LockedStickySupport is over for Obsidian Weathers and Vanilla!!! Check Supreme Weathers for Obsidian Weathers
LockedStickyIf someone want's to make patches for this mod to work with other mods, do it. No need to ask for permission.
Only one request. Upload them to the Nexus so that other users can benefit from them after you've got permission
from the author from the mod that is patched. And no need to ask for permission to translate this mod. -
When using Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB you must hide or delete this in order to get the full effect from FXCameraAttachBlowingFogEffect [RFCT:0005592D].
Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB/meshes/effects/fxcameraattachblowingfog.nif
(Not needed if you use the non FXCameraAttachBlowingFogEffect version) -
LockedStickySupreme and Volumetric Fog for specific weather mods in progress!!!
All versions below are standalone and are flagged as ESL.
Finished Weather mod versions..
-Obsidian Weathers and Seasons
-Cathedral Weathers and Seasons
Still to do.
-NAT - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel
-Vivid Weathers
-ELFX Weathers
-Rustic Weathers and Lighting
-Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons
-Mythical Ages - Weather and Lighting Overhaul
Doesn't need an optional.
-Climates of Tamriel not needed. Use "main" Classic or Diverse version -
LockedStickyCan I ask this white mountain textures on the shot is normal with this mod?
https://sun9-58.userapi.com/KOQcA2IXmj95XiDqZaBUdHnFwlASm4jQI1vMew/dlt73hqWwCs.jpg -
LockedStickyJust added a screenshot of my game, using cathedral and this mod. The sky shows completely clear and distant objects are white instead of dark.
When I compare that to screenshots of other people, it looks pretty off. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? I checked conflicts in xEdit, so I guess it's an ENB setting. Im using Skyrim Re-Engaged https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1089. -
Super Amazing work. Using alongside Obsidian Weathers.
Hello, I am having the same problem that Dashyburn was having with the cathedral weathers version in the sticky and locked comments. He seems to have deleted his comment so I was wondering what I need to tweak in order to fix the issue?
I like the mod but I have a very very bright night sky and clouds when the wheater is "vanilla fog". the sky is white and too bright but only when the weather is vanilla fog (it's on enb weather window).
How can i fix it ? -
What about Natural Atmospheric Tamriel III + Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows? Can i install this mod on top of those? If so what are the steps?
I really like this mod so my question is how is the Performance is it heavy ?
thanks toostruus
Thank you for the mod.
How is the Performance? Do this mod tax a lot or maybe even better performance as before?? -
Fantastic mod, thank you. Makes for a great dark fantasy atmosphere
It seems to work really well during the day, during the night it doesn't like right, the fog thickness effects are then often too bright.
Good day, I use MO2 and was wondering if the main file and the optional file gets merged together or kept seperate?
i installed "Supreme and Volumetric Fog SE - Default" and "Supreme Fog for Obsidian Weathers" into data folder with MO2,
but i cant see anything change in the game. I am using Obsidian Weathers.
Is there anything wrong?
or should i wait for the weather change in game?
nvm, it is working now.