Hey, huge fan of this mod. Thanks to everyone who worked on this! I hope this is okay to post, but if anyone wants the facegen data for Interesting NPCs SE & Argonian Fins Replacer, you can grab them here:
Had to remove this from my load order because of too many black face bugs, which is a pity, cause I love the fins. Guess I'll just be the only uniquely finned Argonian in Skyrim then. :(
Does anyone know how or willing too share a patch to make this compatible wiith Interesting NPCs? At the moment, I uninstalled Argonian Fins - Vanilla Replacer because I was tired of all my Interesting NPCs Argonians having the black face bug, but now some of the base game Argonians have purple fins (missing texture), of course I fixed the purple fins issue by just keeping "Argonian Fins" installed, which removed the fins completely from NPCs. Now I am just hoping for a patch from someone.
I don't currently play Skyrim anymore so cannot help with this directly, but I think I remember a touch on how you can do this yourself. Black Face bug usually means that the NPCs facegen data needs to be exported. This can be done by going into the Creation Kit, finding the NPCs under actors (doesn't work when searching for some reason) and clicking Ctrl+F4. That is what I had to do with the vanilla NPCs for the black face bug for this mod.
Not particularly, I just wanted to make different fin and horn combos and just replaced em with the base, I didn't think too much about it matching the original though I often tried to keep similar horn set ups if it wasn't combos I'd already done.
great mod honestly problem is i use a texture for the body so using these makes the head a different color... already endorsed this great work but hope you would consider patching it to work with this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/185
Sounds like an issue with the texture. It shouldn't be an issue if you have the base Argonian Fins mod downloaded properly. This mod just adds extra combos and gives them to NPCs, no changes to model or textures.
I hope this is okay to post, but if anyone wants the facegen data for Interesting NPCs SE & Argonian Fins Replacer, you can grab them here:
At the moment, I uninstalled Argonian Fins - Vanilla Replacer because I was tired of all my Interesting NPCs Argonians having the black face bug, but now some of the base game Argonians have purple fins (missing texture), of course I fixed the purple fins issue by just keeping "Argonian Fins" installed, which removed the fins completely from NPCs. Now I am just hoping for a patch from someone.
I don't currently play Skyrim anymore so cannot help with this directly, but I think I remember a touch on how you can do this yourself. Black Face bug usually means that the NPCs facegen data needs to be exported. This can be done by going into the Creation Kit, finding the NPCs under actors (doesn't work when searching for some reason) and clicking Ctrl+F4. That is what I had to do with the vanilla NPCs for the black face bug for this mod.