Looking at your other mods I think you love rhyming adjectives :) Great job with this spider, it looks very nice.
But Arachnophobia... well, my collegue had severe arachnophobia. Once she had something in her hair, and someone else jokingly said that it was a spider. She started to scream and went REALLY crazy, we had a hard time calming her down and convincing her that it was just some little piece of fabric or thread. Arachnophobia is nothing you can control if you have it, and I wouldn't take it lightly.
Arachnophobe here. Mod downloaded, no medicine, but adrenaline pump ready^^ Love your mods, after came around those and eagerly downloading^^ Tyvm for this!
I am sure this is a great mod but I can't notice the new skeleton of the spiders over my panicked swings of a greatsword trying to reduce said skeleton to dust as fast as possible
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37768? Savage Skyrim has Spiders, skeleton and variant skins. What is different about ya'lls skeletons to where I should use yours instead? I didn't see variants using your skeleton, but maybe those spiders were just all the same color as I have your mod overwriting.
This is the first time I experienced Arachnophobia!
I hope you all experience "Absolute Arachnophobia"!!!
Please feel free to send me as many images or videos of your new spiders as you like, I truly enjoy seeing your encounters!
And don't forget to check out my other mods as well, keep tracking my profile for any updates and future releases, I'm sure you'll enjoy them all!
Great job with this spider, it looks very nice.
But Arachnophobia... well, my collegue had severe arachnophobia. Once she had something in her hair, and someone else jokingly said that it was a spider. She started to scream and went REALLY crazy, we had a hard time calming her down and convincing her that it was just some little piece of fabric or thread. Arachnophobia is nothing you can control if you have it, and I wouldn't take it lightly.
Thanks very much
Thanks :)