About this mod
The Sinister Seven is a backstory quest line. Seven Assassins are dispatched to kill the player, taking place across several levels. This grants stalking minions and seven intense single duels as the assassins chase the player across the land. It is meant to give an open ended background storyline, along with the feeling of being hunted.
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by Ravelen

The Sinister Seven is a backstory quest line. Seven Assassins are dispatched to kill the player, taking place across several levels. This grants stalking minions and seven intense single duels as the assassins chase the player across the land. It is meant to give an open ended background storyline, along with the feeling of being hunted. I find Skyrim to be a very static experience, going from spot to spot and slaughtering rubes standing around in one spot slackjawed. With this mod, they'll actively seek you out. Now you get to be the prey!
By default, hired minions will show up to chase the player periodically based on time. After level 12, boss assassins will also begin to show up to duel you. Every two levels, they'll show up, for a total of 12 levels to reach the option to end the questline. However, all of these values can be modified in the MCM menu. You can have as little as no minions to as many as ten per spawn event, with a spawn event happening as often or as rare as you'd like. You can also choose how staggered the bosses show up.
These seven duels are not supposed to be easy fights. Hard, but winnable, and hopefully memorable. Each of the seven unique assassins is at least twice the players level and will track them down across the map. They're also imbued with unique abilities outside your normal Skyrim bandit and thus may result in unusual battle tactics to win the fight. Some may be more challenging to particular player archetypes, others less so. They may show up when you're sleeping, when you're exploring a cave, or just on the road. You can try to fight them or run into the wilderness, which should buy you some time, but don't expect them to give up. Eventually they'll track you. Use your cunning to evade and eventually defeat them. Leap off of waterfalls dramatically to buy time, lead them through a series of traps Rambo style, make friends who will watch your back, do whatever you have to do to survive.
Pro tip: if you want total control over when the bosses come for you (or are having difficulty with the bosses showing up at all), set the offset values for bosses really high (like 100 level offsets, scaled up by 2 for each succeeding boss). Then, when you want a boss to come out on the next level up, reset that one boss value to 0 (I found that useful for when I wanted to do other things in the game without worrying about a boss popping on me in Blackreach, for instance). Soon, after you level, a badaz boss will be breathing stinky hot breath down your neck, faster than you can say; "I love this mod!".
CONTENT: A supporting side-questline that runs as the player advances in levels. 17 new NPCs, who seek out and try to track the player. 7 unique masks with unique enchantments, two unique sets of armor with standard enchantments. New abilities, combat styles, AI, etc.
Boss abilities and hints!
On stalking: Your hunters won't always show up everyday. Sometimes they may get delayed. Sometimes they may decide not to enter a closed space, if they feel they're have better chances killing you in a wide open space. Sometimes they may group up with other minions, sometimes they may not.
Temujin: This hulking orc is larger than your normal orc and thus can move a little faster, with a little extra reach. Though his two-handed hammer is as slow as all giant hammers. To defeat him in melee you must weave in and out. You need space to manuver -- if you're fighting him inside, you may want to run outside. When he power attacks, you do not want to be where that power attack is landing. You can block it, but it may be the end of you regardless.
Killer Frost: This ice mage is immune to ice damage, naturally. When she is knocked past 50% of her health, she'll receive a small boost to her armor and a large boost to her elemental resists. Making her difficult to magic duel. If you're using magic, try to conjure up minions.
The North Wind: Her poisoned attacks though not very potent, do add up over time. Avoid taking too many hits from her. Take her down fast and hard in melee combat, but be wary of her Thu'um. You're not the only one who can shout people across the map. Avoid fighting her on cliffs as she may send you falling to your death.
The Steady Tide: Avoid having a prolonged melee fight with her. Do not take a lot of hits and if possible try to take her down from a distance. She will debuff you with each of her attacks, slowing your movement speed and lowering your damage. This damage debuff stacks; you can end up doing no physical damage to her if you get hit enough. If you have to fight her in melee, moving quickly and having a weapon with a long reach will help -- as will power attacks. Having the stamina to power attack over and over again will allow you to overpower her and keep her on the defensive.
The Volcano: Fire resists helps! This character is pretty flexible and is pretty dangerous at both range and melee. Though at melee, your chance of avoiding his firebreath of overpowering him when he attempts to use it is greater. If he has to parry, he can't just melt you with his shout.
The Father: Be wary of venturing outside during night. He is an unusual melee fighter who enjoys the wide open space, at it allows him to circle around and get past your defenses to strike at you. If you're a ranged character, head for a hard to reach space, set up traps, or have a meat shield companion try to keep him busy while you land your shots. Though it is possible to defeat him as a ranged character, though very hard to outrun him. HE only moves fast. When he stops to attack, he can't speed up -- so take that moment in his attack animation to back up and just get out of range, then tag him when he is finishing his attack. Lastly, you can remove much of his power by fighting him in a brightly lit area!
The Mother: She is tricksy and be aware that her illusions are just level 1! They do very little damage. Try to locate her; she is invisible, so watch for her magic attacks. Bring magic resist and a friend to deal with her summoned bodyguard. Trying to take her from a distance may be difficult, so time your shots with hers in an attempt to tag her when she strikes -- just follow her revealed position from her attack. The ideal approach is to get close and try to overwhelm her in a fury of attacks.

Ravelen for permission to port The Sinister Seven;
Janquel for 1.2 update;
"I'd like to thank Natterforme and by extension Zairaam!I have been given permission to use their fabulous Tribunal Robes and Masks. Which if you haven't downloaded yet, why?! Why?! I'd also like to thank Zerofrost, who is my favorite Skyrim artist. They've made amazing armors and I highly suggest you check all of them out. I've been given permission to use their armor and have packaged it into the Nexus version. Though it is included, I suggest you go to their page anyway as their particular mods adds additional stuff. Plus the author has made so many more armors! Raven witch armor and Apex Werewolf and the Evil MasterMind Armor. Last I'd like to thank Seppoko for permission to add their Mask of Blades! Thank you so much to everyone mentioned. Naturally, you cannot reupload this anywhere."