1. Jaashi
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    • 2 kudos
    I don't know if it's greedy to ask for an optional patch or version that removes the dawnguard members after the clean up. I'm worried to do it myself as I dunno If'd break the mod if I delete the npcs in creation kit.

    I'm using some other mods for dawnguard and I'm not necessarily allied with the dawnguard just shared a common goal, and I want the castle for meself.
  2. MasterIke637
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    Playing as dawnguard, who would I have to speak to, in order to clear the path to the courtyard? Or what must be done, to get it cleared?

    Nevermind, I just figured it out.

    1. Violesada
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      • 0 kudos
      bro tell me please
    2. stonefire09
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    3. RakiThiendor
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      The path to the courtyard marker is on the main keep ruined side of the doorway, not the courtyard's side. To repair the courtyard, its on the pillar behind the table with two chairs. Check screenshots for the pillar itself. The marker isn't on the bottom though, you'll have to look near the top of the pillar and jump a bit to find it.
  3. Rarogar
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    • 0 kudos
    How do you get this to work? Just killed Harkon and there's nothing really to do now?
    1. Joberry
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      • 4 kudos
      Have you talken to Valerica that Harkon is dead? 
    2. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,635 kudos
      You also need to leave the location and return again in order for the castle to be prepped for cleanup.
    3. jrh643
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Asmodeus Serrana and Valerica replacer mod, and Valerica, Lust of a mother mod. No bugs and no conflicts. Also, very funny. 
  4. jrh643
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    Well, it's only been a couple days, and the tabletops are almost cleared, they knock everything to the floors. Only complaint I have, and I'll be damned if I will spend hours putting stuff back. Also, could have used some more light and furniture. Most of the place seems bare and almost dark. Anyhow, I am closing on the games end and will get the Dawnguard out. They took it over like they own it. Not right, Serana owns it and her mother. (BTW , my character is not a vampire). I am making most followers with cheats and NFF tweaks. I have werewolves with super high HP and will turn who I can to my faction and kill the rest. They are trespassers. Freeloaders. Wouldn't mind guards in armor, but they hang out and drink all the time and trash the place. The game should have had a dialogue for Isran about who owns the place. Anyhow great mod, the place was a shithole, fit for rats to live in. Now it's nice. Thanks for taking your time to make a worthless thing into a good thing. They already went to battle when I was gone, the werewolves killed all the Dawnguard and one vamp cattle. I brought the Dawnguard back and am now considering on how to populate it the way I want. Thanks again, great mod.
  5. PhattyBolger
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    • 1 kudos
    Is there any way to clean up the courtyard if I've already brought Valerica back from the Soul Cairn before installing the mod? Can't interact with the debris piles. EDIT: Never mind, the option for the debris showed up when I jumped a bit. Sorted now.
  6. Ninja2dan
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Been a few years since I last played, this mod was working great back then. But after coming back, this mod is not working properly. I've finished the DG questline, siding with the DG. I left the castle, slept in my home for about 4-5 days until all of the corpses were removed from the exterior of the castle entrance. I can see all of the debris piles, and I can activate them, but it's not working. My character enters the mining animation and just "mines" forever. There is no fade-out or clearing of anything.

    After activating a debris pile (and it not working correctly), I'm unable to activate that specific pile again unless I activate a different debris pile first or leave the cell. Not sure what's going on, I don't have any other mods that relate to the castle, the DG DLC, etc. I have LotD installed, but that should have nothing to do with the castle rebuild. Pretty much all of the mods I used to have are what's installed now, so I can't understand why it worked before but not anymore. Anyone have any ideas?

    I was able to correct the issue, could have been one of two things. I waited yet another day in a home before returning, so maybe I wasn't away long enough but I doubt that was the problem. Second, I disabled one of my mods that changed the mining animation by speeding it up. With that mod disabled, mining was at the normal speed, and after three whacks with the pickaxe the screen faded to black and the cleanup worked fine.

    So if anyone else is having issues with the clean up piles not wanting to work properly, make sure you disable animation mods that may be conflicting. Note that you don't need to uninstall/remove those mods, just disable them while rebuilding the castle and then turn the mods back on once you're finished.
  7. JeanA882
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    • 38 kudos
    Seeing your picture(the second one), the coffins are removed? If we are a vampire and joined the volkihar, we don't remove them? I ask because I do want the coffins to stay and also I use a coffin replacer and no matter what i do and overwrite everything, the coffin texture don't change. Why? This mod with the red velvet: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21874?tab=description
    It needs a patch?
    1. GhostlyWalker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm in the same situation, I really would like to keep the coffins
    2. Arthmoor
      • premium
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      The coffins are only removed if you sided with the Dawnguard. If you ended the quest by siding with the vampires then they will remain.

      The texture replacer will take effect regardless since this mod isn't changing the base models in any way.
  8. TheBigD24
    • premium
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    Anyone have any idea how I would be missing the fast travel marker for Castle Volkihar - Balcony? I went outside and there's no fast travel marker. Dawnguard side, just finished the questline.
    1. Arthmoor
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      There's a specific trigger volume just outside the door leading out to the balcony over the bridge that's there. If you never passed through that the marker won't be enabled.

      That's a feature of the DLC itself that this mod hasn't altered.
  9. cato516
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    After rebuilding the tower outside the gate the distant lod of the structure looks like this with dyndolod installed:
    1. Arthmoor
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      • 7,635 kudos
      You'd have to take that up with Sheson as obviously I have no control over the process used by DynDOLOD.
  10. stonefire09
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    i'm playing as a vampire lord and after restoring the castle all of the skeleton npc's and gargoyle's respawned, i killed them again but they still respawned after a day or two. is there a way to fix this?