About this mod
Arianna is an Orc follower. She can be found in the Sleeping Giant Inn located in Riverwood.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
She is an Orc follwer. Can be found staying at the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood
Two-handed weapons and Heavy Armor suit her best.
Perks: Light Foot, Tower of Strength, Champion Stance, Deep Wounds, Skull Crusher, Limb Splitter, Orc Berserk
Special Abilities: Fire Breath shout. Does not aggro friendly NPCs. Rare instances if she uses the shout and sets off an oil trap could cause ally NPCs to aggro.
Arianna uses the default female Orc voice set. Uses whatever body replacer is currently installed. Screenshot examples are Dream Girl with Dream Girl Mini Spice Collection for her armor. Both not required.
REQUIRES Apachii Hair Females This is found under the optional sections of the Apachii Hairs file tab.