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About this mod

This mod replaces the Cyrodiil counties guards armors .

Permissions and credits
First of all, a huge thanks to Rigmor, that created his wonderful mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil and helped me with making this mod, both technically and with his opinions and suggestions, to NordwarUa, for his permission to use his assets from his mods, that i find absolutely amazing, to Nerevairine, that ported it to SE and updated the esp to go with the RoC Reboot version and to Hrodeberht1 for the possible green glow isssue fix in the last version.

As the title says, this mod replaces the armors of the soldiers of the Cyrodiil counties in the mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil.
Of course you need the original mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil to play this mod.

Also available for LE:

All the counties of Cyrodiil have been covered, with a special care of the county of Bruma, in fact you will find a little surprise in your room in the Bruma Castle ;)

All the armors are for male and female, lootable from dead soldiers and even if i didn't test them, i also included helmets for Khajit and Argonian players.
The Bruma guard armor has also a cloth version, in my opinion more lore friendly when going to have some mead at the inn while out of duty :)
If you find any issues, please tell me and i'll do my best to fix them :)

I hope you like this mod, and if you enjoy it, endorsements are always welcome!  :)

About permissions and credits, please see the proper section.