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About this mod

Now your followers can accompany you on adventures throughout Skyrim, riding horses on their own.

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Followers Ride Horses

This mod implements a system that allows you to assign any horse you own to your followers, so they can use horses when you do. You can use up to 10 slots for followers and horses. Only horses recognized by the game as the last ridden mount are considered.

With the MCM menu, you can view and manage active slots and adjust various settings.

There are three ways to assign horses:
  • Through a new dialogue, where you can assign or remove horses from followers using an interactive list.
  • With a new spell, allowing you to point to any follower you wish to manage horses for.
  • Using the MCM menu, where you can view a list of followers to assign horses and clean slots.
Horses assigned to any slot will receive a new spell that adjusts their confidence to the value specified in the MCM menu.

An optional file is included, which uses SkyPatcher to rename vanilla horses, allowing you to differentiate each horse through the list shown by this mod.

  • The mod will only display horses that the game recognized as the last ridden mount at the moment of dismounting.
  • Horses assigned to a slot will no longer return to their stables and will remain protected as long as they stay assigned.
  • The mod will periodically clear the slots and list of owned horses, removing invalid horses and followers. So if a horse you used before stops appearing in the menus, it could mean it is dead.

  • If you have more than one follower, it may happen that they do not use their assigned horses and instead use another follower's horse. You can reduce the summoning distance to mitigate this, but I don’t consider it a significant issue.

  • It could cause conflicts with mods that also changes the confidence of horses using spell. In such cases, you will need to disable this feature in one of the mods.
  • Followers who do not use the vanilla follower system may not be detected. However, I’ve included a SPID configuration where you can assign a new keyword to those followers, allowing them to be recognized by this mod.

SkyUILib Team for SkyUILib, from where I used the list widget.