This can be used together with any landscape texture adapted for Terrain Parallax... sets from Skyrim LE should work as well. I'm going to update my other stuff for SE as soon as possible.
The mods solve the same issue in a different manner. Terrain Blending Fix does it by adding the same texture twice (one time for Parallax, the other for transitions). This mod on the other hands alters the meshes to make one texture work for both instances.
I think if you want parallax you need parallax meshes. and matching textures. or the parallax wont look right. but in theory you would use these meshes and textures from another mod and get the effect but like I said the parallax wont match up perfectly and have odd distortions.
So... that is the correct load order then? I'm using a mish mash of landscape textures and I should let them overwrite this but load it after SMIM, SLWF, etc?
Also... in my enbseries.ini, do I have to enable terrain parallax or am I okay with just enabling complex terrain parallax and leaving terrain parallax 'false'?
This is so great to have. I remember your work from years back (I had a long time in modding due to health issues. It's really nice to see what you released when I wasn't present.
Any specific place where I could see the bug happening? I tried in the hot springs near Eldergleam Sanctuary, with this mod on and off, but couldn't find any difference
I'm going to update my other stuff for SE as soon as possible.
Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains already uses Terrain Parallax
Terrain Blending Fix does it by adding the same texture twice (one time for Parallax, the other for transitions).
This mod on the other hands alters the meshes to make one texture work for both instances.
Why's that? It would be better to enable parallax so these meshes play nicely with parallax texture mods such as Skyland Granite Mountains.
Cathedral Landscapes
Majestic Mountains
Skyrim Landscapes and Water Fixes
Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revisited ((which is actually yours))
So I'm allowing this to overwrite SMIM + SLWF, but allowing Cathedral + Majestic Mountains + VL Tundra Moss to overwrite this.
Which means this isn't actually adding much of anything, as pretty much all .nifs are overwritten by Cathedral + Majestic.
Sounds about right?
Though we might need a patch for Majestic Mountains... does it even use parallax?
Also... in my enbseries.ini, do I have to enable terrain parallax or am I okay with just enabling complex terrain parallax and leaving terrain parallax 'false'?