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kb4 and his harem

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Mod articles

  • Vokriinator Plus Perks

    Vokriinator Plus
    Perks that were integrated:

    SPERG - Troll Blood
    SPERG - Surgeon

    Adamant - Fortification
    Adamant - Battlemage (as Mage Armor 2)
    Adamant - Mage Robes (less cost when dual casting when wearing robes, renamed to Charged Vestments)
    Adamant - Mage Robes (less cost when wearing robes, renamed to Initiate's Charm)
    SPERG - Spell Charge
    SPERG - Spirit Echo
    SPERG - Chain Casting
    SPERG - Theurgist
    Path of Sorcery - Mage Armor
    Path of Sorcery - Blood Mage
    Path of Sorcery - Adaptability
    Path of Sorcery - Blood Siphon
    Path of Sorcery - Blood to Power
    Path of Sorcery - Synergy
    Path of Sorcery - Transmutate
    Path of Sorcery - Eldritch E...

  • Vokriinator Perks

    Perks that were integrated:

    Vokrii - Stimulants (replaces Ordinator version)
    Vokrii - Slow Metabolism
    Vokrii - Adrenaline (replaces Crimson Haze)
    Vokrii - Gourmet

    Vokrii - Sorceror's Robes
    Vokrii - Stability
    Vokrii - Ocato's Preparation
    Vokrii - Telekinetic Force
    Vokrii - Atronach
    Vokrii - Arcane Guidance
    Vokrii - Hethoth's Escape
    Vokrii - Ritualist

    Vokrii - Point Blank Shot
    Vokrii - Breaching Shot

    Vokrii - Unwavering Defense
    Vokrii - Weapon Block
    Vokrii - Torch Bash
    Vokrii - Stoneheart

    Conjuration - Moved Corpse Gas aside for a more natural progression. Please don't hit me ...