About this mod
Make your adventure to Skyrim dungeons more spicy! This mod adds a chance to one of non boss chest to be Mimic chest for more immersion.
- Requirements
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1. Install Traps NTR mod and all of its requirement then choose new traps in the fomod
2. Install this mod
That's it!
All mimic chest position is randomized every new gameplay using the power of base object swapper. So you may not find the same mimic in the same dungeon when starting a new playthrough.
A: Yes
Q: Is it compatible with your other mod O.S.H.I.T?
A: Yes, that mod adds mimic chest mostly outside of dungeon, while this mod replaces vanilla chest using BOS
Bakafactory for Traps NTR
Powerofthree for base object swapper
Ingredients Have Description
Food and Drink Have Description
Scrolls Have Description
Armors Have Description
Soul Gems Have Description
Read The Dragon Shout
Weapon Have Description
Read The Spell Incantation
Other mods:
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