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- Frozen Electrocuted Combustion
Frozen Electrocuted Combustion
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powerofthreeUploaded by
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About this mod
Applies visual effects to NPCs and the player, when killed by magic status effects.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Address Library for SKSE Plugins required MCM Helper required powerofthree's Papyrus Extender required - latest version powerofthree's Tweaks required Realistic Skin And Hair Shaders - Giants optional - needed for poisoned effects to work on those creatures Realistic Skin Shaders - Falmer and Hagravens optional - needed for poisoned effects to work on those creatures Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes SKSE64 Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
JustinOther of Death Cam Duration Options for helping me figure out how to extend the death camera
PROMETHEUS_ts for the beast skeleton meshes and textures
SRW0 for the charred skeleton textures
achintyagk for his snowflake texture
fadingsignal for his SkySight skin normal map texture
WDog367 for their beast draugr meshes
Shizof for helping test any VR issues
ryan (SniffleMan) for CommonLibSSEDonation Points system
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Mandarin Author:hu71745 Frozen Electrocuted Combustion - Simple Chinese (CHS) French Author:powerofthree Frozen Electrocuted Combustion - French Spanish Author:supercento Frozen Electrocuted Combustion - Castellano - Spanish Ukrainian Author:Offside01 Frozen Electrocuted Combustion - Ukrainian translation German Author:Lion_SinofPride Frozen Electrocuted Combustion - German - Changelogs
Version 5.1.0
- [General] Support for AE 1.6.629+
- [General] FEC will not trigger on most NPCs with existing death effects (ghost, ice wraith, etc)
- [General] Added FEC_NoDeathEffects keyword. Add this to NPCs (using SPID) to skip death effects
- [General] Disintegration effects will not trigger on quest NPCs
- [General] Replace all OnHit event calls with Papyrus Extender's filter version - better performance
- [Fire] Add Burn Clothing (Remove) option - clothing will be permanently removed from inventory
- [Fire] Sparks are affected by wind during burning effect
- [Fire] Slightly decreased smoke particle intensity
- [Fixes] Fix effects not being reset when actor is resurrected
- [Fixes] Fix EvaluateCondition papyrus spam
- [Fixes] Fix typo with MagicNoDisintegrate keyword
Version 5.0.5
- This is a minor version to support the new Papyrus Extender update
- [General] Fix fx armor being unequipped in certain cases, eg. during Forsworn Briarheart armor change
- [General] Fix skin not being hidden when loading a save for the first time
- [General] Remove big messagebox at start when users don't have required versions of Papyrus Extender. Instead, an error message will be printed to the console.
- [General] Replace all OnMagicEffectApply calls with Papyrus Extender's filter event version - better performance
Version 5.0.1
- [Fix] Correct out of bounds formID
- [MCM] Fix Burns Clothing toggle
Version 5.0.0
- FEC 5.0 requires BRAND NEW save or game. This is not compatible with older versions of FEC
- [General] Support for Anniversary Edition
- [General] New esl-flagged FEC.esp
- [General] Major, major code rewrites - too many changes to list (hundreds)
- [General] Unused and decrepitated assets have been removed entirely
- [General] New effect serialization system (stored in skse cosave)
- [MCM] FISS support has been dropped in favor of MCM Helper
- [MCM] Streamlined MCM, removed options that are no longer needed (Statistics)
- [MCM] Reduced death camera duration to 8 seconds
- [Cooking] Support for CACO and Hunterborn. Use EditorIDs to get meat items; compatible with formID changes (eg. esl compact)
- [Ash] Ash effects have been removed, as it was impossible to trigger (ash spells make target immune to damage)
- [Fire] Support HIMBO underwear vaporization
- [Frost] New freeze SFX, courtesy of lazygecko
- [Drain] Add Automatic effect mode
- [Drain] Dessicated corpses use new variants of charred feet meshes
- [Drain] Fix instance where dessicated corpse hair did not turn white
- [Fixes] Fix thirst rieklings not being detected in past versions of FEC
- [Fixes] Hundreds of smaller code fixes and improvements
Version 4.9.6
- [Fire] Decreased smoke particle intensity to reduce "clipping" between fire and smoke shaders
- [Fire] Decreased ENB light emissive on fire/shock/sun effect shaders
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where effects on actors would not reset properly (hopefully for the last time)
Version 4.9.5
- [Shock] Increased time between spasms and decreased havok impulse amount. Rabbits and smaller creatures shouldn't go flying into the atmosphere anymore.
- [Fixes] Fixed bug with dark skinned giants if using Realistic Skin Shaders
- [Fixes] Fixed texture-set crash (update Papyrus Extender)
Version 4.9.4
- [General] FEC Helper dll uses static linkage
- [Fixes] Actually fixed bug where NPCs would have effects upon resetting
Version 4.9.3
- [General] Updated error messages
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where NPCs would have effects upon resetting
Version 4.9.2
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where poison effects would apply everytime.
Version 4.9.0
- [General] Updated mod to use Papyrus Extender version 4.4.0.
- [General] Effects are no longer applied to summoned creatures because most of them have vanilla vaporization effects/prevent rare crashes with freeze effect.
- [General] Effects are no longer applied to ghosts.
- [General] Disabled death ability maintainer, if powerofthree's Tweaks mod is installed.
- [General] Disabled SpellDurationEdits option
- [General] Removed some unused script variables.
- [Fire] Reduced smoke effectshader particle count.
- [Poison] Poison death effects will be applied if at least one poison was present during NPC bleedout
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where the mod would not recognize forms if the esp was compacted and turned into an espfe/esl.
- [Fixes] Reduced potential stutters when burning corpses had clothing burnt away.
Version 4.8.6
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where old scripts were present in the mod, overwriting any improvements made in 4.8.
Version 4.8.5
- [General] po3_FEC.ini will auto generate itself and update with new settings for future releases. It is no longer bundled with the mod. New MO2 users will find it in the overwrite folder.
- [Fixes] Fixed MCM not showing up for some people (unknown cause, but fixed by including two FISS scripts).
- [Fixes] Corrected MCM description entry for Shock Auto Mode
Version 4.8.0
- [General] After-death effects uses new events which filter for specific magic effect keywords. This greatly reduces potential script spam.
- [General] All spells must be hostile., detrimental for the effect to apply. Constant spells are skipped.
- [General] Effect conditions get evaluated for after-death effects. Eg, sun damage effects will only affect undead (if the spell has an undead only condition).
- [Fire] Hair wigs/helmets get burned off properly.
- [Frost] Reanimated targets will not freeze if killed.
- [Frost] Slightly reduced frozen corpse collision.
- [Frost] Frozen NPCs are less likely to "teleport" away when unfrozen.
- [Fixes] Fixed effects not being reset when fx armor was forcibly removed.
Version 4.7.0
- [General] Corrected gap between hands and body for male charred/drained corpses
- [General] Corrected gap between neck and body for female charred/drained corpses
- [Fire] Fixed clothing not being burnt if the MCM option was selected
- [Fire] Enabled clothing not being burnt when burning drained corpses
- [Fixes] Fixed crashes that could happen when entering/leaving interiors
Version 4.5.0
- [General] DLL now handles effects on FX armor (charred/drained/xray) equip and unequip. Effects (invisible skin, head) should reset if these were unequipped by another mod
- [General] Fixed FX armors not being equipped if the target was wearing armor with multiple biped slots
- [General] Decreased damage from fire and shock effects
- [Fire] Reverted charred texture for creatures to the old version
- [Fire] Fixed effect reset issues with burning drained NPCs
- [Frost] Fixed frost shaders from being dispelled if another effect shader was applied
- [Frost] Fixed some crashes that could be caused by frozen creatures resetting
- [Sun] Sun damage effects are ignored if they're constant or instant effects
- [Fixes] Fixed actor effects not being reset on cell reset
- [Fixes] Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 4.2.0
- [Misc] Added option in po3_FEC.ini to exclude multiple effects from dealing sun damage
- [Fixes] Fixed invisible ribs on skeletonized corpses
- [Fixes] Fixed several bugs related to effect persistence
Version 4.1.0
- [General] Added MCM options to reset empty display names, under Fixes.
- [General] Added exception for Path of Sorcery's Aura of Light sun effect
- [General] Added patch to disable Ordinator's Scorched Earth's effect
- [Fixes] Fixed bug with non-functioning MCM sliders
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where black spots would appear on singed corpses
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where raw food got incorrectly duplicated when cooked.
Version 4.0.0
- [General] Three new effect types - Air, Ash, Vampire Lord
- [General] New effect priority system, the highest magnitude effect wins out of all potential effects, overriden by sun damage
- [General] Effect combos, fire-frost/fire-drain/frost-shock/shock-frost/shock-drain
- [General] FEC Helper plugin uses SPID style spell distribution. Quest aliases are gone, less scripts running at the same time, effect persistence is maintained by same scripts that deal effects
- [General] Creature specific effect chance MCM sliders
- [General] FISS MCM support, for loading and saving MCM settings across saves.
- [General] ESL/merge support (but you'll need to input some changed formids in po3_FEC.ini)
- [General] Most textures have been rebuilt using Cleaned Skyrim Textures as a base.
- [General] Added dynamic navcut to burning/shocked targets, so NPCs can avoid it
- [Fire] High poly feet for charred and drained bodies
- [Fire] New charred body textures and creature effect shaders
- [Fire] New smoke effects
- [Fire] Fixed visual bug where sparks would fly sideways
- [Fire] Fixed bug where fear effect wasn't applied to NPCs stepping on burning corpses
- [Fire] Fixed bug where headparts would not turn invisible when burned
- [Fire] NPCs with NoMagicDisintegrate keyword are immune to being vaporised
- [Frost] Enemies become rigid during the ice block effect (similar to Paralysis effect)
- [Frost] Fixed bug where quest important NPCs would still be frozen if set as optional.
- [Frost] NPCs with NoMagicDisintegrate keyword are immune to being shattered.
- [Shock] Actor alpha gets updated correctly if unequipping armors during the XRay effect
- [Shock] NPCs with NoMagicDisintegrate keyword are immune to being exploded.
- [Sun] Patched all sun spells to have a global sun keyword, for easier effect detection
- [Sun] Reworked sun disintegration effect to be faster and smoother.
- [Sun] Fixed bug where sun disintegration shader had the wrong sound
- [Poison] New 2K poison texture
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where reanimated NPCs would still be affected by effects
- [Fixes] Fixed bug where loadscreens would appear more frequently than intended
- [Fixes] Resurrected enemies get reset properly
- [Fixes] Fixed several bugs with effects not being cleaned up when reloading earlier saves

powerofthree's Papyrus Extender 5.4.0
powerofthree's Tweaks
Address Library For SKSE Plugins
MCM Helper
This mod applies VFX to NPCs/player when killed by magic status effects*.
air, dragons, drain, fire, frost, fear, lightning, poison, soultrap, steam and sun damage
Corpses burn and either char, skeletonize, or vaporize into ash piles.
Corpses freeze solid and shatter or become encased in ice.
Bodies spasm and char, explode into guts and goo, or turn translucent with luminescent skeleton.
Victims become desiccated corpses or age rapidly.
Victims turn sickly and show signs of cyanosis.
Air is bent out of the target's lungs, causing suffocation and death.
Skin turns pale and hair becomes white with shock.
Soul Trap
Enhances vanilla soul trap effect with soul wisps and glow effects.
Soul Absorb
Dragons will absorb the player's soul upon death (Player only).
Sun Damage
Targets burst into flames and disintegrate.
Vampire Lord
Vampire lords will disintegrate into bone and red ash (Player only).
Q : The game takes a long time to reload after dying??
A : The death camera duration has been increased to 8 seconds. Vanilla is 5 seconds. Disable this option under Settings in FEC MCM
Q: How do I trigger Air effects?
A: Requires magic spell mod with "MagicDamageWind/MagicDamageAir" keywords (ie. Elemental Destruction Magic Redux or similar mods).
Plugin source
- JustinOther of Death Cam Duration Options for helping me figure out how to extend the death camera
- PROMETHEUS_ts for the beast skeleton meshes and textures
- SRW0 for the charred skeleton textures
- achintyagk for his snowflake texture
- fadingsignal for his SkySight skin normal map texture/male feet mesh
- lazygecko for providing freeze SFX
- Phygit for their femme feet mesh
- WDog367 for their beast draugr meshes
- Kartoffel for Cleaned Skyrim SE textures
- Shizof for helping test any VR issues
- ryan (SniffleMan) for CommonLibSSE
- meh321 for AddressLibrary