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Created by

Nathanael aka valcaira

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  1. Khito07
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Is the other patches for the Reputation mod required for this? I'm having an issue with one of its patches
    1. valcaira
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      The only hard requirement is the Reputation mod itself, however the Improved and Fixed and Patched patches should be installed alongside it, given the issues both resolve. Other than that using the Better Vampires patch located in the Fixed and Patched mod page is a "soft" requirement if using my Better Vampire Lords patch, since BV and BVL are both meant to be used together.

      Do you have an issue with one of my patches?
    2. Khito07
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      oh no not your patches but one of the patches of Skyrim reputation that's why im asking if the other fixed and patches is required 
    3. valcaira
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      No other patches are required. Only the core Reputation mod.
    4. Khito07
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you
  2. Jayombie
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    I use the Reputation mod so any one taking up the cause to provide further compatibility to other mods is a saint !

  3. keypuncher
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    You made patches here for several interesting mods I was previously unaware of.  Thank you.