About this mod
This is just a few additional options for SRW0's Voltage mod. Since they only covered basic blue, and I saw a few requests in the posts - I went ahead and made 6 new colour sets.
Deep Blue, Gold, Green, Red, Pink and Violet.
- Permissions and credits
As per SRW0's original post:
Intended to be used with unmodified Skyrim meshes and textures. Incompatible with Electrify by Ramccoid.
Recommended with No Edge Glow.
NOTE: Pay no attention to my FPS in the screenshots, it is not the mod causing that fluctation, but my ReShade
NOTE 2: My first 6 screenshots do NOT use No Edge Glow so colours may become more noticeable WITH it installed.
*All credit really goes to SRW0 who created the original mod.*
Confirmed Compatible
-Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Potential Compatability Issues
-Visually Animated Enchants (allow this mod to overwrite VAE files)