(FR) Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
Obligatoire |
(FR) Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub
Si vous voulez le tri automatique |
(FR) The Dragonborn's Bestiary
(FR) Tween Menu Overhaul
Obligatoire |
3rd Person Walk Fix Redux
Hard Requirement. |
a little sexy apparel replacer with LSAR Addon
For AE, SE |
A Secret to Hide
A Witcher's Adventure
Hard Requirement - Check mod's description if you want to know why. |
Actor Limit Fix
Add Stuff By FormList - Add Items And Spells On New Game Start
Required: Version 2.0.19 Or Higher |
Addiction to Potions - Recovery with food
Adryan's Dungeon
Advanced Notification Log NG
https://skse.silverlock.org/ |
ADXP MCO Attack Data Transition Fix (ADTF)
AFDI - Aetherium Forge Destroys Items
Hard requirement |
Aimshake - Stamina-Based Marksmanship
Required |
Alchemical Appraisal Services
Alchemical Appraisal Services - French
Obligatoire |
Alchemical Appraisal Services-Russian translation-
Нужно обязательно! |
Alchemy helper
Alchemy Plus
For Skyrim Special Edition |
Allow Dialogue Progress Bugfix
Alternate Cooking
Ammo Enchanting - Craft Magical Arrows and Bolts
Animate Bound Weapons
Animated Carriage - Dusted Off
Animated Carriage requires this |
Animated Inebriation and Drunk Role-Play
Required |
Animation Motion Fix
Animation Motion Revolution
For Skyrim Special Edition (choose the file for your game version) |
Animation Queue Fix
Anuketh's NPC Presets AIO - All in One
Basic |
Arcane Trickster Mask and Robes - With Immersive Upgrade System
Required if using the immersive start quest |
Archery Quick Shot Perk Bug Fix
Required for this mod to function |
Archery Rebalance
Ashihito Armory
Ashihito Power Armor
Atronach Forge Expanded
Auto Audio Switch
Auto Open Doors
Auto Sheathe Weapons
Auto-Lockpicking - A Lockpicking Overhaul
Automatic Animations - Including Icon Identification Open Animation Replacer (OAR) Patch
prerequisite for most other mods |
Automatic Perk Unlocking
Read the description |
Automatic Renamer
B612 - my little asteroid of useful UI components
Backported Extended ESL Support
Hard requirement. |
Baka Assigned Storage Addon
For MCM Helper and JContainers |
Baka World Map FOV
Baka World Map FOV Extended
Baldur Tattoo Conversion (SSE)
Barter Limit Fix
Be a Beggar
Beard Mask Fix - Beards Use Slot 44 SKSE Plugin
For Skyrim Special Edition |
Beard Mask Fix - Beards Use Slot 44 SKSE Plugin - Russian
Для Skyrim Special Edition |
Besoins sensuels pour Flower Girls et SexLab
Pour Skyrim spécial édition PC |
BETA - Player Voice Events - Player Sounds and Voicelines
Better AltTab
Better Bulk Enchanting
Better Difficulty Options
Better Windhelm Ground Meshes Floating Fix - BOS
For BOS |
math and other functions |
BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) SSE
Bikiniborn EX - Huntress of Skyrim
Blade and Blunt - Armor Rating Scaling Standalone
Bound Weapon Attacks Progress Conjuration
Bound Weapon Fix
Breaded Athletics and Acrobatics - Simple Player Movement Progression
Hard requirement. |
Brood Mother- Your very own Spider Companion
BruvRamm's Enhanced Vanilla LODs
Hard Requirement |
Bug Fixes SSE
Burn Them All - Flames of Erasure
C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Natures
Caistorshold Isle (SE)
Camera Follows SKSE
Camping Plus Plus - A CC Camping Overhaul
Required |
CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR
for SSE version |
CCFE - Debugging Papyrus Pack
Hard requirement. |
Character Suggestor
Chasing the Dragon - Addiction MCM Fix
Chinese Localisation of Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE By WOK Studios
Chun-Li Follower - Preset - Optional Unarmed Stance Replacer
CLA SSE - Crash Log Analyzer
for the crash logger |
Class Limitations
Required for uncap plugin |
Claw Discipline One with the Beast Powers
Climbing Costs Stamina - SKSE - For EVG Animated Traversal
[HARD Requirement] |
Clothing Armor Rating
Required from ver 1.1. |
Clumsy Guards
Collector Bags II Special Edition
Colorful Lights - No Shadows - SKSE
SE or AE |
Combat Fatigue SE
Combat Music Extender
Combat Music Fix NG Updated
Combat Speechcraft
Companion Iorveth in Skyrim - RU
Compass Navigation Overhaul
For Skyrim Special Edition (choose the file for your game version) |
Considerate Followers - Followers are Silent During Dialogue
Console Commands Extender - Anniversary Edition Update
Console Commands For Everyone (aka Papyrus Console Commands)
Hard requirement. |
Constellations - Additional Player Skills
v2.2.6+ |
Constellations - Additional Player Skills - Russian Translation
Обязательное требование. |
Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
For Skyrim Special Edition |
Constructible Object Custom Keyword System - Polish Translation
Container Distribution Framework
Convenient ENB Controls
Copy NPC Outfit
for SE |
Corpse Preparation - SSE
Costs and Togglable Gold Weight
Required: For gold weight configuration in game |
Couch Lance - Convenient Horse Add-on
Crafting Pulls Resources From Containers
Crash Logger
Critical Damage Rescaled
Curve Goddess BHUNP 3BBB Bodyslide Preset
well duh |
Custom Skills Framework
Dance for Septims
Dante's Devil Trigger Transformations
Death Mark
Debug Menu - In-Game Navmesh Viewer and More
Defense - Visible and Intuitive Damage Resistance from Armor and Blocking
Required for functionality |
Denji - Custom Skills Menu for CSF v3
Desktop Splash Screen
Destroy the Thieves Guild - Special Edition
Dialog of Needs - Not survival
Dialogue History - French
Obligatoire |
Dibella's Mischief
Disable skill level limits
Disallow armor changes in combat
Disguise - Simple Disguise System
Required |
Disk Cache Enabler
Dismembering Framework
Diversified Spell Learning
Diziet's SOT CASM Patch
Dodge - Simple Dodging
Required |
Double Check Before Selling AE
Dovah Debt
probably need this. but idk. might as well grab it as every other mod needs ti probably that relies on scripting. |
Dragon Soul Relinquishment German
Dragon Stalking Fix
Required for version 2.0.0 and above. |
Dragon War NG dll
For SE |
Dragon's Eye Minimap
For Skyrim Special Edition (choose the file for your game version) |
Drakian race a new beast race by coolster dragonkin Special Edition
If this is absent the mode will likely crash |
Drinking Potions Grants Alchemy XP
Droppable Favorites
Dwarven Engineering - Craftable Controllable Automata
Required |
Dwemer Storage Cube - A Portable Home Enhanced Edition - Auto Sort
Dwemer Storage Cube plus
Dynamic Books - A modder resource
Dynamic Breath
Mandatory. |
Dynamic Looting and Harvesting Animations - French
Obligatoire |
Dynamic Spell Descriptions
Dynamic Storage Cube - Remote Storage Auto-Sorting And More
Version 2.0.19 Or Higher Required For Various Script Functions |
Dynamic String Distributor (DSD)
Earth Forge
Easy Console Commands
Easy Loot Hotkey
Edge UI - QuickLoot IE reskin
Edhildils Falmer Skin and Chitin Armor
Elemental Destruction Effects and Reanimation
Elucidate - NPC Stats Spell
Empowered Concentration Magic
Empowered Summons
For SE/AE |
Enchanting XP Overhaul
Enchantment Art Extender
Enemy Encounter
https://skse.silverlock.org For SKSE64 |
ePath's Vlindrel Hall
Equip Spells As Shouts (SKSE)
Equipment Cycle Hotkeys
Equipment Durability System NG
Evangeline - the Custom Voice Breton Spellsword
Must have! |
Exit Sneak On Sprint
Expression Override Function Fix
Eye Adaptation Fix for SE and VR
Install for SE |
Eyes Up Here
Fading Staff of Magnus
2.0.17 |
Favorites Menu Effects Description
Favour of the Daedric Royalty
Female RaceMenu preset - Helen
First Person Paused Menus Light Detachment Fix
Flat Map Markers AE - Updated
Flat World Map Framework (FWMF) - German
Flayan's Tweaks
Flat requirement |
Fly you Fool
Hard requirement for both versions |
Followers - Simple Multiple Followers and Animals Party System
Required |
Followers Ride Horses
Forsworn Armor Replacer - UNPK with physics
For SSE Version. |
Freecraft Legecy Redone
(Optional) Helps the mod run properly |
Freely Adjustable Status
Ganondorf Preset
Hard Requirement |
Gato's Cute to Beastly Body - GCB - BHUNP
If you use AE Skyrim |
Gatti's Belt Collar SSE
Gender-Neutral Dialogue and Custom Pronouns
General Stores - Bugfix Patch
GetIni Console Command Fix 1170
Ghost Flicker
GoT Dragon Companions
Grass Cache Helper NG
For SSE/AE/GOG versions users. |
Great Dragon Armor
Hair Colour Sync
Hair Grow.FR
Handy TrainiNG
Hanna - A Face and Body Presets (BHUNP)
For the Stand alone Face Preset and For the Face And Body Preset |
Hard Save Hotkey
Use the version that works with your version of game. |
SE build 2.0.17 (runtime 1.5.97) |
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Expanded
hard |
Helm Hair - Updated
Required |
Hendraheim Redone Collector's Edition
Heritage - Race Overhaul
If you don't want to use SKSE for some reason, an SKSE independent version is available. |
High Poly Skyrim Girls - Female RaceMenu Presets
Highlight Quest Markers
Hold Power Attack NG
Required |
Horse Naming Plus
Horseback - Witcher-style horse stamina mechanic (SKSE)
Human limits - Reduce maximum buffs
Humanoid Vampire Lords Framework SKSE
Required to load SKSE plugins |
I'm Walkin' Here
Idrinth Thalui - Custom Voiced Male Altmer
for some of the advanced functionality |
Idrinth's Speaking Weapons
for upgrading the base damage of weapons according to level |
Idrinth's Tweaks - Book Collector
Idrinth's Tweaks - Legendary Skills
otherwise I can't track the legendary status |
Immersive Activate SKSE
Immersive Equipping Animations
Immersive Gender Reassignment (IGR)
Immersive Soul Gem Application AE SE VR
Required for SE and AE players |
Immersive Spell Learning - DESTified
Immersive Weapon Switch - SKSE plugin
Immortals of Skyrim (A highlander mod)
Imperial Mail - Post and Banking Service Continued (French)
Obligatoire |
Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
Improved Help Command - SE - AE
Hard requirement. |
Improvement Names Customized SSE
Inconsequential Incantations - Minor Immersive Spells
Hard requirement. |
Infinite Arrows Enchantment
https://skse.silverlock.org |
Infinite Weight Mod
Infinity UI
For Skyrim Special Edition (choose the file for your game version) |
Instantly Skip Dialogue NG
or the VR version |
Integrated Face Light
Interactive Riddle Books
Intuitive Dragon Ride Control (SE)
Inventory Interface Information Injector
For Skyrim Special Edition |
Inventory Interface Information Injector - Polish Translation
Isle of Artaeum (SSE)
Required for a few spells to work, but not much else. |
Isle of Artaeum - Season 3 (SSE)
Required for all spells and scripts. |
Item organizer - remove sell and add items directly from the Inventory
Mandatory. |
Jessica Rabbit Follower
JS Thieves Guild Training Chests SE
JS Unlock Everything SE
Keyword Item Distributor (KID)
Knockout - Health and Stealth-Based KOs
Required |
Special Edition SKSE |
Kris preset for TeraElinRace Remastered
KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics)
Lazy Renamer RU
Leather Armor Replacer - UNPK (with Physics)
For SSE Version. |
Legacy NG (DienesTools - Grimy Plugin - Grimy Utilities DLL)
For SE/AE. |
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub
If you want to be able to auto sort CC relics that are duplicates of Legacy ones. (DOES NOT MATTER WHICH VERSION NUMBER) |
Legacy of the Dragonborn - ESO Skyshards Display Patch
Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE
OPTIONAL - Required for SKSE enabled functions v3.0+ |
Level Up Menu (but with messages)
Little Lessons - Neglected Books Teach Small Skills
Soft requirement for some perks |
Loading Screen Truce AE
Local Map Upgrade
For Skyrim Special Edition (choose the file for your game version) |
Log Inventory Item Rotation
Lonely BBLS
Hard Requirement |
Lore friendly - Cure your Teammate from any disease
Lore friendly - Exchange Follower 'Sandbox Outfit'
Lore friendly - Follower Stats in a nutshell
Lore friendly - Player Stats in a nutshell
LOTD - L'Heritage de l'Enfant de dragon
Lunar Lattice - The New Gentleman Patch (Dagi-Raht)
Hard Requirement (through Dagi-Raht Race) |
(This is required for a lot of the important scripting features.) |
Lycanthration CHS
Magic and Necromancy
Required |
Magic Duel - Reborn
Required |
Magicka Siphon - A Soulgem Roleplay Mod
Main Menu Mesh Randomizer
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul - Polish Translation
Mannequin Management
Marci in Skyrim - HPH custom-whistled follower
Masmer - A World of Their Own
NOT Necessary. Only for some display functions to work correctly |
Menu de niveau superieur - mais avec des messages (French)
obligatoire |
Menu Maid 2 - MCM manager
https://skse.silverlock.org/ |
Meruccubus Follower
Mesmer Magic - Illusory Clone Decoys Spell Pack
Mid Air Shouts - Shout while falling
Mighty Healthy - Super Simple Needs (hunger thirst and sleep mechanics)
requirement for Hunger and Thirst to increase |
Mighty Healthy - Super Simple Needs-Only hunger and thirst
requirement for Hunger and Thirst to increase |
Mikillheim - A House Mod
Misc High Heels Sitting Height Fix
Misc Hkx Xml Converter SSE
Mjolnir - Hammer of Thor
My mod uses few important scripts from SKSE that won't work without it. |
Modlist Maintenance Utility
Monitor Refresh Rate Uncap
More Scars - A Slider for Racemenu
Mu Facial Expression Extended - MFEE
Mutating Skull of Corruption
2.0.17 |
Mute On Focus Loss
Mystic Condenser German
Na.Ni.Nu.Ne.No. - I am the true Nazeem
Named Soul Gems
Naruto Gals - A Follower Mod
Natural Pubic Hairstyles
Next-Gen Decapitations
Nightingale Bikini Armor BHUNP and CBBE BodySllide
Nimbus - Aura Enchantments
required for Profane Bloom |
Nirnfeel Immersion Overhaul Survival Needs Camping Bandoliers Spell Learning Potions Weapons Drugs Moving Vehicles
hard req |
No Compass In Dialogue
No Console Spam
No Furniture Camera
No Grass In Objects
No Loot When Armed - SKSE plugin
No More Corpses
Northern Cardinal - Beyond the Horizon
Required for MCM and Ship Customization |
Not the Immersive Bees Tweaks
Notification Log SSE
NPC Knockout Overhaul Lite
NPCs Learn to Aim (Skill-Based Aiming)
NPCs Names Distributor NG
Only for non VR |
Nude Mod - Naked Female NPC
OAR-PCEA (PC Exclusive Animations - Open Animation Replacer Version)
Object Placement Saver
Oblivion Sprint
One Touch Protected and Essential
Open Animation Replacer
Open Animation Replacer - Math Plugin
Open MCM Hotkey
Package Debug Helper
This mod uses functions that SKSE provides. You must install it for this mod to work. |
Paired Animation Improvements
Portals will not work without script extender |
Parry - Simple Weapon Parrying
Required |
Party Base Command SSE
required |
Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul (French)
Obligatoire |
Pawn's Pawnshop
Perceived Wealth
Perk Adjuster - Backport for 1.6.640 1.6.659
[HARD Requirement] |
Perk Points Per Skill Levelups
Personalized Mannequins
Hard Requirement |
Phenderix Dynamic Spawner
requried |
Philmorex - A Rideable Steerable Dragon Follower (SE)
Photo Mode
Photo Mode - French
Obligatoire |
Pious Hands (Sneak to Steal)
Pistol Reloading Script for Lore Friendly Guns of Skyrim
My script uses some SKSE exclusive papyrus functions. |
Playable Lute Flute and Drum - SSE
Pocket Mammoths
For Open/Dynamic Animation Replacer |
Poetic Duel
Power Attack Key NG
Practical Poisons for the Aspiring Explorer - A lore friendly poisons cookbook
Needed for any renaming |
Precision - Accurate Melee Collisions
Predictable Persuasion
For SE/AE |
Press H to Horse
Prevent Pickpocket after Training
PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)
For Special Edition (1.5.97) and Anniversary Edition |
Quest Journal Overhaul
Questing Freedom - Lost Artifacts
Needed for version 1.5 and beyond of this mod |
Quick Loot RE
Quick Loot RE for 1.6.1130
Quicker Item Transfer
QuickLoot IE - A QuickLoot EE Fork
Race Menu Player Rotation
Racial Skills and Leveling
Required |
Rain Extinguishes Fires
Rain Extinguishes Fires - French
Obligatoire |
Rally Combat
Read the Room - Immersive and Animated Helmet Management
(Base Requirement) |
Real Backpacks
Real Names - Extended
Whatever version you need for your version of Skyrim |
Realistic Camp Storage
Absolutely Required |
Reasonable Reloading
Required for SKSE functions |
Reflex - Contextual Slow Time in Combat
Required |
Requiem - BZTweaks
ReShade Effect Toggler
Riften Honorhall Orphanage Extended
Only required for MCM options |
Riverwood Trader Consignment Contract - Auto-sell excess inventory
Riverwood Trader Is A Mess.FR
Roaring Words
Rough Rider
Runescape Alchemy (Transmute Items to Gold)
Rutah Tattoo Pack for RaceMenu (SSE AE)
Sacrifice or Sovngarde - A Death Alternative
Required |
Sandbox When Idle
Save Game Encoding
Scaleform Translation Plus Plus
Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG - Updated
Scholar's Sting
Scrambled Bugs
Script Optimization and Fixes Compilation
Sensual Needs for Flower Girls or SexLab or Ostim
for SSE |
Sentient Chairs of Skyrim (SCOS)
Serpent's Modular Randomizer
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Shera preset for TeraElinRace Remastered
Shout Organizer - Hide Remove Delete Erase Forget Shouts
Show Animation Command NG - SKSE
[Hard Requirement] |
Show My Time
Show Player In Menus
Required for SkyUI/SKSE plugins to work. |
Side arms on Back of Shields
Sil Gahrot - Improved Shouts Learning
Simple Beheading - NG
Simple Campfire - Skyrim post-AE survival
Simple Clock on-screen
Simple Display - Battleaxe and Warhammer
(Requirement's Requirement) |
Simple Display - Multiple Greatswords
(Requirement's Requirement) |
Simple Item Adder
Simple Outfit Manager-ITA
Richiesto per alcune funzioni avanzate |
Simple Scoped Crossbows - Extended
Only for Simple Scoped Crossbows - Enhanced Night Sight |
Simple Spoilage System Framework
must |
Simple Storage Management
Simplest Horses (and other mounts)
Hard Requirement |
Simply Knock DLL for GOG 1.6.1179
Required. |
Sink of Scrubbing - Interactive Wash Basins
Hard requirement |
Skills For Perks
SKSE64 - LCSC - Linux Co-Save Cleaner
Skyblivion - Master Necromancer Robes HDT-SMP
Skyblivion - Master Necromancer Robes HDT-SMP Darker Recolour
SkyRegEx - Skyrim Regular Expressions SKSE
Skyrim 40000 - A W40k story
Skyrim All For One Mage
2.0.17 |
Skyrim Configuration Menu
Skyrim Dual Sense Adaptive Trigger Mod AE and SSE
Skyrim Special Edition Module File Version Check Patcher
Skyrim's Got Talent - Show in UI
SkyUI - Better Favorite Menu
SkyUI MCM Hotkey
Sleep Tight German
Slipping of Spells - Dynamic Spell Fizzle and Practical Studying
Slower Bows - SkyPatcher
Obviously |
Smart Training NG
SmartStaff - Staff Casting Remastered
Smithing Essence
Mandatory, for all scripts |
SMP Wind
SMP-NPC crash fix
Sneak Vignette
Social NPCs SSE
Soul Devourer Ring
Soul Gem Star Fragments - AE
Special Herby Mod
Speechcraft and Yielding - Roleplaying and Non-Lethal Gameplay Options
Required |
Spell Charging Redux - Longer Concentration Makes Spells Stronger
Spell Hotbar
Spell Level Automatic Adjusted Description (SLAAD) - SKSE
Spell Organizer - Hide Remove Delete Erase Forget Spells
[Mandatory] |
Spell Toggle
Spell Tutor
SpellCraft Functions SKSE64
2.0.17 |
Spells Require Books
Spriggan Affinity
Sprint Stuttering Fix
SSE Engine Fixes - Unofficial A Dragonborn's Fate mod guide config
SSE FPS Stabilizer
SSE Port - Moonlight Tales Essentials (MTE)
Naturally. |
Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers
Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers German V2
Staff Enchanting Plus
Stagger Effect Fix
Stamina Matters - No more useless stamina
Stances NG
Star Wars Lite Conversion
Star Wars Redux Overhaul
Just in case |
Static Skill Leveling Rewritten
Steam Keyboard Integration (for Big Picture)
Stolen Possessions - the Deceased
Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (French)
Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019)
For SSE version |
Streamlined Fishing
Subtitles VR
Only for non VR |
Sunlight Damage Exception Framework
Super Smart Sorting Storage
Survival Mode Auto Eat
Survival Mode Improved - SKSE - Russian Translation
Swift Potion NG
Switch Camera During Dialogue
Required |
TDG's Around Skyrim Resource
Optional, for MCM support only |
Tempering Hammers
Tempering Is Totally Sensible
Ten Minute Powers - Customisable Greater Power Cooldowns
TESV - Kuldahar
The Conflict Under the Crescent - A Companions and Silver Hand Mod
Perhaps not necessary with my scripts, but useful in most cases |
The Dovah Den - Compact Player Home with Legacy Support
The Dragon Cult - A Draugr Overhaul
The Dragon Cult - A Draugr Overhaul - Deutsch
The Dragon Cult - A Draugr Overhaul - Russian Translation
The Dragonborn's Bestiary
The Dragonborn's Bestiary (Russian translation)
Нужно обязательно! |
The Dragonborn's Bestiary - Lively's Alchemy Addon
Script functions won't work without it. |
The Dragonborn's Fishiary - Bestiary Addon
Required |
The Dragonborn's Fishiary - Bestiary Addon - Deutsch
The Drez'kth'ar Horror
Not technically required, but you'll need it for the dialogue-skipping fix. If that bothers you. |
The Great Book Hunt
The Heist - A Skyrim Quest Mod
THE IRON ARM - Dynamic Muscle Growth
The New Gentleman
The Thrassian Scare
All SKSE versions supported for any Skyrim game version |
Thievery - A merge of Pickpocket and Lockpicking
Required for XP gain from picking locks. |
Time Multiplier Changer NG
For SSE/AE |
Toggle Compass Hotkey
Torchlight - A Togglable Candlelight Alternative
Needed for the MCM menu to work. |
Toxicity - Potion Aftereffects
Required |
Translocate - Mark And Recall Spells
Traps - Interactive Craftable and Moveable
Required |
Travel Rations - Restricted Fast Travel
Treasure Maps Randomized
True Dragon Aspect - Play as a Dragon with Full Control and Full Collision
Strict requirement. Likely CTD without it. |
True Teacher Paarthurnax
Tween Menu Overhaul
Twins Heart Armor - THICC (UNPK Conversion with Physics)
for SSE version |
Twisted's Command Binders - MCM Helper
Typography Training
Unarmed - Damage Tweaks Knockdowns and Skill Progression
Required |
Unequip Quiver SE (NG)
Unequip Quivers SE - ITA
Prerequisito della mod originale. |
Unfaltered Virtue - A Penitus Oculatus Story
Required if you want IFD Lydia integration |
Unique Actor Values For Summermyst
Implicit - Required by Actor Value Generator. |
UnLock - Lockpicking Requirements Lock Smashing and Spells
Required |
Unofficial Spellforge patch for me
UNPK Fur Armor Replacer (With Physics)
For SSE Version. |
Unskippable Dialogue NG
or the VR version |
Untamed Wilds
Upgradable Spells and Items - UI Resource
Vancian Tweaks
Vengeful Courier
Mandatory to enable MCM menu |
Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger
Vergil's Summoned Swords
Voiced Books of Skyrim
I use some SKSE papyrus functions |
Vokord - Perk Overhaul
Make sure you are using the appropriate address library |
Warming Hands
Weapon Stat Viewer
Weapon Stat Viewer V2
Weight Slider Spells
Hard requirement |
Werewolves jump higher and farther
Wergild - Death Costs Gold
Which Key NG
Widescreen Scale Removed for 1-6-1130 and higher
Wiki and Map Integration
Wilting Sanguine Rose
2.0.17 |
Yes Im Sure
Yet Another WIDeadBodyCleanupScript Crash Fix
You're Hired - Merchant Manager
Required |
Yumi and Yumi-Demon presets for TeraElinRace Remastered