If you are playing VR and using skyui-vr, this mod is no longer necessary for you. It includes this feature in the latest beta: https://github.com/Odie/skyui-vr/releases?
Just to let all know, in the Thunderchild, no SkyVoice, capital Shouts package, the final word of curse is written backwards. It should be GRON (Bind), but it's written as BIND (Gron). It's a five second fix in xEdit.
what I always wanted was something that shows how to pronounce the actual word... like FUS,,,,is it pronounced (FOOS or FUSS) , RO... is it pronounced (ROW or ROO}/ does this make any sense to anyone of what I am saying. I like that you show the pronunciation from Dragon to English, but would also like a dictionary pronunciation with it also , maybe someone could figure that one out and make a list that people could actually save to their desk top and study the words... Just an Idea :)
Well, you said to go ahead and make requests; so I guess I'll throw in an idea I had. The translations make the shout descriptions look a little cluttered to me, so how about something like this?
Looks like the ideal WoP mod. Question: if I use a mod that edits the Thunderchild shouts (swaps some third words and shout names), would this mod react to that? To put it another way, does the mod manually edit each shout's words or does it pull from source words, which are edited?
Each shout's word translations are manually edited. You can use this with a mod that changes shout names. But word translations are overwritten in this mod.
(ROW or ROO}/ does this make any sense to anyone of what I am saying. I like that you show the pronunciation from Dragon to English, but would also like a dictionary pronunciation with it also , maybe someone could figure that one out and make a list that people could actually save to their desk top and study the words... Just an Idea :)
Nice paint job btw :)