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  1. grvulture
    • premium
    • 601 kudos
    Thank you for your interest. All screenshots are welcome, since I didn't post any (no time). I will take all your suggestions into consideration when I get the time to.
    Thank you again!
  2. Chimer11
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Divines bless you! May the ground you walk quake as you pass.
  3. litecasual
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi big fan of this MOD, i need a little help tho, when i copied the 3 files it replaced the original graphics files i think i did click the replace files button ( totally my fault ) i was just wondering if anyone knows how to set game it low presets please.
  4. Good afternoon, I have downloaded ReShade 5.8.0. and decided to install your mod, but when I installed it, ReShade gave me a file error in the reshade-shaders folder, what could be the problem? Skyrim 1.6.640. Anniversary Edition.
    I found the reason - ReShade.fx and ReShade.ui were absent in the mod archive, I took them from the old version, the error message disappeared.
  5. EmpressVera
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    This is fantastic, thank you! I strongly dislike ENB so it's nice to have some really nice reshade presets like this so I can still get some nice post-processing :)
  6. Archerchanxd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this without ENB? or should i use ENB? bcz my Potatoe PC can't use ENB
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      It is without ENB.
  7. MikeMoen
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Out of testing Clearview, Real Lighting, and Envy alongside Reality, this preset is the most pleasant for me. It's as close to an ENB as I can get, while having absolutely no performance hit, and I am super thankful for that. The Skyrim world looks that much more natural now. It's almost funny too, toggling Reshade on and off barely shows any change, but what change there is makes a massive yet subtle difference in how the world looks.
  8. doggexbay
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    This is exactly what I was looking for! I'm using Amon ENB Reborn, the latest version of which doesn't use SSAO_SSIL; that means it performs *great* but the image is a little low-contrast. This is the perfect complement! My image has increased range and I can peg the ENB at 60fps all day. Thanks!
    1. IrascibleBasil
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      amon enb reborn is currently hidden. any ways you could send me a link for it? thanks
  9. Jturnerlive
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome reshade, great work. 
    Tested it with A Cathedralist's ENB and looks really crisp. 
  10. ReeseReynolds
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So i downloaded this and it looks gorgeous but for some reason has stopped my ability to take screenshots and there's no discernible reason why. Since I seem to be the only one with this issue I'll chalk it up to steam being strange!

    Really great reshade, thank you so much!
    1. LogicRock
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Maybe re-bind your screenshot button to something else?
  11. kontol222
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    can i use this for LE?
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      This was built on the 64bit Reshade, I don't know if the 32bit is different, but you can try to see if it works.