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  1. ManyStrongWords
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Please post if I missed any weapons or if there are any issues with this patch.
    *This patch is an ESPFE and is not supported by all mod managers, to make it an esp simply remove the esl tag in xEdit*
    1.2 should work with the 1.3 esp of vigilant
  2. orekhovoux
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    FYI: this mod works for DAR version of Animated Armoury too
  3. FrogFallout
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    How do you change the weapons keyword? there is some weapons I would like to change but I dont know how.
    1. AzureFailure
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Open the plug in SSEdit, find the weapon you want and look for the "Keyword" section. There you can change the keyword or add another one. However if you want to change the weapon type from, for example, a one-handed sword to a two-handed sword, there are some other steps you would need to do as well (including editing a couple values in the .nif file for that weapon's model).
    2. FrogFallout
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry for late reply, but I cant add keyword to weapons in vigilant cause sssedit says the keyword cannot be mapped...
    3. PhxFuryKnight
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      You need to copy the Vigilant weapon records to a plugin that DOES have them, like synthesis if you use any kind of weapon patcher. Check the keywords section in your patched plugin, see if the one you want is IN THE SAME PLUGIN. If it isn't, then simply find what plugin HAS the keyword (Like Twinblades of Skyrim is the origin of the WeapTypeTwinblade keyword, or Bladestaff of Skyrim is the origin of the WeapTypeBladestaff keyword), then copy that keyword you wanna use into the same plugin your patch is going to be in. Apply the newly copied keyword to your weapon by doing the steps from the guy above, then save your patch. 
      You can then take it a step FURTHER by using Keyword Compatibility Framework and making your own custom conditions for mods that it doesn't support. Like a Pike from Animated Armoury can easily be patched to use the For Honor Pike animation from Smooth. Although some older mods say they are compatible with this framework, you may have to change their plugin name in the conditions.txt from "wkcf.esm" to "kcf.esm" and they will take full affect on those older animations too. Do this to add any weapon moveset to any weapon type :D
  4. PhxFuryKnight
    • premium
    • 55 kudos
    Does this mod happen to affect weapon speeds for the vigilant weapons that it touches? 
    I'm having an issue when applying custom keywords to line up all my weapon types, where a pike or spear from vigilant, which use the same moveset in my load order, have an adjusted attack speed mult that causes them to be roughly 30% faster than pikes or spears from other mods. 
    I have comprehensive attack speed fixes and a custom weapon speed mod where I have meticulously gone through and balanced my whole load order based on certain speeds, but for some reason I cannot get the Vigilant pikes and spears to fall in line. Lol 
    1. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Its possible depending on your load order the attack speed edits are being overwritten. You could load all those mods up in xedit and see where the issue might be.
    2. PhxFuryKnight
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      I did and the problem is that they ALL say 1.0 xD
    3. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Well, on a positive note it probably isnt those mods ;D
      Might have to do the annoying processing of adding and removing to find it
    4. PhxFuryKnight
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      On a side note, somtimes the custom weapon speed fix and the weapon speed mult fixes don't actually take effect until I click any setting like "Save on equip", untick it then tick it again, then they take effect. That's a rare glitch tho. However even with THAT glitch resolved, the vigilant spears and pikes LOVE being faster than the rest of my modded loadout lol. 
  5. cronaofficial
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Melius' spear is currently unpatched.
  6. Ghostrick74
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Everything seems to be working for me EXCEPT for the Rapiers. Like the Whisperer's Rapier and the Black Worm Rapier still have the swords animations.
    It's weird since all the others weapons seems to work :/

    I'm using Vigilant 1.7.2
  7. GOREckpuIIa4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to make this mod not dependant on AA itself, but on https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74737 which looks much more preferable with knowing of some of AA issues?
    On second thought maybe it's overcomplicating things. Still thanks for this mod! :)
    1. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      In theory it should be possible. Ill have to do some more reading about the advantages of this method.
  8. TurkishDelighter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    no greatmace animation, just T pose and it says warhammer as a weapon type

    i have DAR version however i use OAR because they said it is completely compatible and MCO-ADXP
  9. tonysuns
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    I'm assuming this should work with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74320?tab=description modified version of AA so it works with MCO - ADXP? 
    1. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      I think it should, but you can try and let me know
  10. Raksorm
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    You wouldn't perhaps have a list of all the weapons added by Vigilant? I don't know how to search them up and simply wanted to give them the animations from Animated Armoury without any of the added content using Automatic Animations but I can't find a up to date list of them.
    1. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      If you open Vigilant in xedit you will be able to see a list of all the weapons added by it
  11. Rododney
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any possibility of updating this mod to include the weapons added in the latest update?
    1. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Yea, I can do an update.
      What are the weapon names and what weapon type should they be?
    2. Skyguy1092
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      paladin melus's spear and tava spear don't have spear  animation 
      Also Could you give the akvari katana and th nameless katana the katana animation from animated Armory

      And Could you give staff of pope magnus and staff of pelen the staff animation 
    3. BobOfTheA
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Major kudos to you for still supporting/working on this!
    4. ManyStrongWords
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      This update has been released. Please let me know if anything isn't working correctly.
  12. dragonrykr
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Does it work with v1.7.1 of Vigilant?
    1. JeanA882
      • member
      • 43 kudos
      I'd like to know too.