About this mod
The more items you carry, the slower you'll move. This mod has been developed with safety and stability as a top priority.
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[also available for skyrim classic]
This mod changes your movement speed and other stats based on how heavy your inventory is. All stat changes are completely configurable, as are the weight thresholds at which they take effect.
The mod was built from the ground up with a focus on stability. The "obvious" way to script an encumbrance mod is to watch for all changes to your inventory, but that can overburden Skyrim's script engine when you pick up or lose a large amount of items in a short amount of time. In particular, quests that remove your entire inventory (such as Diplomatic Immunity and The Mind of Madness) can generate hundreds of "item removed" script events at once. Cobb Encumbrance uses less obvious ways to handle your inventory, and it stands up to a variety of stress-tests. I can teleport to Bethesda's "QASmoke" testing cell, walk up to some containers, and add hundreds of kinds of items to my inventory in seconds, without generating the Papyrus log warnings that indicate that the script engine is overburdened.
You need the latest version of SKSE64 to run this mod, as well as SkyUI.
Cobb Encumbrance is fully adjustable through the MCM. As you gain or lose items, you'll move between eleven "encumbrance stages." You can configure the weight threshold at which each stage takes effect, the stat changes applied by each stage, and the notification displayed by each stage. The configurable stats are:
Notification (80 options as of this writing, in first-person, second-person, and Khajiit third-person)
Movement Speed
Movement Speed while Running (stacks)
Movement Speed while Sprinting (stacks)
Stamina Max
Stamina Regen
Stamina Drain (per second)
Health Drain (per second)
Stagger (enable/disable)
Stagger Interval (time between staggers)
The mod offers a few basic presets. If you install FISS or JContainers, you can create your own named presets.
It's impossible to guarantee that any scripted mod will uninstall safely. If you wish to remove Cobb Encumbrance from your game, I'd recommend disabling it, and then using Savetool 2.04b to delete all data connected to CobbEncumbrance.esp.
If you're not sure that this mod is something you want, I'd recommend testing it for a while before committing to it. If you don't like it, you can delete any saves made while testing.