Skyrim Special Edition


  1. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,379 kudos
    Sticky post time! :)

    I've had several requests repeated on each page so I guess that means I need a quick place to note those.

    Windhelm Arena - The arena cut from Windhelm would require a great deal of work to complete, possibly even including 3D modeling to fix some portions of the scenery. There are also two other mod projects out there that aim to fully restore this. Only one is complete but I don't know how true to the original design it stayed. The other project may or may not still be in progress.

    Boethiah's Bidding - There is enough information intact to resurrect this, but it's somewhat dicey because it involves killing a Jarl and the civil war.

    The Whispering Door cut portions - There does not appear to be enough left of the cut portions of this to revive it.

    Collecting the Edda - There is enough material, barely, to string something together, but the quest over all is just not interesting enough to do anything with. I'm pretty sure that whatever the plan was, enough of it is missing to make an attempt at restoring it too shallow to bother.

    "Hauntings" - While it appears intact enough to put back, IMO it feels pretty lame and out of place and may have been cut for that reason.

    "Trick Shot" perk - A missing perk for the archery tree that gives a 25% chance to disarm. While it is functional as created, it will be a source of save bloating due to the fact that disarming separates the weapon from the NPC and then leaves it behind forever without cleaning it up. Since archery use is far more likely to be a regular thing for people who play as them, it's much more of a risk than the Disarm shout over time.
  2. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,379 kudos
    This mod has updates, but due to ongoing Nexus policy decisions, no further updates to this mod will be uploaded here.

    You will need to obtain the updates from one of the listed mirror sites.
  3. robertraymond
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do I need a new playthrough for this mod to work properly?
  4. skar450
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but Arthmoor are you not letting people access older version because you are trying to keep the modding community from falling back/making them updating their mods?
    I like the thinking but the flaw is that not all mod creators are still modding skyrim so a lot of mods will be lost and for those still here not all will update as fast as you, so many people will have broken modlists if they update and can't fall back to wait since if they replaced the older versions of your mods they can't access them. Mod users will just have to sit and hope mod creators update their mods if they jumped and updated prematurely so to speak.

    short version I just wanted to understand your thinking why the access to older versions are blocked.
    Also sorry if my english is lacking I am still trying to learn it.
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      Nope. It's because I don't have time to provide infinite support on older and older versions of the game. 1.5.97 is already over 2 years old and should have been abandoned by now.

      And before you suggest "you don't need to offer support" that's precisely what anyone asking for those old copies is doing is asking for support. Every time I've ever seen a page where someone leaves their old stuff up, people demand bug fixes for those old copies. There are not enough hours in the day to make this a full time unpaid endeavor where support is given for every old copy of something.
    2. skar450
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Fair enough thank you for all the mods making skyrim the great game amazing.
    3. AutisticAussie
      • member
      • 75 kudos
      As a mod maker I feel for you. You have created an amazing mod, and some entitled people demand this that or the other.
      Well done on creating the mod. And well done sticking with it despite entitled and demanding people.
    4. 9viii
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Like it or not Skyrim VR isn't getting updates and it still requires SE compatible mods.

      Cutting Room Floor is a dependency for various mods, which is now not compatible with Skyrim VR just because the legacy versions are hidden.
    5. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      It was never compatible. Whoever has been claiming it is doesn't know what they're talking about.
  5. OstermanA
    • premium
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    EDIT: And I just noticed there's a real bugtracker. Don't see how to delete this, so leaving it here.

    Found a bug, I think.
     \ [00] Skyrim.esm \ [18] Scroll \ [7] DragonhideScroll [SCRL:000E0CD6] \ [6] DESC - Description
    In Cutting Room Floor.esp the text is missing for DESC - Description, showing as a conflict in SSEEdit.

    It's present in Skyrim.esm, USSEP, and Unlimited Bookshelves so I am unsure why CRF is missing it.
  6. Occiput
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    What new abilities do the Gargoyles have?
  7. abuzddf129
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    There used to be a scene where Vignar and oflrid in whiterun would argue whenever you first entered whiterun.Has that been removed ?
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      No, that should still be there, but it's set to run after the scene with Aram because they're both too close to each other to run at the same time.
    2. abuzddf129
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      When does the scene with Aram play ? Its the scene where they argue about his family sword right ?
    3. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      Yep, it's set to play the first time you get near the Gildergreen. Once that's done the next visit to the same area should run Vignar and Olfrid.
  8. Dunford69
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    Howdy, firstly thank you for the mod but I am having one issue with it, the lost apprentices for the college of winterhold. I've found 1 of the three daggers however the third on up by Hob's fall cave isn't spawning. you don't happen to know the dagger item ID so I can just spawn it in to complete the quest do you?
  9. ThMadMax
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    • 3 kudos
    hello! I don't know if it is normal but inmy game, Uthgerd is always staying face to face in front of the whiterun stables. they never talk, they never go to their homes. they just stand there. 
    1. Oblivionplayer437
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Definitely not normal. I suspect some borked/incorrect installation or incorrect load order or wrong combo of SSE game version and USSEP version and CRF version, or any combination of these.

      If you use MO2, best to try out everything on a small test profile with essentially only the required mods, and start a new game. Quickest way is to start a new game is to start the game, and when the main menu comes up, just open the console and type "coc whiterun" (without quotes) and hit enter. They should be starting to talk already when you come past the carriage for the first time.
  10. BobOfTheA
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    • 3 kudos
    I have this installed, but something is overwriting the 'flesh' spell effect (where a spell like stoneflesh would apply a rocky texture over your character's skin.)

    How would I go about determining the cause for what is overwriting this effect? MO2 doesn't show that there are any conflicts with the mod (no lightning bolt with a plus/minus symbol) so is the only thing I can do open up xEdit and manually find the relevant spells to see what other mods are affecting them?

    I love the shader effect, but I feel like trying to track down the cause for this particular conflict might be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

    I AM using a bashed patch, which might be the reason. I'm not super knowledgeable about this stuff, but can I manually set the bashed patch to make sure this shader effect is applied?
    1. Oblivionplayer437
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      It may be that Mysticism mod (SimonMagus) is overwriting the CRF effects. There are patches for it.
  11. unacceptableviews
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does this work with Skyrim VR I'm getting 4 missing masters fish, survival etc.   
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      It does not. Those are the masters required by 1.6.
  12. bientje
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    Why doesn't Barleydark Farm have a guard?
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,379 kudos
      Because the guy living there has dogs.