None of the activators show up for me at all?
It doesn't change anything? -
I uninstalled this.. The pantry and cooked foods are linked together, and there is no storage for mead or wine, its just a general food storage.. There is nothing different about this, there is the same issues as I have with Elysium storage containers, or lack there of, as is the case with almost all of the house mods in the game.
Does this autoload crafting materials unto the pc at crafting stations?
Thank you. -
I need help with mod organizer 2. With Vortex it worked as intended, as I just activated this plug-in once I got the key from the ghost.
With Mod Org 2, it does not activate as it is the same/redundant, so it never loads the plug-in. IF I only select this mod, then I am missing meshes, specifically the banner at the roadside.
How do I get Mod Organizer to overwrite the original mod with this one?
Does this work with Skyrim LE as well? the reason I ask the only ones I found are for version 4.x of Elysium Estate.
For some reasons, when language is filtered to show only English, this mod is invisible. So anyone that filtered for only English mods will not be able to see this mod. By the way, can you release a general stores mod for Eli's Breezehome and other popular player's homes? Thanks.