(DAR) Animation File Relocator - Hkanno Support
(DAR)Bit more tactical 1H normal attack animations
(DAR)Blockrunner run leftside animation solution SE
(DAR)Death animation variation SE
(DAR)More Noemic drink animations SE
Hard requirement |
(DAR)More Ritho-ish Giant Animations SE
(DAR)Telekinesis wood chopping
(DMC) Shiver Alpha - A Frostfall . Frostbite . CC Survival Animation Mod
(French) Heavy Armory - New Weapons
Pour utiliser les animations du mod |
(MCO) Kamisato Ayaka - 5 Normal Hit.
(MCO) Whirlwind Attack
MCO Mode Advance |
(SE) Ashes of War for NPCs
(SGC) SkySA - Combat Behavior Compulsion
1st Person Dagger Stab with DAR
hard requirement |
2B Nier Automata Idle Animation - My DAR Version SE by Xtudo
My DAR version of the lovely 2B idle animation. |
2HSpecialAttackMod - Combat - Animation
Must or OAR |
2HSpecialAttackModNPC - Vanilla Plus Combat Mod
Must or OAR (Open Animation Replacer) |
A Mod That Adds One Idle Animation
Or OAR |
A Witcher's Adventure
Soft Requirement - Check mod's description to see if you want it. |
ABYSSAL BLADE MCO One Handed Moveset and Weapon
must |
Acrobatic Dodge Replacer
Optional |
Additional Attack
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Martial Arts - Kick Boxing
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Berserker guts Animation
must |
ADXP I MCO Malenia Boss version animation
must |
ADXP I MCO Nordic BattleAxe Warhammer Animation(Outdate)
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Martial Arts - Taekwondo(WTF) Precision
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO AC Valhalla Nordic Animation Reworked SCAR 0.85 patched(OutDated)
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Dragon Age Staff Moveset
ADXP I MCO Dragon Age Staff Moveset - French
Obligatoire |
ADXP I MCO Dragon Age Staff Moveset Enhanced Edition
for DAR version |
ADXP I MCO I BFCO Xianghua SC6 Remastered (SCAR)
HARD. For user that somehow can't use OAR |
ADXP I MCO NarakaBladepoint DW
or oar |
ADXP I MCO Nioh Spear Animation
Dynamic Animation Replacer |
ADXP I MCO Nordic Dagger Animation(Outdate)
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Nordic GreatSword Animation(Outdate)
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Nordic Mace Animation For Player
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Nordic Sword Animation(Outdate)
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Nordic WarAxe Animation For Player
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Samurai General-2hKatana
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Hunter Series 1 (Monster Hunter dual wielding)
or OAR |
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Hunter Series 2 (Bow Animation)
or OAR |
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Hunter Series 3 (1hm Animation)
or OAR |
ADXP I MCO Skyrim Martial Arts - Muay thai
Hard Requirement |
ADXP I MCO Sorceress animation
Choose it or OAR |
ADXP I MCO Spear Soldier Animations
Hard Requirement |
ADXP l MCO Nordic Animation Complete Pack
Hard Requirement |
ADXP l MCO Apprentice animations
Hard Requirement |
ADXP l MCO Crossguard and Blaster attack animations
Hard Requirement |
ADXP l MCO Desert Race Animation Complete Pack
Hard Requirement |
ADXP l MCO Imperium Animation Complete Pack
Hard Requirement |
ADXP MCO Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dual Wield
or OAR |
ADXP-MCO Vindictus Bella Great-Axe Animations Moveset - MCO DAR AMR
Aja and Kaida
float Faerie |
Akaviri Katana Variants - BOS-SPID world integration (vanilla and mods)
optional (recommended) - if you want the weapons to have the same first person katana animations as those from First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0 |
Akaviri Martial Art -3 stance- (one-handed animation for ABR)
Akaviri Martial Arts - Oriental Swordsmanship Redux
If you use the DAR version of the mod |
Alik'r Swordsmanship for SkySA
Animated Armory Scriptless No Whip (dar)
Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with animations
Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with animations (FR)
Obligatoire |
Animated Armoury DAR Modified Conditions for MCO - ADXP
Animated armoury no whips or claws and other personal tweaks (full mod)
Animated Heavy Armory - DAR version with enchantments animations and patches
[optional] Required if you want the provided animations |
Animated War Horns
Animation for lore friendly rifles with gun shot sounds
Dar (get it?) |
Animation in Ashstorm
Animation in Blizzard
Archived - Compatibility Weapon Conditions
Hard requirement. |
Armor Traders 2
Needed for new animations at merchants. |
Armor Type Specific Animations
ARPG Magical Knight Moveset ADXP MCO
User DAR |
Artifact Animation Replacer - Wabbajack
Ascendant Stances Combat MCO 0.9
Mandatory |
attack animation for improved camera
>w< |
Attack Animations and Movesets
Attack Behavior Revamp
Automatic Animations - Including Icon Identification
Required to distribute animations to weapons. |
Awakened Warrior Greatsword Animations SE
Awareness Sneak
Axarien's Animations - Auri
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Bishop
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Companions - Vilkas Farkas Aela
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Inigo
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Kaidan 2 and Kaidan Revoiced
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Lucien
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Nightingales - Karliah Brynjolf
either this or OAR |
Axarien's Animations - Teldryn Sero
either this or OAR |
BadAss Viking Pack - New ADXP MCO Animations
Battlestaff Animations for SkySA
Mandatory |
Bayonetta Standalone Follower
(Optional - Required for walking animation) |
Be One With The Sword
Optional for the animations. Use either OAR or DAR. |
Ben Do Vah
Or you can use OAR |
Berserk I The Black Swordsman I Cannon Arm Add On
Better tomboys (wide spread arms fix) DAR animations
Or Open animation replacer (OAR) |
BFCO - elden rim moveset collection (SCAR)
or OAR |
BG3 Shadowheart - Idle motions
Required; install either OAR or DAR. |
Big cannon animation for Glenmoril
Big Iron - .44 Magnum - DAR
Or OAR. |
Bikiniborn - Huntress of Skyrim
or OAR |
Bikiniborn EX - Huntress of Skyrim
or OAR |
Black Flame Friede Dual-Wield Animations SE
Blind people DAR animations
Or Open animation replacer (OAR) |
Blinding Light SE
Necessary for correct hand positions |
bloodborne mace animation
Bloodskal Blade Fix but with Animation Way - DAR
Must have! 必须的好吧。 |
Blunderbuss and Proto-pistol Animation
Body Language
Boss MCO Animation Folders
Bound hands - Helgen attack DAR animations
Hard requirement |
Bow Animations
Bow Animations V2
Bow Charge Plus
This is only required if you are using Dodge Shot. |
Bow Rapid Combo I Archer Combat Overhaul
Bruce Lee Unarmed Fighting MCO
Mandatory but not recommended. Choose this or OAR (which is recommended). |
Bug Fix - Sprinting Spell Hand
yoy |
Cancelable large stagger
Carry Your Carcasses With Animation
Must |
Caryalind Thallery MCO Animation Folder
Casting animations for The Witcher signs
must |
Cat like Run Sneak and Sprint (Player Only) DAR
Catwalk animation (SSE dynamic and normal port)
Only for the first two versions |
Cervantes SC6 2-Hit Combo SkySA 1.9
Chaos Dragon Tweaks
Choose one |
Cheats and Roll for Skyrim
Required for dances (DAR option, It is recommended to have only either DAR or OAR) |
Children won't use sexy animations
Won't do anything without it. |
Children's Toys AnimObject Swapper
Only for the optional DAR idle variations |
Chill Dragonborn Guy
China spear
Chinese Localisation of Animated Armoury - New Weapons with third person animations SSE Version
DAR版前置 |
Chivalry Of Tamriel (C.O.T)
must |
CIWM - Custom Idle WheelMenu SE
Claw Animations for Animated Armoury - Orakin 2020 Animations
Must have |
Claw Animations for SkySA
Mandatory |
Claws movement for Animated Armoury
Clockwork Tot Armaments
(ONLY if using the DAR aniamtion option) |
Clockwork Tot Origins - Weapons - Armor - Cute Robot Girls and ... dodgey magic
Optional: for if getting the DAR version Gun Patch only |
Clockwork Tot Origins - Windup Robot Girls - Guns - Magic - Mount and a home - SMP
(ONLY if using the DAR aniamtion option) - has been updated to work with 1.6.640 |
Cold Region Behavior - Beta Test
Optional |
Combo Animation Framework
essential |
Companions Trio MCO Animation Folders
Conditional Gender Animations
Conditional High Heel Idles
mandatory |
Conditional High Heel Sitting
mandatory |
Conditional High Heel Walk
mandatory |
Convenient Unicorn Tweaks SE
Optional, unless you want the slightly tweaked whistle animation AKA IdleStudy |
cookeh's conditional and random animations - CCARA DAR
Cosmo - Spear Fantasy .esp file with keyword for DAR
For Keyword |
Cosplay Pack - hdt SMP (CBBE 3BA)
For sword animation |
Couch Lance - Convenient Horse Add-on
Covenborn - Playable Hagraven-kin
Optional. To allow you to use their custom animations. |
HARD REQUIREMENT. Without this, the mod would not work at all. I use v1.1.0. It might work on later versions, idk. |
Crossbow Animations V2
Crossbow Animations.
Customizable Faster Mining Animation - OAR or DAR
Only for old 1.0.0 version. |
Customizable Faster Woodcutting Animation - OAR or DAR
Optional. Only if you use old 1.0.0 DAR version. |
Dagger parry moveset and riposte
Dagger Unequip Animation DAR
Mandatory |
Dancers and Dragons
HARD REQUIREMENT. Without this, the mod would not work at all. I use v1.1.0. It might work on later versions, idk. |
Dante Balrog Moveset - MCO - Precision
Required, choose only DAR or OAR |
Dante Balrog- Skysa AMR Moveset
Dante Rebellion - Skysa AMR Moveset
DAR - Animated Fear (SE Port)
DAR - Dark Souls Animated Armoury - SE PORT
DAR - Dynamic Swimming
DAR - Jump Back Animation
DAR - Less Creepy Cisero Dance
DAR - Modesty - Cover Yourself
DAR - Onehand Melee Exhaustion
DAR Explorer
DAR Moveset and Buster Sword - Cloud Strife FF7 Remake
or OAR |
DAR moveset rings
DAR random H2H normal attacks Cross and Jab
You need SKSE and for that you need to make sure your versions line up. Will absolutely not go through the troubleshooting process in this regard. |
DAR Random Sexy Female Dual1handed melee Idle Animations
You need this for the mod to work |
DAR Random Sexy Female DualMagic Idle Animations
HARD requirement, won't work without it. |
DAR Random Sexy Female RightHanded Melee Left handed Magic Idle Animation
You need this for the mod to work |
DAR Rings and Amulets - jewelry for Dynamic Animation Replacer
If not, you'll just have a chest of worthless, invisible jewelry |
DAR to OAR Converter
Does not require it, but mods that require it can be converted with tool. |
DAR-One handed Sword and Dagger Anims by BigM00d
It's in the title of this mod, silly! |
Dark Knight Greatsword Animations SE
Dark soul sword animation(MCO)
must |
Dark souls black knight animation
must |
DARK SOULS blackknight (MCO SCAR)
dark souls praying animation SE
Dark souls sitting idle
Dark Wraith sword animations for Skysa AMR
DarkSouls RE Chaosblade ADXP MCO
User DAR |
DarkSouls RE Iaito ADXP MCO
User DAR |
DART - Dynamic Animation Replacer Tool (beta)
Not strictly necessary to run the program, but I really don't get why someone who doesn't use DAR would want to use this mod |
Deadly Samurai Combat (SkySA) DEPRECATED
must |
delia stagger
oar or dar.Choose one of them |
Depths of the Reach MCO Folders
Distance Based Combat
Diverse Random Normal Attack
core |
Divine Smite
Divines Prayer Animations - My DAR version SE by Xtudo
15 new randomized animations when praying to a Divine. Unisex. For the Player and NPCs. |
DMCO - TK Dodge - Keyf's Vampire Effect Replacer for Stylish Dodge Chaos
if you use DAR, interchangeable with OAR |
DMCODD - DMCO Double Distance
must have |
Dodge Animation for CGO
Dodge Like a Boss - A Simple and Effective Skyrim Mod
If you use the DAR version |
Don't sheathe bound weapons DAR animations
Or Open animation replacer (OAR) |
Double Bed Spooning - DAR
Dr. Livesey spell pack- Walk like a chad
Hard requirement |
Dragon Animation Replacer with DAR integration
Required |
Dragon Priest Player Animation Hover Fly SE
Draw 2 - Dual Weapon Equip-Unequip Animations
Dreadstorm - Mountain Spirit Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Drunk or drugged animations (DAR) or (OAR)
hard requirement. Or Open animation replacer (OAR) also hard requirement. |
DS Knight Berenike Mini Boss SCAR MCO
User DAR |
DS3 farron Greatsword animation(mco skysa)
must |
DS3 Ringed Knight sword animations I MCO
DSR Moveset Uchigatana ADXP MCO
For user using DAR |
Dual Mace Animations for SkySA
Mandatory |
Dual Wield Sword MCO Moveset
Duology Paramour - Oblivion Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Dynamic Animation Replacer - Crawl on all Fours Animation
Dynamic Animation Replacer - Flying and Hovering
Dynamic Animation Replacer Multiple Power Attacks Animations
Must have |
Dynamic Animation Replacer Packing Tool
obviosly |
Dynamic Animation Replacer VR Fix
The VR version, not AE or SE |
Dynamic animations for BOSSE
Required for animations. |
Dynamic Casting Animations
Dynamic Combat Animations
Hard Requirement, Otherwise this Mod is Useless |
Dynamic Female Swimming Idles
Required for DAR Version |
Dynamic Female Weather Idles
Required for DAR Version |
Dynamic Fus Ro Dah
Dynamic injured creature animations - Falmer
Either one. |
Dynamic Random Female Idles V2
Recommended for pre-AE versions of Skyrim. Do not use with OAR |
Dynamic Sitting Idles
Dynamic Torch Idle Animations
Required for DAR Version |
Dynamic Weapon Animation Sets
Prerequisite. must download for this mod to do anything. |
Dynamic Whirlwind Sprint
DynaMo Dynamic Movement Collection DAR OAR ESPFE
or OAR |
Dynasty warrior
Eating Animations and Sounds SE
Edgemaster Animations for ADXP - MCO
Edgemaster Animations for Attack Behavior Revamp (ABR)
Edgemaster Animations for Attack Behavior Revamp (ABR) 5.8 and above
Eira - High Poly Follower or Aduri Replacer
Optional. |
Eivor - ADXP I MCO Dual Wield Spears Moveset
or OAR |
Eivor - ADXP I MCO Sprint Attacks
won't work without it |
Eivor Animations - AC Valhalla animations replacer
won't work properly without it |
Elden Counter
Required |
elden rim dodge
must |
Elden Ring Law of Causality
DAR or OAR |
Elden Ring Law of Regression
DAR or OAR |
Elden Ring Step Dodge
Elden Ring the Queen's Black Flame
DAR or OAR |
Elden Ring Thops's Barrier
DAR or OAR |
Elder Creed - Movement (Deprecated)
Elder Creed - Valhalla Axe Moveset AIO
Elder Souls - The Collection
Only a requirement if using AMR version |
Eldritch Blast
Eltmer (Fairy Race) SE
Enemy Magelock - NPC Magic Casting Commitment
must |
Erik Irileth Frea- MCO Vanilla Follower Animation Folder Pack 2
Eris Tavern Animation Lite (Light and Shade - ezPG)
Required, choose one from OAR/DAR |
Esp-fe Hrji follower
if you want to play the idles |
Evelanna Custom Voiced Thief Follower
If you want Evelanna to use different animations. OAR or DAR |
Everything's in order - City Banner
EVG Animation Variance
Latest version. If you comment asking why NPC stuff isn't working I can check which version you have and I will call you out LMAO |
EVG Conditional Idles - French
Obligatoire |
EVG Conditional Idles - Ukrainian translation
EVG Conditional Idles Animation for Shiver Alpha - A Frostfall.
ex Command Input Mode
This is required to use animation files prepared by user. |
exSkyreme Fighter
If Custom Animation Kit is used(If necessary) |
Facial Expressions Idle Animation
Faster Mining Animation (DAR)
Won't work without it. |
Faster Woodcutting Animation (DAR)
Won't work without it. |
Feline Movement Animations for Khajiits Only (FMAK) SSE
OAR or DAR not Both |
female death animation
Female look out Idle (Normal and Dynamic conversion)
Just for the Dynamic version. |
Female sneak(non-combat) idle
Feminize - Crafting Animation
Required. |
Feminize - NPC Turning animations
Hard Requirement |
Figure Skating in Skyrim
First Person Artifact Animation Replacer
Hard Requirement |
First Person Combat Animations Overhaul (superceded)
you must download this. |
First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0 -SIZE MATTERS
you must download this. |
First person Forward power redo
This is necessary |
First Person HEMA Weapon Animations
First Person Low Stance Animation
First Person Unarmed Animation
Flintlock Pistols for Adventurers (travelling in hostile environments)
Only for Version 2 and up. Not required if you want to use vanilla staff animations. |
Floaty Daumbra
Hard Requirement |
Flute Animation Fix
Flying Sprint Animation DAR
Mandatory |
Follower Interact with Gestures
Required; install either OAR or DAR. |
Follower Interact with Gestures - French
ou Open Animation Replacer |
Footman Sword And Shield Animation
For Honor in SKYRIM (Warden) I skysa
For Honor in SKYRIM I Aramusha
For Honor in Skyrim I Centurion
For Honor in SKYRIM I Conqueror
For Honor in Skyrim I Gladiator
For Honor in Skyrim I Gryphon
For Honor in Skyrim I Lawbringer
For Honor in Skyrim I Nobushi
For Honor in SKYRIM I Peacekeeper I Sword and Dagger
For Honor in Skyrim I Valkyrie I MCO spear Animation
For Honor in Skyrim I Warden
For Honor in Skyrim I Warlord I Sword and shield I MCO Animation
Formless Mist Raven - DAC - I TKDR I DMCO I TUDM I
FP Revo - First Person Enhanced Combat
Freerun in Skyrim - Acrobatic Jump Replacer
Required for old DAR version below 1.3 |
Frenzy and Enraged Throw
Frodo's sword (sting sword and png sword (middle earth mod) LOTR
do not use this and OAP both at the same time pick one |
Gakupo Greatsword SKYSA
gemeizirenshu's fist idle animation
Gender-specific Werewolf Transformation Sounds (Vampire Lords optional)
Genesis AR - Player Animation Rebuild
Genshin Impact Kaeya moveset ADXP MCO
Must |
Geralt in the skyrim(mco skysa)
must |
Get Up with Style (Dynamic Animation Replacer)
Ghosts float DAR animations
Gild Polearm Pack - Animated Armoury Patch
For user that somehow can't use OAR |
Glaive Master Animations SE
Go To Bed - DAR-OAR and Vanilla patch by Xtudo - Sleeping Animations
Patch for the awesome Go To Bed mod. |
Technically possible w/o, but you won't have the designated animation upon respawn |
Greatbow animation DAR
Grimgath the Corrupted Champion - Dragon Marauder Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Gunslicer Sexy Drum Animation
Required. Boomer edition |
Hallowed Sword Moveset
Not mandatory, but if for some reason you don't use DAR, you'll have to manually place the meshes in the \meshes\actors\character\animations folder instead. |
Hand to Hand Blocking Animation
Either this or Nemesis |
Handheld Lanterns Animations
Required for DAR Version |
Heavy Armory - New Weapons - Polish Translation
żeby nowe animacje włóczni działały |
HeavyBlade and BattleAxe Power Sprint Attack
Her Jump - DAR
If you don't have DAR, you'll need Nemesis or FNIS and have to fiddle with the files. Just install DAR |
Here to Help - Tend to the Sick and Wounded
DAR is optional. Only needed if you want the chance for healed NPCs to use the injured animation. Optional file that contains the animations is required for this to work. |
Hold Your Sword Like Githyanki
HollowSlayer Greatsword moveset I MCO ISCAR
Hug Animation For Immersive Lap Sitting
I'm Glad You're Here - a follower and spouse appreciation mod - SSE - Russian Translation
или Open Animation Replacer |
I'm glad you're here - French version
Pas obligatoire mais conseillé pour plus d'animations élaborées ! |
Immersive Diving Animation
Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions
or alternatively: OAR |
Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions - Spanish
Immersive Interactions - Eating ingredients and apply poison animations
Use either OAR or DAR, not both. |
Immersive Interactions - ITA
Immersive sprint animations SE
Inigo MCO Animation Folder
Injection Dart Gun - Addon to DAR Rifles Standalone
Or OAR. |
Injured Animations Dynamic Replacer SE
Ithelia and the Threads of Fate - Teletaxi Follower Home and DB DLC Expansion
Izela Clovermist - Corbicanus Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Jamadhar - Weapon and DAR Animations
Optional. Required for the patch. |
James Halliday's Active Lifestyle
James Halliday's Animation Ports
Only needed for Poolside Sits |
JD's Semi-Realistic NPC - Beleval
Optional. Required for the patch. |
JD's Semi-Realistic NPC - Gabriella
Optional. Required for the patch. |
JD's Semi-Realistic NPC - Sorine
Optional. Required for the patch. |
JH Combat Animation Pack SE
Hard requirement |
JOJO Star Platinum
DAR or OAR |
Judgement Cut End - ap05's Remake PI DAR Nemesis MCO
Required |
Judgement Cut End - RE - Script Free
Judgement YAGAMI h2h animations (MCO SKYSA)
Must, great Mod |
Jump Behavior Overhaul
Needed for perk based landing variations, sprint jump variation, and more |
Kenjutsu Nyumon Animation
Kimachuu Grenades
またはOARを使用してください。 |
Kimachuu Gun Shot
必須。あるいはOARを使用してください。 |
King of Swords Animations
If you want player only |
Kingsglaive - Extreme Bound Weapon Play
Kingsglaive - Moveset for ADXP I MCO
Mandatory, This and its requirements |
Knockback and Stagger Remastered
Needed to activate variations |
Knockout and Surrender - Non-Lethal Pacifist yielding options
Required to make surrendered enemies walk around mopey and hunched over. |
Large Stagger Animation
Main file doesn't require DAR |
Le Sentiment du Fer - HEMA Combat Overhaul SSE
Mandatory |
Le Sentiment du Fer - TUDM Reanimated
Mandatory |
Leaps of Faith - A Misc Quest
You need DAR or OAR If you want the custom animations. - FNIS/Nemesis are NOT needed. |
Leaps of Faith - A Misc Quest - German Translation
Leaps of Faith - A Misc Quest - Spanish
Leaps of Faith - Traduzione italiana
Non obbligatorio, ma necessario per avere l'animazione unica |
Left hand sheath
Leon Help - One hand sword or Dagger or Dual Wield block and parry animation (Design for Elden Parry and impactful blocking) OAR
Depend on which one you are using. DAR or OAR |
Leon Help Counter kick animation (Design for Elden counter)
Depend on which one you are using. DAR or OAR |
Let's Player Use Cicero Dance And Let's NPC use the Cicero dance at the inn (DAR)
For NPC |
Leviathan Axe ADXP MCO
Must |
Levitate overhauls E
Levitate Toggle-able Spell - Flying with Collision and Free Actions - Unofficial SSE Port
For the animations to work |
Levitation Animations DAR
Levitation RE-SE-T
this or OAR |
Lifelike Idle Animations DAR Version
Lightning Ram
necessary |
Living Mannequins
Only required if you want custom idle animations. |
Lizard-like swiming animation for argonians
Local Resurrect
Recomended, but NOT required. Staff animation will use self-cast without it. |
Longsword -MCO-
Longsword -Posta Breve- Two Handed Animation Replacer
If you are using DAR version. |
Longsword -The Crown- TwoHanded Vanilla Animation Replacer
For DAR version |
Look Around - Searching Animations For NPCs
Choose Open Animation Replacer or Dynamic Animation Replacer. DO NOT USE BOTH . |
Lord Jabal - La Orzeca Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Lu's MCO Keyword Resource
You will need this or OAR |
Lydia Teldryn Mjoll - MCO Vanilla Follower Animation Folder Pack 1
Mace Animation MCO I SCAR
Magistrate Levitate SE
Either this |
Magyk - Spell Gliding
Optional |
Male Animations for Female - DAR
For the DAR version |
Male Idle Animation (dynamic port)
Mana - The Pocket Mammoth Pet
Soft Requirement - So Walking Animations Don't Make a Big Screen Shake - Use OAR or DAR |
Masculine or Feminine Animations - DAR - OAR
Required UNLESS you are using Open Animation Replacer (OAR). Use one or the other, not both. |
MCO DS3 Black Knight
must |
MCO Elden Ring FlamingStrike
must |
MCO Faction Animation Framework for NPCs
MCO Fist of Fury Animation Folders
MCO Folders Skyrim EC - Saints and Seducers
MCO I BFCO I SCAR Sekiro Shadows Die Twice okami warrior Katana
This or OAR |
MCO I BFCO I SCAR WoLong Battleaxe
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
MCO I BFCO I SCAR WoLong Halberds
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
MCO I BFCO I SCAR WoLong QuarterStaffs
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
MCO I BFCO I SCAR WoLong Straight Sabre
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
MCO I BFCO I SCAR WoLong Warhammer
Hard Requirement OR OAR |
MCO King of Swords Animations
MCO Lothric Knight
must |
MCO NPC Skill Level Animation Framework
MCO Player Combat Skill Level Animation Framework
MCO Skill Based Combat Folders For NPC's DAR
MCO Unladen Warden Moveset (SCAR Patched)
MCO Zealot Knight Moveset (SCAR Patched)
Mjolnir Hammer ADXP MCO
Must |
Moonlight Tales - Well Escape Fix
Morrowind DARectional Attacks
100% Required... if you're still using DAR for some reason |
Motion on Get out of my way as Overhauls SE
not necesary but recomended. |
Movement Behavior Overhaul
Needed for direction switching animations |
My Lovely Female Idle Animation
Narukami - hdt SMP (CBBE 3BA - BHUNP)
For sword animation |
Narukami Update Xing Patch
Natashan Drink Animations
You can choose either DAR or OAR, whichever you prefer. |
Naughty Unarmed Taunts
Nero Moveset (MCO Update)
No need if you use Open Animation Replace |
Nero Red Queen - Skysa AMR Moveset
you need it, otherwise won't work |
New Creature Animation - Falmer
or OAR |
New Creature Animation - Frost Atronach
New Creature Animation - Giant
New Creature Animation - Lurker
New Creature Animation - Troll
New Creature Animation - Werewolf
hard |
New Creature Attack Animation - Riekling and Goblin
New Scythe Animation Combo (2hw)
For DAR Version. |
New Weapons Types and Animation Support
Nier Automata 2B Dodge Replacer
Required |
Nier Automata 2B Moving Animation
Optional for applying animations only for player. |
Nier Replicant Sword AMR Moveset for Skysa and ABR
Hard requirement |
non-combat sneak idle
Nordic Combat Locomotions Re standalone
Hard Requirement |
Nordic Non Combat Locomotions Re standalone
Hard Requirement |
Notch Arrows in Combat Only
Either this or Open Animation Replacer |
Novice and Master magic motions SE
Nude Cover Animations patch for Armor Clothes and Weapon Framework
Necessary to run animations. |
Olga sister of Mjoll
optional |
Olgierd Saber moveset
oar or dar.Choose one of them |
One Handed Weapon Animations
Onikiri and Ubadachi (SKYSA MCO)
must |
Optimized Animations for First Person Camera mods
Ordo Legionis Muskets DAR - Add-on
Or OAR. |
OrdoLegionisMusketsDAR Reupload - Now with BoayGamingYTs Reloading Animation
OSL Aroused Conditional Horny Idles - DAR
Ostentatious Swordsmen (A SAS style animation pack)
Need mod in order to add attack diversity (hard requirement) |
P.A.I.A (Pregnancy and Inflation animations)
Use this or OAR (OAR is Recommended) |
PaKua - Dagger Moveset
Patch for M'rissi Tails of Troubles and DAR Crawl on all Fours Animation
Patch for Sunhelm Survival and CCARA DAR
Patch for Survival Mode and CCARA DAR
Penetrator ADXP MCO
Must |
Penetrator MCO SCAR Boss MOD
User DAR |
Perks 125 skill lvl SE
for powers with special animations |
Pet The Dog - Animations
Soft requirement. This is recommended so you can get different animations, otherwise you will get vanilla animations that look a bit off |
Plum Blossom MCO Moveset
User DAR |
Pocket Mammoths
(If not using Open Animation Replacer) Optional: Stop the ground from shaking when the Pocket Mammoths walk without also affecting big mammoths. |
POISE - Stagger Overhaul SKSE
Poolside Sits
Recommended. Not a hard requirement. See description. |
Power Fist - Weapon and DAR Animations
Optional. Required for the animation replacer. |
Powers Have Animations -French
ou Open Animation Replacer |
precision mudcrab(Random)
Pregnant and Hefty SPIDs
or OAR ; optional for pregnant idle |
Preset Demon girl
Only if you want me to move like my game |
Punishing Gray Raven Vera flare Twinblades
must,Don't download the wrong version! I see many people the game is SE but use the AE DAR |
Purification Blades MCO Dual Wield Animations
Quick Punch Motion
Quiet Mammoth Babies - No Camera Shake - OAR DAR versions
for DAR version only |
Races Base IA - Improved Core Animation Rebuilder
Rally to me - War Banner
For Custom Anim |
Random dagger block
Random Diverse empty Dynamic animation block behavior folder. Insert your favourite animations.
Random Dodge Animation
Random first person magic animation SSE with DAR
Random firstperson battlemage
Random Male Wall Leaning Animations
Choose Open Animation Replacer or Dynamic Animation Replacer. DO NOT USE BOTH . |
Random parry and block idle
Random Prayer Animation
Random Silly Paraglide Animations
Randomized first person magic animation - restoration dualcasting SSE
Randomized One Handed Block and Idle Animations - DAR - SE by Xtudo
Three new amazing one hand block animations (four with the vanilla one), and one new idle animation (two with the vanilla one). |
Rapid Slash - Reanimated - ADXP I MCO - PI
Rapier Animations for SkySA
Mandatory |
Realistic Ide's Animation
for the different idles animations |
Reanimated NPC Animations
Choose Open Animation Replacer or Dynamic Animation Replacer. DO NOT USE BOTH. |
Reanimated NPC Animations - Unofficial Addon
Hard requirement. Either DAR or OAR will work. |
ReClassified Ordinator
Custom Tailored and Special Brew animations will appear incorrectly without it |
Recolor Bound Weapons - SE Enhanced - Bound Weapon Gameplay Overhaul
Only required if using the optional D.A.R. patch file |
Recolor Bound Weapons SE-AE RU
Relaxed Chair sitting Idle
Relaxed laydown like real life SE
Relentless Warrior Style_Heavy blade_for SkySA_AMR
Remiel MCO Animation Folder
Riding Animation Overhaul - RAO (OAR - DAR)
Only if you don't use OAR and are using an optional file (gender specific, player only, etc.) |
Rolling after landing (Controllable)
Rugged Blade Warrior (A SAS animation set)
(Hard requirement) |
Rumple's Dual Wield Idle
For the DAR Version |
Rune Knight Spells
Required for the animations. OAR also works. |
Runeblade - Spellsword Idle SE
My mod uses DAR conditions |
Sabimaru - SkySA Dual Wield Moveset
If you're installing the DAR Version |
Sassy Vampire - Bow Animations for Archery Gameplay Overhaul
Sassy Vampire - Non Combat Animations
Sassy Vampire - Two Handed animations (without attacks)
Sassy Vampire - Two Handed Magic in the off hand
SB Eleganto Female Walk Animations
For Gown Walk in main File |
SB Genos Get Up Animation
Wont work without |
SB's Mage Hover Animations - DAR
Required |
SB's Mage Hover Shouts Animations - Standalone
Required |
SD's Lockable Locks
If using a version with Animation. (or OAR) |
Sekiro Cloud Passage - SkySA Moveset
If you're installing the DAR Version |
Sekiro Sword Combo Animation
If you're installing the DAR Version |
Sekiro Whirlwind Slash
Self-targeting Staff Animation Fix - Dynamic Animation Replacer - Open Animation Replacer
Install either this or Open Animation Replacer. You only need one. If you think this mod has 2 requirements, then you are stupid. |
Serana Umbrella
If you want the umbrella to be held properly |
Sexy Combat Animations (conversion and DAR version)
Sexy idle Animations - DAR - OAR
use for DAR version |
Sexy Random Idles (simple and dynamic)
Sexy Sit Animations (conversion)
Just needed for the DAR version |
SGTSAL's Combat Mod List
* |
Optional |
Sheathe of Shields and Staves
Shield animations (Captain America)
Mandatory |
Shield Block Direction Fix
for version 1.0 |
Shielded Strikes Upgrade
You can choose either DAR or OAR, whichever you prefer. |
Shinobi Combat - Sekiro in Skyrim
for custom parry animations |
Show Animation Command NG - SKSE
If you have many animation mods based on DAR, this mod may come in handy. |
Side Kick Bash Replacer - Precision Patch
hard requirement |
Side Kick Bash Replacer - SSE Port (ESP-less)
The Player-Only version requires this. |
SIdeSaddle Combat Animations
Only if using the Dar Version |
Silent Roll Animation Replacer - Elden Rim Dodge (DAR)
Silver Bowblade
Simple Frostbite Spider animation
Simple Idle Animation Cycler (DAR)
And all its requirements, of course. |
Simple Pistol Shooting Animation by Loop(Include standalone pistol and crossbow) - SSE
Simple Portable Cooking
Soft Requirement. Changes the animation played. |
Simple Potion Drinking Animation by Loop - SSE
Simple Sprint and Sneak Dodge Animation Replacer
Simple Sprint-Jump Land-Roll
this or Open Animation Replacer(is retro compatible) |
simple strikefly stagger
Simple TKDodge Sidestep
Simplified Diverse Attack and Stance
Must have the version that works with YOUR version of Skyrim |
Sindel SE
Needed for custom animations to work |
Sinding prison anims
This or OAR |
SIRENROOT - Traduzione italiana
Opzionale, ma consigliata |
Sit Crosslegged SE
Sky Sprint SE
SkyMA - 2HM HEMA Greatsword idle animation - DAR Random
Must have! 必须的好吧。 |
Skyrim SE ADXP MCO Aether Gazer Shinri-Tsukuyomi
or oar |
Skyrim Spear Mechanic and OMEGA Heavy Armory Enchanted patch
Skyrim Spear Mechanic SE
Required for animations to work. |
Skyrim Spear Mechanic SE - French
Obligatoire |
Skyrim Spear Mechanic SE ITA by Oiak
Richiesta per il funzionamento delle animazioni. |
Skyrim World of Tanks
Grenade and Bolt Action animations |
Skyrim Xianghua 2-Hit combo Skysa 1.9
Skyrim's Got Talent - Player Reactions Addon
Skyrim's Paraglider
Skysa Dante's rebellion reframed moveset
Necessary |
Skysa Dante's rebellion reframed moveset - one-handed conversion
Necessary |
SkySA Friendly Extra Attacks - AKA TK Dodge Not
Skysa Nero's redqueen moveset V1.2
Sleeping Expanded - Animations and NPC reactions
If you want the animations, this is a requirement. Mod works fine without it too. |
Sleeping Expanded - Animations and NPC reactions. Russian Translation (Optional Russian Vanilla Voice Acting)
При использовании без патча |
Sleeping Expanded - Spanish (Voces y Textos)
Smooth Bow Animation - sniper stance
Smooth Combat non Combat Animation
Smooth Combo Animation Framework Fix
Smooth DAR Combat Dodge - Animation Replacer Addon
Smooth Heavy Armor Count
Smooth low kick - Elbow Attack
Smooth Magic Casting Animation
Smooth Moveset
Smooth Random Blocking Animation 3.0
Smooth Random Equip Animation - My DAR conditions SE by Xtudo
You and your followers will use the amazing new randomized animations, and the vanilla (or modded) animation will be used too. |
Smooth Random Equip Animation(1H)
Smooth Random Equip Animation(2H)
Smooth Random Equip Animation(Dagger)
Smooth Random Equip Animation(Unarmed)
Smooth Random Jump Animation - Rework
Smooth Random Magic idle Animation
Smooth Slip Dodge Animation
Smooth Staff Animation
Smooth Sway step dodge replacer for TK dodge TUDM and DMCO
The file is formatted for DAR, if you don't have it then you could just copy and paste the animations in the folder. |
Smooth TK Dodge Attack
Smooth Weapon Jump Animation
Smug Selfie Idle
essential |
Sneak Animations V2
Sneak Animations.
Snuggly Vanilla Laydown Idles - (DAR - OAR Variance)
Only if you don't use OAR. |
Soarin' Over Skyrim - A flying mod
If using SE 1.5 |
Sofia MCO Animation Folders
Sonderbain's Nier 2B Greatsword Animations Moveset - MCO DAR AMR SCAR
Required |
Sonderbain's Nier 2B Greatsword Animations Moveset - SKYSA DAR AMR
Sonic The Hedgehog
Required to use Sonics Animations |
Sophitia Animations (Soulcalibur VI ) MCO
must |
Sorcerer Combat Animation
Soul Cairn Boss MCO Animation Folder
Souls 1 Handed and Gun Idle
If you don't have this, the gun idle will not work |
Spaghetti Western - Western style revolver and rifle in skyrim
Spear movement animation
must |
Special Combo Attack Animations
essential |
Spell Hotbar
or OAR |
Spice up your Skyrim
Sprint Swimming
Sswaye's Revenant's Sword Moveset ADXP I MCO DAR
Mandatory, This and its requirements |
Stabbier Sword Animations
Hard |
Staff Left Hand Animations.
Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets
either this or OAR |
Stances based animations for 1st person combat
Star Wars Redux 2022
If you wanna use my animations for Blasters, easy to install. |
Star Wars Redux Overhaul
Blaster animations will look wonky without it |
Stay In Shape - A Pumping Iron Addon
Subtle Feminine Carriage Sitting Animation SE by Xtudo
05 new subtle and lovely feminine carriage sitting animations. |
Subtle Feminine Mount Sprint Animation SE - DAR-OAR by Xtudo
New subtle feminine mount sprint animation. |
Subtle Feminine Sprint Animation SE by Xtudo
Optional: New subtle and super cute feminine sprint animation. Vanilla replacer and DAR 50% options available. |
Subtle Feminine Stagger Animation SE by Xtudo
Optional: New subtle feminine stagger animation. |
Subtle Jump
for Custom Conditions |
Survival Requiem Patch
Definite Requirement. |
Swap Animations
For the 2.0 version |
Swimming Animations.
Sword and Shield Moveset
Swordsman Movement Animations One Handed Sword Walk and Run
SwordsMan One handed Vanilla replacer
This will allow only people without shields use this animation. Very much required. |
Swordsman One-Handed Vanilla Replacer - Unofficial Precision Patch
Take a Peek - New Stealth Mechanic
(Or OAR: both work fine) - Soft requirement. Without it, there will be no cool animations, but awkward animations. So... strongly recommended! |
Take a Peek - New Stealth Mechanic - Polish Translation
Take a Peek - New Stealth Mechanic - Turkish Translation
Take a Seat - New Sitting Animations for OAR or DAR
Download the DAR version for DAR. (Duh) |
Taliesin MCO Animation Folder
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Tavern Dancers of Skyrim Raks Sharki
The Dark Secret of Bloodeye Albert-A Skyrim BOSS Mod
The Isometric Scrolls Skyrim - TISS - A Tweak Guide by Sacrossauro
Recommended |
The Mole Hole
Required for hangar parking motion. |
The old Warrior ( God Of War Inspired Combo Aninmation set )
Hard requirement (Mod will not work without) |
The Ultimate Sit Animation
Recommended. Not a hard requirement. See description. |
The Ultimate Sit Animation - Men's Edition
Recommended. Not a hard requirement. See description |
There Is No Umbra - Chapter I (now deprecated -get Chapter III instead)
So the sword can use it's own custom animations |
There Is No Umbra - Chapter II (now deprecated -get Chapter III instead)
So you can see custom animations for the sword. |
There Is No Umbra - Chapter II - French Version
Pré-requis à installer avant |
There is No Umbra - Chapter III
So you can see custom animations for the sword. |
Thieves Guild Trio MCO Animation Folder
THOR Mace idle Animation DAR
Mandatory |
Throw Item Animation for Glenmoril
Throwing Weapons Lite SE - Add-on
Optional. Required for the patch. |
Thu'um - Fully Animated Shouts
Tiefen des Reach - Darkstorm 2.0 DV
verlangt Address Library - und DAR-Versionen unterschiedlich für SSE und AE |
TIFA Fighting style power
TK Dodge SE - TDM custom compatible patch
Tokyo Ghoul Transformation Mod
Hard Requirement |
Tonfa - Weapon and DAR Animations
Optional. Required for the patch. |
Tools not weapons (pickaxe and woodcutter axe) DAR animations
Or Open animation replacer (OAR) |
Totally Immersive Male Idles - DAR
or wont work >.> |
Tower of Fantasy XIAZUO animation
must |
Traps NTR(Need Trappy Reality)
OAR is rather recommended |
Trash Animations- AMR One-handed Sword Moveset
True Medieval Combat
Required for animation support |
True Spear Combat - DAR
DAR allow you to run 1st and 3rd person animations. |
Twinblades of Skyrim
Only required if you want to actually use animations made for twinblades highly reccomended this mod does not include any animations a link will be provided when the animations are released on nexus |
Twinblades of Skyrim FR
Recommandé |
Two Handed Animations - Movement Only
Two Handed Katanas - Keyword and Patches
Two Handed Sword Animation
UCBO - Unarmed Combat Behavior Overhaul
Unarmed 4-Direcitonal Power Attacks
Unarmed Block Animation-
Unarmed Body hook Animation
Unarmed Fighter Animations
Mandatory |
Unarmed Street Fighter SkySa Animations
Mandatory |
Unbearable Taunt Animation
UNDERDOG Death Animations OAR - DAR
if you opt for that version |
UNDERDOG Falling Animations - Leaps of Faith Patch
Underworld City
Unique NPC Overhaul - Lydia the Shieldmaiden
Unique Player Throne Animation
Unladen Warden Moveset
Mandatory |
Usable Lantern SE Tweaked
for the DAR option |
Uthgerd Jenassa Jordis-MCO Vanilla Follower Folder Pack 3
Val Serano MCO Animation Folder
Vampire Killer Dynamic Animation Replacer
Again Mandatory in order for the animation you want to work. |
Vanguard - Bash Behaviors Overhaul
Velkaviore - Arditer Armor Boss Integration
Optional |
Vergil Yamato - Skysa AMR moveset
if you don't know what this is read its description and fully understand before using |
Vertical block anims for WoodenShield_by_Flarescale
Viking BattleAxe Moveset
vindictus Delia animation MCO
must |
Vindictus Delia animation Remake
oar or dar.Choose one of them |
Vindictus Fiona Counter
Vindictus Fiona moveset
oar or oar.Choose one of them |
Violet Bloody Blades - ADXP I MCO ER Twinblade Animation Patch
Required, and also the mods it requires |
Vitrium - Spells and Tools Pack - French version
Mod nécessaire pour les animations des réparations. |
Vitrium - Spells and Tools Pack - Spanish
Vitrium - Spells and Tools Pack Simplified Chinese
Wa Ribbon HDT-SMP PATH Walking Animations SE
pick this one |
Walk With Elegance - Dynamic animations for heels long dresses and more
Essential |
Wanderer's Heart
Wanderer's Heart - Turkish Translation
Warframe - Wisp - CBBE 3BA - HDT-SMP
For hovering animations. |
Weapon buff by Loop - SSE
Weapon Exhaustion (An Animation Replacer)
Hard requirement (Mod will not work without) |
Weapon Type Specific Animations(DAR)
Does literally nothing without it |
Werewolf Revert Effect And Animation SE (DAR)
Wildcat and Vigor injury animations (DAR)
Wingchun - Chinese Kung Fu Animations for MCO
Mandatory. Choose this or OAR (which is recommended). |
Witcher Dodge Replacer
Hard required |
Witcher Style Meditate Waiting Bug Fix
Must |
Witcher's Combat
Witcher3 Cirilla animation I mco
wolong Dual Wield (MCO SCAR)
or OAR |
Wounds injury animations DAR add-on
Or Open animation replacer (OAR) |
Wurim Palace - Dao Dao Follower - Yin Yan Fire Queen (Standalone)
for her custom animations |
Xianghua SC6 Moveset
Xyn's Elemental Orbs
for specified animations when performing some spells/abilities with my mod, can still work without this but highly recommended because i provide some animations for some abilities/spells. |
Xyn's Simple Rope Arrow (MCO)
must |
Yamato Scabbard Remastered - Animated Behavior - HDT SMP - DAR Animations - PEX Script Free
YogaKiin DAR Edition