LockedStickyFor interiors, I use ELFX followed by RLOdungeons.esp.
LockedStickyPlease let me know if interiors are too bright and nights too dark.
LockedStickyUpdated on 02/01/2018.
Hey, which fversion is best for Mythical Ages? I don't really know what to use because the versions you got are weather mod specific :/.
Hi everyone im having abit of trouble with Magic bloom fx its saying the value needs to be a literal expression im wayyy out of my depth in this coding stuff any help would be appreciated. :D
Has this been updated yet?. I know EVOK was wonderful for SSS. I'd like to take a crack at it again. But I'm not going to do it until it's been updated for SSS.
This is the most underrated ENB for SSE, really good work
I'm getting a bug where the horizon at night time is very bright. It's like the sun has just set, but it's at all hours of the night, and it's across the entire 360 degree horizon. It persists even after uninstalling the ENB, meaning it corrupts the horizon for the save file. Anyone have any idea how to fix? I'm using Obsidian.
A beautiful view with excellent balance.
Thank you, it became my favorite. -
there seems to be this purple haze across my view (not a lot of exp with enbs or reshaders)
An suggested tweaks for khajiit nightvision? I find applying this power doesn't make any adjustment to the screen at all unless I check off under effects UseOriginalPostProcessing. This makes the whole screen slightly lighter or more washed out I think but allows nightvision to work. I thought it might be disabling ENB by checking it but it still seems to be applying everything else (as I can still toggle ENB on and off with Shift/F12) just not be using the ENB postprocessor (whatever that is).
try to delete enbdev 0.325 !
reshade works without it, and then nightvision should also work.
g.s. -
Individually, ENB breaks Night Eye and Reshade causes the world map to be eye-destroyingly bright if using the likes of PaperWorldMap. Tested and confirmed on around 10 different Reshades. So it's swings and roundabouts. Not tested with ENB and Reshade together though.
when installing reshade, do we select the sse .exe or the skse64 one?
Awesome work buddy, but is it just me or are the nights very blue...?