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About this mod

This is a port of Skyrimfan5's Oldrim Dragon Wing Rings mod, which again adds craftable rings for Anton's Animated Dragon Wings for yourself or your followers.

Permissions and credits
Currently, equipping your followers with Anton's Animated Dragon Wings can be difficult if not impossible. This mod allows you to craft rings that, when equipped, let you or your followers sprout dragon wings.

I ported this mod with the original author's full permission. I didn't change anything, just re-saved it with the Creation Kit so it has form 44 instead of the Oldrim 43. And of course I adjusted the name of the required master ESP (i.e. Anton's Animated Dragon WingsSE.esp).

The ring names don't necessarily coincide with the names of the Mutagen Control Spells for the Animated Dragon Wings, and since it's not always obvious, here's the correlation:

  • Ring of Bloody Dragons   -> Bloody Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Boss Dragons      -> Danger Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Elder Dragons      -> Wisdom Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Evil Dragons         -> Evil Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Fire Dragons        -> Friendly Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Forest Dragons    -> Forest Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Frost Dragons      -> Snow Dragon Wings
  • Ring of Tundra Dragons   -> Tundra Dragon Wings

First, you need to install Anton's SE version of his Animated Dragon Wings. This mod WILL NOT WORK without it!

Then use your favorite mod manager (i.e. Vortex, NMM, MO2) to install this mod or, if you have to do it manually, place the DragonWingRingsSSE.esp file in your Skyrim SE Data folder. Make sure this mod is loaded AFTER Anton's Animated Dragon Wings!

There shouldn't be any issues adding the mod during your current game.

As usual, I wouldn't advise removing a mod during a play-through. But if you really have to, I suggest the following procedure:

  • Remove all rings from your and your followers' inventories and put the rings in an empty container
  • Save your game (real save, not a quick save) and exit
  • Uninstall the mod
  • Start you game without the mod
  • Save (again a real save, not a quick save) and exit
  • Backup your last save and clean the original with the Fallrim Tools ReSaver to get rid of any unattached references
  • Restart your game with the cleaned save and rejoice that the rings are gone :)

This mod doesn't contain any scripts or extra textures, so there shouldn't be any issues, but you never know...

Craft the rings at any Tanning Rack (they're in the Jewelry section). Either equip a ring yourself, or give one to your follower, who should automatically equip it. The chosen dragon wing style should sprout on whomever equipped the ring. If your follower already has a different ring equipped, you'll have to take it away from them so they equip the new ring. 

The rings can be disenchanted at any arcane enchanter and the Dragon Wings enchantment then used on other items such as jewelry, clothing, or armor.

Known Issues
Sometimes, when fast-traveling, going inside a building, or vice versa, your follower's wings might disappear. If that happens, just open their inventory, take the ring away, and give it back again. The wings should reappear. 


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