LockedStickyA fixed esp in 44 format is available in the Optional files section. I will also upload a main file including this esp but for those already running the mod the optional file provides a fix without needing to redownload the 2 gb zip.
Update 1.3 (12/31/2018) - Additional MQ Fixes including but are not limited to:Spoiler:With this update I will no longer be actively supporting The Shire. It's been one hell of a ride and I'm entirely grateful for everyone who shared in the experience. But it's time I took my love for game design to the next level. I am now dedicating my time to a Bioware-style fantasy RPG built on the Unreal Engine. Progress is slow but steady, and so far everything is coming together quite well! If you'd like to follow along I will be posting videos of the progress on my Youtube channel over the months to come.Show-Scene in MMQ09 when * dies getting hung up.
- Rangers not following player in MMQ11
- Containers in Playerhome resetting
- Immersion-breaking package bugs in GSQ55
- King's Messenger quest not closing
- Being unable to leave the Sheriff post
- Removal of unnecessary Scripts
- Byrsael running away in MMQ01
- CTD near Goblin Cave
- Tinruth's loyalty quest freezing
- Cleaned with SSE Edit
Be sure to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHDx8BF5N30ksUFRqIf7iIg?
Stuck on a quest? Check out the spoiler before posting!Spoiler:Show
GSQ12 Fur and Fangs -
A wolf will occasionally fail to spawn. If the quest doesn't continue after killing the wolves use the command SetStage gsq12furandfangs 10.
GSQ13 Little fiends -
The point of entry is a little hard to find. For anyone having this issue; there's an activator using a boulder's mesh on the rightside of that entrance. Solving the riddle it provides will allow entrance to the cave.
GSQ21 A Brash Rescue - The cave might be difficult to navigate. I have recorded a walkthrough for anyone lost.
GSQ33 Hidden Communications: Pathmeet - I have heard reports that the Ruffians sometimes fail to spawn.
SetStage GSQ33HiddenCommunicationsPathmeet 10 will force it to progress.
MMQ06 - Lessons and council - The boulder is difficult to strike due to poor collision geometry on that mesh. Use a ranged attack if nothing else works
MMQ09 - Descent into Darkness - Occasionally a scene with (Someone spoilery) dying will get hung up. "waiting" an hour typically rectifies this. Otherwise reloading the save is another possible fix.
MMQ11 - In (Someone spoilery's) memory. Durusc and Tinruth may not follow the player through the cave system. If this happens use their editor ids to move them.
For console command reference:
prid 0a4d9466 (ID(s) may differ, click on actors to verify if not working)
moveto player
prid 0a4d9467
moveto player
Playerhome - If the option to purchase land only has a "cancel" selection you don't have enough gold. 5,000 is required.
Finished the questline? Check out the alternative endings:
I am stuck on the EMQ drink trial. A very beginning of "Culling the Herd" quest. I have chosen the liquor (Grod), sat in the chair. Everyone else is taken a seat, too. A command has been given and nothing happens. Tried searching the web, nothing found. Looks like nobody is playing EMQ. Tried waiting an hour twice, nothing. I am afraid that I am going to have to uninstall the mod. Pity....
This mod is interesting and fun, but I got stuck and couldn't finish it.
I can't start the storyline from the mod. I get the races added by the mod during character creation but when I go to the location mentioned in mod page to start the quest, there is nothing. I checked videos to see how others started quests but the location itself is not present in my game (used console commands to reveal all map). I don't have other mods changing the region either. So what should I do?
This mod is terrible... the story is awful.
I REALLY wanted to like it... but the immersion was completely broken as soon as I landed in the Shire.
These "rangers" were pathetic. The missions are so easy (AND BUGGY) that I would have dropped it immediately. But I gave it 5 hours. In that time, I was treated like a child, by 5 members of a team that could not defeat me if my eyes were closed. These rangers are full of platitudes yet they suck. Bunch of whinny babies. For the first time in a playthrough, I wanted to play for the evil side just so I can kill these dumb rangers... but I assume the writing is just as bad for them.
The last drop was a mission where we were supposed to intercept a messenger. As soon as the mission started, the Ranger WALKED in the enemy base... the very enemy he warned me NOT to disturb till the messenger gets the message. I spent an hour trying to get THAT mission to move. I quit. Should have quit when I was to find a goblin cave that was bugged and would not allow me in. I had to use quest commands to move that mission forward.
The writing of this mod is really bad. The WoT mod does a much better job of blending the Dragonborn into its lore, and treating the player accordingly. And you get Aviendha as a love interest.
It isn't that I can play meek, but my "trials" included standing on a stump and pressing T to wait 6 hours. I should have quit right then.. or before when I was sent out to kill wolves. Maybe the adventure was on the way with dangerous encounters... nope. The land is populated with deer, rabbits, and butterflies. and the target missions were all cross map. such a waste of time. Wolves. Perhaps it would be more fun if you were a lvl1 character... anything beyond it just makes the game unenjoyable.
The world was so well done... the Halflings are actually so well done. The houses are AWESOME. I even get to ride a pony! But I just cant continue. The immersion is broken instantly. This is a real shame.
So so sad.
To the thousands who liked it, I am happy for you. I hope your palate for mods continues at these levels, there are plenty of mods of equally bad writing waiting for you to try. I have the first suggestion: Maids2, a game where the basic premise is that a crazy sex serum that only works on women will destroy the world. Or maybe Wardens of the Coast... with similar horrendous writing, but had better fights. Oh, make sure to listen to every chapter of the book the girl is writing, it will make you reach for a a bottle instantly.-
Of all mods i tried, this one is the buggiest. I agree on everything you said.
Too true, dude. Would be a better mod/dlc if it was like beyond skyrim: just let the player experience the aftermath of the events of The Hobbit and LOTR with no main quest, maybe save a few lives, help a few citizens, own a piece of land and that's good enough. Joining the rangers shouldn't be mandatory, though.In the best case cenario, it may even lead to expansions like the Lone Mountain and stuff, but sadly, in reality this is what we get
I feel bad having being so negative about my review... the author did release it for free, and it looks like I just spit on it.
I did make positive comments as well, but it is self evident... I hated the mod.
Perhaps more because of shattered expectations rather than what the mod really is.
I would love to see somebody take the world the Author created, and create a better story on top of it. These rangers need a serious reality check :)
The World built here is NICE... new... consistent. The Hobbits are cool and their lore is awesome. The interiors are AMAZING (just walk into any Hobbit dwelling). But the story sucks (and the quests are buggy as all hell) -
I haven't completed the MQ yet, but I like it. It starts easy, but gets more difficult later. Those who don't like Rangers could quit them and join the other side. I didn't like them either. Simply couldn't find reasons why should I protect Hobbits. The quests are bit different from usual Skyrim, but I don't think there is anything wrong about it.
I just finished playing through this mod and here are my thoughts as someone who is not heavily invested in LOTR/Middle Earth
The good:
Voice Acting
Large worldspace
Character Design
Maggie the horse (who followed me into Skyrim after completing The Shire)
The Fine:
Overall narrative and general storyline
Not taking advantage of the beautiful and large worldspace/map
The Bad/could be better:
The lack of clarity of the reputation system. Am I messing something up if I get too little reputation with one character or another?
Repetition of side quests that don't really seem to be contributing to much
Overall, I had a pretty good time with this mod. Nothing groundbreaking, but for a mod that came out in 2018 it's pretty good. I can see why it's not for everyone though and I probably won't ever replay it. -
too many boring/menial chore quests, terrible pacing, only one likable character, pointless empty world (looks nice), but mainly just too damn buggy to be worth the effort
Just completed this one. Nice job! though I agree with some of the comments below - some glitches ref if your v high level no one can match you, and some of the quests could do with a few more pointers on what exactly you need to do - though there are spoilers on utube. Overall though v nice. I am a LOTR fan and the letter to Frodo and other little bits were well placed. Heartbreaking to have to kill nearly everyone at the end.
Loved the hobbit houses, loved the goblins and the main story line. I was doing a version where I have been playing for quite some time but I'm not dragon born (just dont go see Balgruuf )
at the end if you have a shout you could kill Durcoth in theory before he takes down the protective barrier.
A. -
Read this.
Found 155500 temporary and 7969 persistent (163469 total) loaded references in [6B] TheBawbsShire.esp
One esm version, please?-
use this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25334
I don't use USSEP. I don't update to AE. And can't update, because I have 1722 mods from here and from a lot of other sites.
Why are you not using USSEP? It fixes a lot of Skyrim-bugs.USSEP is for Skyrim Special Edition.
The USSEP. Now is for AE. I use SE.
I don't want update to AE, simply because I have too mods to update and a lot of this mods I'll never can update.
I'm also using SE and I have the USSEP without any issues.
And do you read this ?
@Maxsssnake Don't spread false information just because of rumor and lack of knowledge. For you to NOT use USSEP is just sheer ignorance on your part.
How do you marry Byrsael?
that's the fun part
you dont
Actually you can, it's just not very obvious how
Brother, please, I need to know.
Unless you use sexlab mods I don't see any way.Guy is just lying or he would tell
Spoiler:ShowYou don't. Depending on how the ending goes. Byrseal leaves Shire due to her injuries. If you go with a completely good ending all are saved except Thornin the leader. The story ends with bittersweet as she parts ways from you. Similar to how Frodo leaves his friends in the end. Byrseal farewell lines "Do not waste your future thinking about those who left behind. They wish the best for you...." There is someone might be waiting for you in Skyrim. Someone who is sworn to carry your burdens or a vampire gothic in some castle or fort. :D
SPOILERSSpoiler:ShowI was Heartbroken when Byrsael died but the quest wouldnt progress or anything so I had to use setstage to get to the next part. When I exited the console, Byrsael got up and I was overjoyed to see her alive but my heart was torn again when she said she was leaving....
What the shite TheBawb, why do you play with my heart like this? Excellent mod aside from some bugs and whatnot, but nothing I couldn't get through. Would definitely recommend. Thank you for this!-
Exactly.I was like thanks for wasting my time motherfucker.I only played for the girl.Mod was so buggy I had to bypass many steps via console just to arrive at the end.Stupid b&@*$ yeah i love you but I'm still leaving.Well f*#@ you,at least I plowed elisif ysolda and many others thanks to amorous adventures mod