casts a spell that highlights enemies in blue.

      At night, in battle, if the threat rate is enough, she transforms to a vampire lady. but she just walks backward with some spells equipped( I remember she summoned a gargoyle. But just that once). Her magicka and stamina are full when she transforms, then they drain. She uses bat form to evade when attacked, but she doesn't attack. Just walks backward. The log shows "Vampire lord form successful".

      Unfortunately I removed this mod because it was not working as expected for me. Also I deleted my self made patch. But if you are willing, I can make another patch and send you the link (Screenshots will not show the whole I'm not sure that screenshots will help you properly since you cannot interact with the patch). I assume you do not use SDA or Trueblood Serana. So I can include the mod ESP files with my patch if you want.

      I am pretty sure this is not a problem with your mod. SDA makes changes to a quest with the name mentalmodel( or something like that) So I forwarded SDA changes with yours. So it must be an incompatibility which just using SSEEdit cannot fix.

      If it helps, SDA makes changes to a script called DLC1SeranaLevelingScript.pex. SDA uses it to add a spell toggle feature which allows the player to toggle her spells( turn off reanimate spells etc.). Maybe your edits to that script and SDA's version of the script has separate changes that messes up her "Brain".

      I really wanted to use this mod. But scripts are beyond me...So I had to settle for the next best thing(SDA combat changes). But I will help in any way I can.
    3. LadyAlekto
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      Found similar things trying to make these two work together

      Just came and wanted to ask if it would be too much to ask to make it compatible with SDA

    4. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      I suspect it's the combat styles in her packages that might be interfering.

      When I have time, I'll download the SDA mod, put it in my load order, and see what's going on. No promises tho
    5. Dmigra
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Take your time man. SDA is an awesome mod which adds many features to Serana. If you download it, I'm sure you're going to like it!
    6. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Unlikely but thanks. From it's marketing, it looks like it's trying to make her romance-able, and i personally don't really like waifu mods lol.

      My original impression of Serana, from her occasional brief responses, and biting wit, I'd compare her to Yennefer from the witcher. She is old like Yen (they age very slowly in body ofc), and seem quite "mature".

      And if they try to turn her into " a cute girl", it won't meld well with me lol.

      But I can see why people like it. The voice actor did a great job mimicking the tonal inflections in the original Serana's voice actor.
    7. LadyAlekto
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      It's actually not the typical waifu situation

      She's not turned into some meek persona but quite her own person

      Usually all those mods make the follower just a cheerleader while SDA keeps Serana as an equal that just enjoys the adventuring having some comment and quite some snark to nearly everything you can do
    8. Dmigra
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      I see your point, man. She does behave like a "cute girl" with SDA (but that is just for the first few Dawnguard quests), while the vanilla version was more "serious," though I felt she was lifeless. I downloaded SDA for NPC interaction and quest commentary because I wanted a follower who actively interacts with the environment and NPCs. I didn’t know what "waifu" meant, by the way—I had to Google it XD. I want to make my game feel more alive, so I downloaded many AI mods (AI Overhaul, The Coachmen, etc.), including yours. But everyone has their preferences. The world does not revolve around me or any other person. You do you, friend.

      @LadyAlekto Yes I too agree with you.
    9. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Don't get me wrong, I love the cute girl persona, just as much as the next guy, but as you see with my mods, character and lore consistency takes precedence for my immersion. That is, don't turn Triss (from the witcher) into Yen, and vice versa. Or Uthgerd into Ysolda from Whiterun, etc.

      @LadyAlekto's comments is actually re-assuring, so perhaps It might interest me.
    10. Dmigra
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Totally understandable. I don't want to sound like I'm insisting you to try out some mods just so I can have a patch for this mod.

      By the way, this is a totally unrelated question and not a request. Is Unarmed NPC blocking a thing? Can it  be done via SKSE plugins? I feel like when using mods like BFCO or MCO, player has an advantage because of unarmed blocking.

      (I've been trying to learn SKSE modding for a while using guides and chatgpt for feature suggestions. I have some C++ knowledge, but I still need to learn about how to properly create working SKSE plugins with actual game modifications btw.)
    11. LeoneKingzz
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Probably, we just need to understand causes NPCs to block in the first place.

      Since they only do it with weapons, they might be something that checks they have a weapon, before the block behaviour is activated.
    12. Dmigra
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Well it is going to be harder than I thought. No matter. I will just keep trying
    13. dudeguy119
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Both mods overwrite the leveling script for Serana, but that shouldn't be a problem if SDA's bsa is still packed and this one remains unpacked (so it overwrites). I asked the SDA mod author about it concerning the other VL Serana and Valerica mod.
  7. armygeneral
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If Serana cures the Vampirism, won't she transform?
  8. bluebomb956
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How can i remove o disable  the tranform vampire lord serana?, I want to edit, I like the spells,  but I want to disable the transformation.
  9. l1098291866
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with Daughter of Coldharbour - Reimplemented?
    1. WalkerSorin
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Well i haven't opened the two mods together in game but opening ssedit i can see opening this mod under the combat style file header that daughter of coldharbor changes several attack values which this mod later changes as well. It shows up as a conflict but idk how much it will conflict. Solution? Just change the values to your prefered state. DoC.esp makes her values a little too op if you ask me, Example: 
      DoC changes 3 different stagger multiplies on her from 1.000 to 10.000 which is pretty insane while this mod changes it back to 1.000 again. In short, if you downloaded DoC to make serana op then keep those changes on this mod esp, if not then change DoC values to reflect the values from this esp instead. Thou honestly those changes aren't that big, id honestly tone them down to how this mod has them for a more vanilla experience. Cheers!
    2. DilatoryGrayson
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      May I ask if you are still using them simultaneously? What is the current situation
  10. DilatoryGrayson
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