This page was last updated on 29 December 2019, 4:47PM
Version 1.7
* Added a new widget
* Fixed a bug where drinking from water sources doesn't immediately update the widget
* Added drinking and container fill sounds
* Added an option to fill either one container at a time, or all empty containers at once
* Packaged the mod into a unified FOMOD installer
Version 1.6
* Fixed a bug with the widget not properly hiding after reducing needs.
* Fixed a bug with vampire and werewolf automation.
* Updated settings so the icon widget is the default option.
* Added a time-based growth method. The location-based method is still available and the default. The method can be picked in the MCM.
Version 1.3
* Added water collection into buckets, jugs, and empty bottles from standing water and waterfalls.
* Collected water has reduced thirst quenching (equivalent to alcohol) until treated at a cookpot.
* Added apple, carrot, and tomato juice recipes.
* Added a toggle in the MCM for widget visibility.
* Added a BSA version.
Version 1.2
* Changed werewolf fatigue growth from 0 to half the normal rate.
* Changed meter colors from red/blue/white to orange/cyan/white.
* Cannibals no longer suffer from raw food penalties.
* Separated drinks into normal and alcoholic.
* Added regular checks for vampire and werewolf status.
* Added hooks for vampire feeding in Oldrim.
* Added a pure water item that can be purchased at inns.
* Raised available reduction caps from 10% to 100%
* Increased thirst reduction default to 20%, kept alcohol thirst reduction at 10%.