Katie's Beast Race Aesthetics Compendium For SSE WIP
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About this mod
This is an ongoing list of mods for the most neglected races aesthetically. You can pick and choose what you like!
- Permissions and credits

There are hundreds of thousands of retextures for the man and mer races (female especially) so I thought I would give the beast races a little love! This is a list I'm composing of several beast race aesthetic mods for those who don't know where to start. Some are very popular and you will recognize right away. Others are hidden gems that are just waiting to be discovered. I DO NOT recommend installing every single one of them at once! This is here simply to give you something to pick and choose from. I'm not using all the mods on this list but I put them for you.
Before your write this off as a list for furries, I just want to let you know it is not. This guide is for everyone. It's main purpose is to give you options to graphically overhaul beast races so they are up to par with the THOUSANDS of mods that are already out there for human and elf races. Yes, there are some adult mods on here. I add anything beast-related pretty much and a lot of retextures include adult content. I have marked all mods that contain adult content for those specifically not wanting to see that. I tried to make this as friendly as possible for everyone. :)
Important Notes:
-This is a WIP and will be updated constantly
-You are free to recommend mods. I will start looking at other sites for links. Adult sites will be marked.
*I will put an * next to the mods I'm using in my current playthrough.
This guide also serves as an archive of sorts to make sure that nothing is lost. If it was a mod I've used before, most likely I will have a backup. Sometimes things get deleted because of a problem with Nexus or a hack, like what happened to Zalunya's Catlike Khajiit for example (Which I still have). If I don't know a specific reason why something was deleted I will keep it as an archive until I figure out what happened. I will not link them in my guide but you may PM me for a copy for personal use. PLEASE TELL ME IF THIS IS NOT ALLOWED FOR A SPECIFIC MOD FIRST INSTEAD OF REPORTING ME! People really appreciate this guide and I don't want it taken away from any of you! Just politely pm me and the mod will no longer be shared.
Mods I currently have archived (I might have more but may not be aware they were deleted):
- Catlike Khajiit by Zalunya
- KS Hairdo's Khajiit Based
- Khajiit Caravans Extended
-Make sure to read each mod's requirements before installing!!!!
-I have not installed all of these mods so I cannot tell you which ones are buggy or do not work! Make sure to always check the comments and bug section before installing!
*Only install LE mods if you know what you are doing! With MO2 it is really easy but for other Mod Managers you will need to download them manually then add. If there is a bsa you will probably need to extract it! I recommend running Cathedral assets optimizer for textures and meshes in LE mods EVERY time!
*New mods added to these sections as of March
- Immersion
- Armor
- Hair

Image Spotlight:
- My custom female khajiit normalmaps
Optional Files:
- SC - Khajiit normal maps separated from the textures. I absolutely adore these normal maps.
- Custom female Khajiit normal maps I made by mixing MONSTERaider's muscle normalmaps and SC - Khajiit's normalmaps
- A texture patch for SC - Khajiit male TEXTURES and Khajiit Overhaul
Before you start:
Also check out this mini-guide created by the lovely Vaharadaro. It's a tutorial on how to make your Khajiit look like a whole new furstock! I personally love it! Vaharadaro has been making top grade content and I highly advise you check out their mods. Also stop by their profile and give some kudos <3
Vaharadaro's guide for Cathay Khajiits
The Armor Mods in My Images:
Daring Armor of Intrigue
-Find the male version here
Rugged Rogue Outfits
Tera Armors Collection - Special Edition
- Also using these upscaled textures
Caravanseri Wardrobe (Extended) SSE - With UNP Bodyslide and Physics - UNP UNPB 7BB Seraphim Dreamgirl and More
Facial Piercings SSE
- Using the player only file
Neo Horus Outfit SSE - With UUNP Bodyslide - Physics - UNP UNPB 7BB Top Model Seraphim Dreamgirl
- Now has a beast race patch!
Monk Series
Apachii Divine Elegance Store
Letho's Pants
R18Pn Inner Wear Clothing Set SSE - With UUNP Bodyslide - Physics - UNP UNPB 7BB Seraphim Dreamgirl
HDT-SMP Ragnar Armor - HIMBO refit HERE

Image Spotlights:
Better Khajiit Male Texture for SOS
Beards of Power
Complimentary Texture Mods:
These are mods that are complimentary. They do not necessarily have anything to do with beast races but do affect some textures of mods used in this guide.
*Beards - 2/15/21
-Affects beards of power and beastHHBB
*More Realistic Hair - 2/15/21
-LE mod but safe for SSE
-Affects vanilla khajiit hair
*Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD Textures - 2/15/21
-LE mod but safe for SSE
-Affects the vanilla khajiit hair
-Pick straight or rough. I personally use the rough option
Vanilla Hair - Salt and Wind - 2/15/21
-This was posted after my current playthrough so I haven't had a chance to try it.
-It might even be better than the previous two mods!
*Salt and Wind - Rough Hair for Apachii Sky Hair - 2/15/21
-This is only for people planning on using Apachii Sky Hair later in the guide

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Overhaul - digitigrade version
Bestial Beast Races
Better Claws and Gauntlets
Slof's Fluffy Khajiit Tails SSE
(Khajiit) Lioness Look SSE - textures only
Beast Race Bodypaints SE
Body Modifications:
Bestial Beast Races - 2/13/21
-For unique beastly Skeletons
-Can safely be flagged as an esl
-If using this alongside pretty khajiit, set a LOOT rule to load this after pretty khajiit or you will not see the unique skeleton!
*Better Claws and Gauntlets - 2/13/21
-Much MUCH better claw meshes
-Get the cbbe conversion here - 3/19/21
-HIMBO refit here
- Females Hands Redone Vanilla Patch
*So I found a strange issue with this mod. At first, female beast hands will not appear the right color in first person view. I fixed this by saving and reloading that save. The claws were the right color from then on!
*Equipable Beast Tails - HDT SMP - 7/1/21
-Gives physics to beast tails
HDT SMP Fluffy Beast Race Tail Replacer Tweaks - 3/9/24
Tail Removal Kit - Toggle Tails On Beast Races - 10/31/21
- Removes beast tails
Beastly Beastmen - 3/7/22
- For more beastly skeletons
Big Beastly Bodies - 3BA BodySlide For Beast Race Follower Mods - 7/18/22
Female Khajiit - Argonians Human-Like Facegen - 3/28/24
- If you want to unbeast the beast
Scaled Tail SMP - 2/14/25
*Argonians Creation Extended - A.C.E. - 3/21/24
Argonians are not Mammals - Boobs Reduction - DAV - 2/16/24
*Better Argonian Horns - 1/3/23
Argonian Head Mesh Minor Adjustments - 11/29/2023
Improved Argonian Head Mesh - 10/2/23
*Assorted Argonian Accoutrement - 8/28/23
*Equipable Beast Tails HDT SMP - Big and Stiff Preset For Argonians - 10/15/22
Biggerer Smp Argonain Tails - 6/5/23
LONGERER SMP Argonian Tails - 11/30/23
Argonian Cheek Horn Spike Beard - 12/4/22
BAT - Bigger Argonian Tails - 2/13/21
- Exactly what the name says
Argonian Weight Slider Affected Tails Port for SSE - 2/14/21
-Argonian tails are affected by the weight slider
Edhildils Argonian War Tails - 5/16/21
-Weapons for your Argonian's tail
-LE mod
- Optimize with CAO
Feathery Argonian Tails - 2/13/21
-Also check out this mod to change the tail feather colors and now males can have tail feathers too! - 3/14/21
Brutish Argonian Male - 2/13/21
-Non-Nexus site!
-Requires an account
-WARNING! This website includes ADULT CONTENT!
Argonian to Anthro Dragon TF Pack 1.2 - 7/15/21
-Non-Nexus site!
-WARNING! ADULT website! (Loverslab)
-LE Mod
-Convert in CK and probably optimized with CAO
-This is for those with POWERFULL graphics cards since the males are only 8k textures and females 4k!
*Horns Are Forever(Persistent Argonian Horns) - 2/14/21
-Makes horns stick through hoods and helmets
Argonian Horns (and Brows) Are Forever - High Poly Head Edition - 1/31/22
- Same as above but for high poly head users
Skyrim Breastless Argonian Females - 2/17/21
*LE mod convert in CK
-Check this out too
-Makes female argonians more reptilian, removing breasts that are strictly a mammalian trait.
Morrowind Style Argonians - 2/17/21
-Makes argonians look like the argonians in the game Morrowind
*Longer HDT SMP Furry Beast Race Tail - 2/14/24
*Khajiit Overhaul - Unofficial KO Resources - Subrace Headmorphs - 1/7/24
*K.C.C.E Khajiit Character Creation Extended - 7/17/23
HDT SMP Fluffy Beast Race Tail Replacer - 5/21/23
*Contains adult content
Slim Khajiit Tails - 1/8/23
*Equippable Beast Tails HDT SMP - Big and Stiff Preset for Khajiits - 7/23/2021
- A preset for equippable tails
Pretty Khajiit - 2/13/21
-For cuter female Khajiit
-I use the non-replacer
Nicer-Looking Khajiit - 7/23/21
- Nicer face meshes for Khajiit
- LE Mod convert in CK
Slof's Fluffy Khajiit Tails - 2/13/21
-Can safely be flagged as an esl
*Khajiit Overhaul - 4/6/21
My own port :)
-Original LE version here
-High poly heads, digitigrade feet, and plantigrade feet for khajiit!
-If you have Racemenu there is a new option called head parts that lets you switch between vanilla and High poly heads if you don't like one of the options.
-A user brought it up, what about Vector Plexus's heads? I've never actually tried it but looking at it, Plexus's heads are closer to vanilla looking khajiit while KO is more unique in shape. At this point it's a matter of taste!
-This is originally only for UNP but If you want to use this with CBBE there is a workaround I came up with. The instructions are in the mod description. I prefer it over the texture patch I made.
-Also check out my male head sculpt preset here
-You might also want to check out these patches for popular mods
*Khajiit Aesthetics Compilation - Hair Eyes Fangs - Mod renamed 12/19/21
-Has options for hair, eyes, and fangs
-I recommend using this with 83 Willows WHITER TEETH 4all because vanilla khajiit teeth are kinda yellow and nasty looking
-If using together with Khajiit Overhaul, load Khajiit Fangs after!
UPF Khajiit Ears Show Patcher - 2/14/21
-Requires use of zEdit scripts
-Read the installation instructions to learn how to use it!
-Makes khajiit ears stick through hoods and helmets
Khajiit Have Ears - 6/30/21
-Same as above but does not require zEdit
8 Breasts for khajiit cbbe - 3/6/21
-8 Breasts for your female khajiit
-LE mod
*Convert in CK
*Optimize in Cathedral Assets Optimizer!
*(Khajiit) Lioness Look SSE - 4/3/21
- You can find the LE mod here
- A female khajiit texture as well as a head replacer
- I am using the "Textures Only" version
Cheetah Khajiit Body - 2/12/22
- For a more slender body like a cheetah
Cat Khajiit Race - 3/6/21
-A reshape and retexture oh khajiit to look more like cats. Very cute!
-LE mod
*Convert in CK
*Optimize in Cathedral Assets Optimizer!
Khajiit Mane - 3/6/21
-Changes the khajiit head to be more lion-like
-Use this or the optional face meshes from the mane mod in the hair section of this list
This one feel like a Tiger-khajiit replacer SE - 1/20/22
- Makes the khajiit head look more tiger like
The Viking Cat Style khajiit - 9/30/21
-A complete khajiit replacer to make your khajiit look like the viking cat breed
-Also grab this earring fix

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Overhaul
Khajiit Male Bobcat Texture
Kala's Eyes - Beast Race Edition
Vaharadaro's Khajiits - KO Presets
ESO Inspired Eartufts for Khajiit
Body Textures:
These all depend on the body mods you use! Choose wisely!
Pretty much all body retextures contain adult content. Sorry for those trying to avoid lizard and cat bits!
CBBE-CHSBHC-UNP-ADEC-Human Argonian Khajiit Tecture - 4096 - 12/18/23
- LE mod
Flawn's Vanilla Argonians Redux - Desaturated - 1/4/25
Super Albino Feminine Argonian Texture - 8/28/24
*Adult Content
Argonian Retexture SE 4K 2K 1K - 8/8/24
AWG's Personal Argonian Texture Mashup - 8/5/23
White Belly Argonians - 6/14/23
White Belly Male Argonians with SOS - 6/14/23
*Adult Content
Decent Vanilla Argonian Texture for SAM - 2/27/2023
Riverborn Argonian Skin 4K - 2/12/23
Absurdly High Resolution Argonians - 7/15/22
- For your absurdly high standards
Richy's Argonian Retexture - 2/20/21
-LE mod but safe for SSE
-ESO argonian inspired textures
Drachis Argonians Mod - 5/16/21
-LE mod
-For more draconic looking argonians
Feminine Argonian Textures - 2/13/21
-Contains two versions: Gray lizard and chameleon
Feminine Argonian Textures (Alternative) - Albino Lizard and Panther Chameleon - 6/23/22
-An alternative to the above textures
Masculine Argonian Textures - 2/13/21
-Contains two versions: Gray lizard and chameleon
Masculine Argonian texture for SAM - 3/6/21
-For those using the SAM bodytype
-LE mod
*Optimize with Cathedral Assets Optimizer!
Female Dragonic Argonian Textures - 2/13/21
-For a more scaly texture
Female Dragonic Argonian Textures 4K with nipples - 3/6/21
-LE mod
*Optimize with Cathedral Assets optimizer
-Adds nipples to the above texture
Male Dragonic Argonian Textures - 2/13/21
-For a more scaley look
Feminine Chameleon Dragonic Argonian Textures - 2/14/21
-A mashup of Female dragonic and feminine argonian textures
FAR - Forgotten Argonian Roots - 2/13/21
-Fomod Version Here(Prefered)
-These textures give female argonians snake-like textures and male argonians crocodile-like textures
Argonian Skintones - 2/14/21
-LE mod but should be safe for SSE
-More skintones for argonians
Play as a Colorful Argonian - 2/17/21
-More colorful skintones for argonians
BSL - 4K Male Argonian Retexture - 2/13/21
-4K male argonian textures
Flawn's Argonians - 2/13/21
-Smooth Argonians
-Also check out this ADULT PATCH for SOS - addon - futanari CBBE - 6/27/21
Smooth Redux - Flawn's Argonians Merged - 7/24/23
*Flawn's Vanilla Argonians Redux - 2/13/21
-Upscaled vanilla argonian textures with smoother head meshes
-Sporty normal maps for females here - 2/17/21
-Also check out this ADULT PATCH for Flawn's Redux CBBE Futa Patck 2k-4k
-Check out this foot patch as well
- Also check out this patch that makes the clawed feet always visible
OR for a lighter version of Flawn's argonian retextures, install this:
Flawn's Argonian Textures LITE
- Same as above but with less fluff
Natural Argonian Males - 2/17/21
-Makes male argonians unclothed
Argonian Snake Texture - 10/31/21
- For a snake-like texture
Khajiit White Leopard Various Textures - (Fluffy Khajiit - Khajiit Paw - Fluffy Tail - Misc) - 12/27/24
Khajiit Male Bobcat Texture - 12/4/24
Fluffy Khajiit with Various Cat Texture - 12/1/25
Fluffy Snow Leopard Khajiit - 11/30/24
Fluffy Khajiit but Leopard Texture - 11/29/24
Khajiit Female Spotted Tabby - 4/13/24
Khajiit Male Spotted Tabby - 3/27/24
- Another texture by me
Khajiit Tigress Texture - 12/17/23
- Another texture by me
Khajiit Male Tiger - 10/7/23
- Another texture by me :)
Ohmes-Raht (Half-Khajiit) - Fluffy CBBE 3BA - 5/25/23
Fluffy Khajiit 2 HIMBO 3BA - 7/26/23
Extra Furry Khajiit Skin for SOS - 1/16/23
*Khajiit Male Lion Textures - 12/30/22
CoverKhajiits - Body and Face Textures 4K - 7/9/22
- A much needed revamp of the beloved Cover Khajiits
Terre's 4K Fur Textures for Coverkhajiits - Vanilla CBBE UNP BHUNP SOS HIMBO - 11/14/22
Feminine Khajiit Textures - 2/13/21
-Contains two versions: Gray cat and leopard
- Get the BHUNP patch here
Feminine Khajiit Textures (Alternative) - White Striped and White Leopard - 4/9/22
- An alternative to the above mod
Masculine Khajiit Textures - 2/13/21
-Contains two versions: Gray cat and leopard
Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat) (CBBE and SOS Full) - Nichole's Edit - 6/16/22
- Similar to the Feminine and Masculine grey cat textures but adds nipple to each gender
*Muscular Khajiit Textures and Skeleton - 2/13/21
-For muscular male khajiit
-Skeleton is optional. Don't use the skeleton if you are using Bestial Skeletons
-If you want to use a different body texture but still want the muscular look, download this and delete everything except the normal maps!(msn_dds files)
-Use this with Coverkhajiits because it does not cover head textures OR use Fuzzy Felines which also only affects heads
Better Khajiit Female body Texture - 2/13/21
-A replacer for unp female khajiit textures
- If using CBBE Special body use this patch
Better Khajiit Male Texture - 2/13/21
-A replacer for SOS male khajiit textures
- If using SOS light, install this patch
Better Khajiit - Less Furry Khajiit - 2/17/21
-Makes female khajiit less furry
Khajiit Leopard Body Texture - 2/17/21
-Leopard textures for female khajiit
-Use with this head retexture
-LE mod but should be safe for SSE
Snow White Khajiit Skin - 7/23/21
-LE Mod
- For all white Khajiit
SC - Khajiit Improvement - 2/13/21
-HD unique khajiit textures
-LE mod so only use the textures
-Also install this fix - 3/31/21
- Also install this to darken the nose if it's too bright for you
- I REALLY LOVE THE MALE TEXTURES!!! I am only using them. I deleted the female textures
- Also, the normal maps are great for making your khajiit look rougher and furrier. I recommend using them even with other textures.
*If mimicking my setup or you just want the normalmaps, I have now added a downloadable file with the normalmaps only as an optional file :)
*(Khajiit) Lioness Look SSE - 4/3/21
-Gives females a lioness texture
- You can find the LE mod here
- A female khajiit texture as well as a head replacer
- I am using the "Textures Only" version
Khajiit body replacer unp and unp tbbp - 5/16/21
- LE mod
- Convert in CK and optimized with CAO
Khajiit body replacer for UNP and CBBE - 5/16/21
- LE mod
JazzJR CoverKhajiits Bodytexture VER1 - 11/10/21
- LE mod for male Khajiit
JazzJR CoverKhajiits Female Body Texture - 11/10/21
- LE mod for female Khajiit
Male Khajiit Texture - Panther-esque - 9/1/22
SabreKhajiit - 10/29/23
- LE Mod
Vale Sabrecat Khajiit - 10/29/23
- LE Mod

Image Spotlights:
Flawn's Vanilla Argonians Redux
BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow
Argonains Enhanced Remade
Argonian Warrior Armour
*BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow - 2/13/21
-One hair mod to rule them all!
-Also has an npc replacer that is pretty neat. I'm using it.
KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) - Khajiit - Argonians - All Races - 9/11/23
*Argonian Face Horns - 3/28/24
*Argonain Crests - 10/23/23
*Aquatic Elegance - Argonian Koi Whiskers Addon - 8/1/23
Also Install THIS
*Argonians Enhanced Remade - 6/10/23
- For HD feather hair
*Hana's Basic Beards - Argonian - SE - 7/12/22
- Adds spiny beards to your Argonians
*Kabu's Argonian Fins - 3/25/22
- fins, fins, and MORE fins!
More Horn (Vanilla) Styles for Argonians - 4/1/21
-More vanilla-based hairstyles
- Fixed Version HERE
*Dread Tentacles - HDT Enabled Hair for Argonians - 2/13/21
-Tentacle-like hair for argonians
*Hott Argonians with Argonian Feather Hair - SE Port - 6/21/21
-There is now an option to exclude npc edits for more compatability!
Argonian Dragon Horns - 2/14/21
-Dragonhorn hairstyles
Argonian Hair Plus - 2/13/21
-A conversion of argonian hairs from an Oblivion mod
Dashing Argonian Featherstyles - 10/31/21
*Argonian Fins - 2/13/21
-Fins for argonians to give them a more amphibious look!
-Vanilla replacer version here
Dint HairPack 02 and HZD More Wigs for Males - 3/3/25
- not specifically for Khajiit but looks really cool on Khajiit
ESO Inspired Eartufts for Khajiit - 11/10/24
Khajiit KS SMP - 8/18/24
*Khajiit Ear Fluff - 8/5/34
Hallgarth's Additional (Vanilla) Hair SSE - 1/30/24
*3D Khajiit Brows SE - 2/14/23
*Vanilla Hair Remake - 11/6/22
- remodels some khajiit hair and also has HDT options!
*Forest Cat - 7/29/22
*Lion's Mane - 7/26/22
- Also try this texture adjustment
*Khajiit Lion Mane Wigs n Hair - 7/21/22
- Now has addons
*Khajiit Brow Whiskers - 7/10/22
- Adds more realism to your feline friends
*Khajiit Aesthetics Compilation - Hair Eyes Fangs - Mod renamed 12/19/21
-Has options for hair, eyes, and fangs
-I recommend using this with 83 Willows WHITER TEETH 4all because vanilla khajiit teeth are kinda yellow and nasty looking
-If using together with Khajiit Overhaul, load Khajiit Fangs after!
*Separated Khajiit Earrings For Character Creation - 12/10/21
- Separates earring from hair so you can mix and match!
Khajiit Patch for KS Hairdos - HDT SMP - 1/6/21
- Simple HDT SMP patch for KS Hairs and Khajiit
*HairPack02 HDT Skyrim LE 1.1 & SE 1.10 - 4/10/23
-Includes some HDT hair for Khajiit but will need to use outfit studio to make it fit properly
More(Vanilla) Hairs for Khajiit - 4/2/21
-More vanilla-based hairs for khajiit
*More Khajiit Hair Styles - 7/23/21
-LE Mod convert in CK!
- Adds Orc hairstyles to Khajiit
*Khajiit Mane - 2/13/21
-Can safely be flagged as an esl
- Adds a big beatly mane
*Khajiit Hair by Saerileth - 2/13/21
-Some lovely khajiit hairs
*Beards of Power - 2/13/21
-Some khajiit support
-Can safely be flagged as an esl as long as you don't use the npc replacer
Hirsute Beards - 4/4/21
-Some Khajiit beards using vanilla assets
*Apachii Sky Hair - 2/13/21
-Some khajiit hair
*Lovely Hairstyles - 2/13/21
-Some khajiit hairsyles
*Khajiit Conversions - 5/16/21
*Convert in CK!
- To get the hair just install the KS hair conversion file
- Some of the hairs seem to be a little glitched out but some work
- IMPORTANT: Rename the esp KS Hairdo's Khajiit.esp
*Aloy Outfit from Horizon Zero Dawn SSE HDT SMP - 1/4/22
- I know this is an armor mod but it comes with a hair that will look good on Khajiit!
Khajiit Alpha Mane with Alpha Beard - 8/3/22
-LE Mod

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Overhaul
Vaharadaro's Khajiits - KO Presets - caracal file
(Khajiit) Lioness Look - textures only
Serval Khajiit Racemenu Preset - Eye textures only!
*Weer's Enigmatic Eyes of Radiance - 10/9/23
*H.U.E - Handmade Unique Eyes 2.0 - Standalone - 12/8/22
Argonian - Khajiit FabULook Eyes - 2/13/21
-Some unique looking eyes
*Improved Eyes Skyrim - 2/15/21
-Has eyes for all races but the khajiit and argonian eyes are just lovely!
*Kala's Eyes - Beast Race Edition Khajiit Argonian - 2/13/21
-Some ESO inspired eyes as well as original looks! 335 eyes in total!
-Now has an Improved version - 6/29/23
Actual Glowing Beast Race Vampire Eyes - 10/31/21
*The Eyes Of Beauty SSE - 11/16/21
-Has some gorgeous eyes for beast races!
Innocent Beast Eyes - 2/4/23
*The Witcher 3 Eyes SE - 4/11/24
Shelby's More Argonian Eye Colors - 11/10/24
Urix's Cutesy Argonian Eyes - 512 1K 2K Unisex Textures - 11/6/24
- Vanilla Replacer Version HERE
Argonians Glowing Eyes - 9/18/24
*Oblivion Argonian Eyes - 11/29/21
Argonian Heterochromia - 2/13/21
-Heterochromia for Argonians
Drachis Argonian Eyes - 2/13/21
-Dragon eyes
Argonian Snake Eyes - 5/16/21
-Gives argonians snake eyes
- LE mod
Argonian Vampire Eyes - 2/13/21
-retexture for argonian vampire eyes
*Glowing Argonian Eyes - 2/13/21
-Makes argonian eyes glow
The Eyes of Beauty - Beast - Revamped - 9/26/24
*Khajiit Eyes Tweaked - 3/2/24
*Fia's Eyes - a replacer and addon - 12/2/22
- Has standalone options for Khajiit Eyes
Authentic Eyes - 2/13/21
-Those Khajiit eyes are stunning! You can use all eye textures or delete everything else except for the khajiit eyes
*Khajiit Aesthetics Compilation - Hair Eyes Fangs - Mod renamed 12/19/21
-Has options for hair, eyes, and fangs
-I recommend using this with 83 Willows WHITER TEETH 4all because vanilla khajiit teeth are kinda yellow and nasty looking
-If using together with Khajiit Overhaul, load Khajiit Fangs after!
Khajiit Wild Eyes - 2/13/21
-For a more big cat look
-LE mod but safe for SSE
Dreamburrow's Khajiit Eyes - 6/17/21
-Beautiful lion eyes
-Off-Nexus Site but it's SFW
-These are just texture files so you will have to rename them and replace vanilla khajiit eyes
*Dani's New Khajiit Eyes - 2/13/21
-Very detailed and gorgeous
*Khajiit Eyes Extended - Khajiit Heterochromia and More - 2/13/21
-For Khajiit heterochromia
*Convert in CK!
Heterochromia for Custom Khajiit Mods - 12/7/22
Human-like Khajiit Eyes - 2/13/21
-Gives khajiit human-like eyes
Khajiit Vampire Eyes - 2/13/21
-Retexture for khajiit vampire eyes
Emerald Khajiit Vampire Eyes - 3/1/22
- To add some uniqueness to Khajiit vampires
*Glowing Khajiit Eyes - 2/13/21
-Makes khajiit eyes glow

Image Spotlights:
Argonians Enhanced (temporarily hidden)
Miscellaneous Retextures:
Khajiit Nose - 12/25/24
HD Khajiit Tintmasks for MONSTERAIDER's Textures - 3/23/24
*Argonians Enhanced Remade - 6/10/23
*Better Argonian Horns - 1/2/23
HD Khajiit Mouth - 5/16/21
-Makes Khajiit mouths HD
-LE mod
Drachis Argonian Brows - 2/13/21
-This is for those who know how to make their own textures
Argonian Improvements - Horns - 2/13/21
-Lovely little horn retexture
Whiter Teeth for ALL (SE) - Orc Khajiit Argonian Werewolf - 2/13/21
-This also affects Orcs and werewolves. You can go in and delete these textures if you don't want them.
-If using the mouth retexture included in Argonians Enhanced, delete the argonian textures in this mod.
Blue Tongued Argonians - 2/20/21
-Based off Australia's blue-tongued lizard
*Also has a 2k pink tongue option as well.
*The pink argonian tongue folder is incorrectly packaged. You will need to manually download it, exctract, then in the data file create a Textures folder and drag the actors folder into it. Repackage and install as normal!
*Beastly Smiles - 2/14/21
-CRAZY amount of detail for something so small!
*More accurate Khajiit chin and lips paint - 2/13/21
-A hidden gem! LE but is safe for SSE
-FINALLY! No more hideous gap between the lips and chin colors!
*Let me just say that this mod is absolutely ESSENTIAL if you plan to play as a khajiit! It's a really small mod but it fixes something that has bothered me for the longest time. Please please PLEASE download this!
Better Beast Race Scars - 2/14/21
-Makes beast race scars look better
*Better Beast Race Scars 1K-2K - 11/29/22
Khajiit Paws - 2/17/21
-LE mod but should be safe for SSE

Image Spotlights:
Flawn'ss Vanilla Argonians Redux
Better Claws and Gauntlets
Kabu's Argonian Fins
Beast Race Bodypaints
-For some reason female face overlays are off-centered when used on beast races. To fix this, use male face overlays. This is only a problem with gendered overlays that affect the face.
*Camp Khajiit Overlay - 2/17/25
*Serval Khajiit RaceMenu Overlays - 7/28/24
*Katie's Jaguar Overlays - 7/19/24
- Thought I'd try my hands at something new ;)
More Beast Race Warpaints HD - 4/8/23
-LE Mod
*Flawn's Argonian Overlays - 2/13/21
- Overlays meant for Flawn's smooth argonian mod but honestly can look great on Khajiit too.
*Beast Race Bodypaints - 2/13/21
- Adds several fur and scale pattern overlays for beast races
*Vanilla Warpaints Absolution - 2/13/21
-For the realistic furry and scaly looks of the khajiit and argonian warpaints
-Affects other races but you have an option to choose only beast races
*Vanilla Makeup HA - HD Racial Colors and Makeup For All Races and Genders - 2/14/21
-Affects other races but you have an option to choose only beast races
I recommend looking at DomainWolf's profile for the best overlays
-All of these can be flagged as esl

Image Spotlights:
Vaharadaro's Khajiits - KO Presets - caracal file
(Khajiit) Lioness Look - textures only
Serval Khajiit Racemenu Preset - tintmasks only!
Khajiit Wild Eyes
Racemenu Presets:
-Now there are obviously WAY more presets than this but if I added every single one then my list would take DAYS to scroll through. If you don't see one of your favorites on here please let me know and they will be added!
Strawberry HPH Beast Race Preset Pack - 9/24/22
Oceanic Argonian Presets - 12/27/24
*Magma Dragon Male Argonian Preset - 3/31/24
- Male Argonian preset by me :)
*Ice Dragon Male Argonian Preset - 3/29/24
- Male Argonian preset by me :)
Lore Friendly Argonian Characters - High Poly Head Racemenu Presets - 11/2/23
Vesenara the Argonain Death Knight - Argonian Racemenu Preset - 10/14/23
*Bright Throat Clan Male and Female Presets - 8/27/23
*Naga Breeding Male Preset - 8/19/23
Kobolds - Argonian Preset - 7/24/23
Argonian Preset Jurassic Series - 10/4/22
- LE mod but should be fine for SE
Lil Miss Jay's Argonians (RaceMenu Presets) - 10/20/22
Swims-In-Wells - High Poly Argonian Preset - 5/4/22
- For your high poly needs
Lifts-Her-Tail - The Lusty Argonian Maid High Poly Female Racemenu Preset - 1/20/22
- Crassius would be very proud!
*Custom Draconic Argonian Head (Racemenu Preset) - 10/6/21
- A more dragon-like head mesh for Argonians
*Serpentine Argonian Racemenu Preset - 12/9/21
- A more snake-like head mesh for Argonians
Orsha The Argonian - Racemenu Argonian Preset - 10/28/21
- Please check her out. She's GORGEOUS!
Sun-Xu - An Argonian Preset - 11/30/21
- Made by my friend!
Grim - A Male Argonian Preset - 8/19/21
- This one is absolutely epic!
An-Yu - The Jade Argonian preset - 7/30/21
- My friend made this preset and it's awesome!
Somewhat Sleeker Argonian Heads - 5/16/21
- LE mod
Lil Miss Jay's FA-Style Argonians - 5/16/21
Crocodilian Argonian (Male and Female) - 5/16/21
Dro-Ghoda Character Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Lizzy - (Argonian) (Race Meny Preset) (TBD) - 2/28/21
-Female preset
*WARNING! Adult Content!
Dragonic Argonian Race Menu Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Argonian RaceMenu Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Flawn's Racemenu Presets - 2/28/21
-Both gender presets
Aisha LightClaw - Argonian Preset - 2/28/21
-Female preset
Koztli-Taahei - An Argonian Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Alucard Wesker - Argonian Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Storm-Seeker - Argonian character preset - 3/10/21
-Male preset
Katie's Cute Lioness Khajiit Overhaul Preset - 12/8/24
Khajiit Overhaul Cute Male Preset - 11/3/24
Zerith-Var - A Khajiit Out of Time Preset - 10/29/24
*Kharjo and M'aiq Presets Khajiit Overhaul Version - 7/13/24
Kharjo Preset - 7/11/24
M'aiq The Liar Preset - 7/11/24
*Katie's KO Tiger and Tigress Presets - 7/3/24
*Katie's KO Male Caracal - 5/31/24
*Aslan - Male Khajiit Lion Preset and Head Sculpt - 4/20/24
- Male Khajiit preset by me :)
*Calico Khajiit Kitty Preset and Sculpt - 4/7/24
- A pretty kitty by me :)
*Vale Panther Preset - 4/1/24
- Male Khajiit Preset by me :)
*Mrs Claws Khajiit Overhaul Preset - 12/19/23
- My very first seasonal character!
*ESO Ember Preset and Head Mesh - 11/21/23
-Another mod by me of one of my favorite ESO characters
*Ra'Jhiin Preset - 4/26/23
- My very own favorite Khajiit that I made
HSUE6R - Serval Khajiit Racemenu Preset - 10/4/22
- LE but should be fine for SE
Poison's Female UNP Khajiit Preset - 8/21/22
*High Poly Male Lion-Khajiit Racemenu Chargen - 8/5/22
*Kayden's Khajiit Overhaul Wolven Male Khajiit - 10/18/22
- Made by me and yes I changed my name
*Katie's Male Khajiit Lion Head Preset - 7/13/22
- Made by yours truly. For vanilla male Khajiit only at the moment
*Katie's Khajiit Overhaul Male Head Preset - 7/16/21
-My own head preset that I made for the male khajiit head in Khajiit Overhaul
*Vaharadaro's Khajiits - KO Presets - 7/24/21
-Please check these out! I absolutely adore them!
Vaharadaro's KO Presets - REBORN - 1/23/23
Sh'anta Claws - A Christmas-y Khajiit Preset - 12/23/21
- Bring a little holiday spirit to your playthrough
Lil Miss Jay's FA-Style Khajiits - 5/16/21
- LE but should be fine for SSE
Zhani - A female khajiit preset - 4/1/21
-Female preset
Leorah - A Lioness preset - 10/29/21
- A lovely preset by my friend
Serval Khajiit Racemenu Preset - 3/30/21
- LE but works fine as is for SSE
- This only affects females
- For those who don't want to install the new Serval race
Truly Catlike Khajiit - A Serval Khajiit Preset - 7/14/21
-LE mod but should be fine as-is
-Does not actually require the Serval Khajiit Race mod
Ma'Dresh - A RaceMenu Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Rah'Vashai High Polly Head and Body Character Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Razum-Dar - Racemenu Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
S'zhar Khajiit Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Inigo the Suave - High-Poly Replacer or Racemenu Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
R'oque Ja Khajiit racemenu preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
White Lion - Khajiit Presets - 2/28/21
-Both genders presets
S'hani the Grey - A Khajiit Preset - 2/28/21
-Female preset
A Male Khajiit Preset Do'Vodahmin - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Noctis Vindicta - Male Khajiit Preset - 2/28/21
-Male preset
Gida - Female Khajiit Preset - 3/14/21
-Female Preset
Qa'yla - A female khajiit preset (Normal and High Poly) - 6/23/21
-Female preset

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Overhaul Cute Male Preset
Khajiit Paw
Digitigrade/Plantigrade Feet:
-I'm now using both Flawn's feet and KO's digitigrade feet
Argonaina Reptilian Feet - AWG Extensions - 1/7/24
New Beast Feet - 12/24/23
Grimoas Plantigrade Feet For Beast Races - 2/14/21
-LE mod and not sure if it's ready for SSE yet. Read the comment section
*Convert in CK!
Beast Feet Retexture - 3/10/21
-Retexture of Grimoas Plantigrade Feet to fit masculine and feminine body skin
Digitigrade Beast Skeleton For XPMSSE - 2/14/21
- A digitigrade skeleton
Digitigrade Beast Races - 2/14/21
- Replaces beast race feet to be more beastly
Digitigrade Beast Races with XP32 Physics Support - 4/3/21
- Digitigrade but with physics support. Fancy!
Beast Races Reshaped Digitigrade Version - 2/14/21
-Reshaped beast races
No Boots for Beasts - 2/17/21
-Beast races no longer where footwear
Barefoot Beast Project (Greaves and Legwraps for Planitgrade Feet) - 2/14/21
-Gives greaves and legwraps to plantigrade beast races
Digitigrade Boots Set - Special Edition - 9/22/21
- Adds boots with digitigrade feet
Argonian Raptor Claws for SSE - 8/28/24
Digitigrade Feet for Flawn's Argonians - 4/18/21
-There is also an option for this in Flawn's original argonian retexture mods
Argonian Reptilian Feet - 2/14/21
-Gives argonians more reptilians feet
Argonian Raptor Feet - 3/19/21
-Gives Argonians raptor feet
-LE mod
*Convert in CK and possibly optimize with Cathedral Assets Optimizer
Digitigrade Argonian Raptor Boots - 3/19/21
-Gives raptor boots for Argonians
- LE mod
*Convert in CK and possibly optimize with Cathedral Assets Optimizer
Khajiit Overhaul
Khajiit Leopard Feet - 2/17/21
-LE mod that requires Grimoas mod.
-Not sure if it's ready for SSE yet
*Optimize with cathedral assets optimizer
Khajiit Paw (Digitigrade looking Feet) - 2/14/21
-Gives Khajiit paws
Digitigrade Khajiit - 2/14/21
-Makes Khajiit digitigrade

Image Spotlights:
NPC Replacers:
*Interesting Beasts and Beards to Find Them - Beast Race Replacer for Interesting NPCs - 6/3/21
*Requires Interesting NPCs
*BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow - 2/13/21
-Like I said in the hair section, this has an npc replacer that I absolutely love!
*If using with Khajiit Overhaul, set LOOT rule for BeastHHBB to load after Khajiit Overhaul
NAO - Prettier Beasts - 4/8/24
Shahvee and Derkeethus Remake - 8/2/24
Savy's Derkeethus Replacer - 4/18/24
*Children of the Hist - An Argonian NPC Overhaul - 12/10/23
Marcurios is The Red Prince - 12/3/23
Nara's Custom Derkeethus - 12/3/23
Nara's Custom Scouts-Many-Marshes - 12/3/23
Hott Argonians with Argonian Feather Hair - SE Port - 6/21/21
- Adds feather hair to the player as well as all argonian npcs!
Argonian Bachelors and Bachelorettes - 2/14/21
- Makes the marriable Argonians way more unique
Not Quite Vanilla NPC Overhaul - Argonians - 2/14/21
Complete NPC Overhaul - Argonians - 10/31/21
- A complete overhaul of all Argonians
Custom Derkeethus - 2/14/21
- A neat makeover for Derkeethus
Custom Scouts-Many-Marshes - 2/14/21
- A neat makeover for Scouts-Many-Marshes
Alternate Shahvee - 1/23/23
Pink Shahvee - 2/14/21
- Fancy Pink Shahvee
Derkeethus Improved - The Argonian Follower - 2/14/21
- An improved Derkeethus
Darkwater Derkeethus the Argonian - 2/14/21
- Jeeze Derkeethus is popular
Better Derkeethus - 1/3/24
Ysolda Khajiit - 12/7/24
*Project ja-Kha'jay - Khajiit Diversity Overhaul - 10/29/21
- Also install this patch if you use Better Claws and Gauntlets'
- YAAAAS! There is now a Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch!!!!
- Now has Relationship Dialogue Overhaul patch!
-Now has a Khajiit Will Follow Patch
*Project ja-Kha'jay - Interesting NPCs Khajiit Addon - 12/22/21
*Requires Interesting NPCs
-Probably works with the above mod as long as you set this to load after
J'zargo Follower Addon - ESL - 9/9/24
J'zargo Replacer (ESL) - 7/24/24
Viking Cat Style Khajiit NPC Facegen - 7/17/23
Eeekie's Khajiit Will Follow Replacer - 11/20/22
M'aiq the Alfiq - 5/4/22
Badass Kharjo and a Khajiit Archer Follower - 2/14/21
- A neat Kharjo Makeover
Kharjo Extended - 2/14/21
- Improved Kharjo
Seranacat - 3/20/22
- Serana but furrier
Khajiit Kaidan - 6/16/22
- Kaidan but furrier
Mikael Khajiit Makeover - 9/29/22
Khajiit Waifus - 1/26/24
Complete Replacers:
Cats of Skyrim SE - 7/6/21
- Completely replaces all npcs with Khajiit
Lizards of Skyrim SE - 7/6/21
- Completely replaces all npcs with Argonians
Minor Fixes and Edits:
An Argonian Eye Fix - 8/28/24
LM Beast Teeth - 3/3/24
LM's Beast Teeth - Custom Khajiit Consistency - 3/3/24
Argonian and Khajiit Teeth Fix - 1/20/24
Argonian Loading Screen Fix - 1/4/23
*Beast Vampire Fangs Adjustment - Argonian and Khajiit - 2/20/22
- Fixes that bigh toothy smile Bethesda gave beast vampires
Argonian Head Specular Fix - 10/31/21
- Just a nifty specular fix for overly shiny Argonians
Argonian Vampire Female Animation Fix - 10/31/21
- Does as the name says
RaceMenu - Male Khajiit Mouth Expression Fix - 10/31/21
- Fixes racemenus issues with male Khajiit
Khajiit Hair Fix For Ancient Nord Helmet - 10/31/21
- Makes the ancient nord helmet wearable for Khajiit
No Color Change for Beast Race Vampires - 10/31/21
- Removes this annoying bug
Beast Race Vampire Fang Removal - 10/31/21
- Completely removes the vampire fangs from beast races
Dragonplate Helmit Fix and Alternate Masked Version - 3/30/22
- Fixes an inconsistency with the dragonplate helmet and Argonians
There ya go! Upgrade your beast races and have fun!
I thought I'd add some gameplay mods really quick as well just for a little bit of immersion.
Also will add followers and npcs so you can see more Khajiit and Argonians in Skyrim
*Always check to see if they have patches for mods you may have!

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Caravan Kittens
Location Overhauls
Khajiit Has Tents - 5/21/24
- Animated version here
*Khajiit Has Wares - A Caravan Camp Overhaul - 9/19/22
- Try out this animated tents patch
*Khajiit Has Wears - A Caravan Khajiit Outfit SPID Overhaul - 1/12/23
- You will find most of the armors below
*Immersive Khajiit Caravan Mules - 4/25/21
-Also check out this addon
Khajiit Warehouses - 1/17/24
Khajiit Caravan Clutter - 12/28/22
Khajiit Caravan Bodyguards SE - 3/30/22
- Bodyguards for the Khajiit caravans
Khajiit Caravan Spot Protectors - 6/16/22
- MOAR bodyguards for Khajiit caravans. Also marriable.
Immersive Khajiit Caravan - 3/26/22
- Make sure to check requirements!
Relaxed Khajiits - 3/8/23
Windhelm Docks Fast Travel - Argonian Assemblage - 10/31/21
- Now you can fast travel to the Argonian Assemblage
AAOH - Argonian Assemblage Overhaul - 11/10/21
- Improves the Argonian assemblage as well as making the Argonians possible followers
*Argonian Hatchlings - Children of Tamriel - 2/14/21
- This mod has been moved from Nexus to Bethesda.net
- Also install this edit found on Nexus
Ra'Zhinda Offers Training - 3/8/25
Khajiit Caravan Sell Instruments - 7/9/24
PALEGORE - Real Gypsy Traders - 1/16/24
Kesh the Merchant - 12/12/21
- Kesh is now an apothecary merchant
Khajiit Merchant Tracker - 3/13/22
- Tracks down those slippery Khajiit Caravans
Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items SSE - 2/15/21
- Khajiit will fence your stolen goods
Khajiit Caravans Fence for Fellow Khajiit - 2/17/21
-Similar to the one above except that the caravans only buy stolen goods from other khajiit
Elsweyr Imports - SSE - 2/20/21
- Adds some foreign items to the foreign Khajiit Caravans
Catnip for Khajiit - 7/6/21
Language and Dialogue
Voiced Hearthfires Stewards - Khajiit and Argonian - 6/26/24
- Install either this or the one below
Khajiit Argonian Steward Fix - 12/2/21
- Now Khajiit can finally be a steward to your homestead
DialogueTransformer- Khajiit Speak - 8/5/23
Khajiit Caravans Speak Ta'agra - 8/4/23
Khajiit Speak - Complete Dialogue Overhaul(Special Edition) - 2/15/21
-Install this too!
-Has TONS of patches for other mods too so make sure to look!
Dialogue Expansion - Khajiit Caravans - 3/15/23
M'aiq The Liar Anniversary Edition - 11/23/21
- Adds even more dialogue to our beloved fourth wall breaker
Jel Months - 11/21/24
Return To The Hist - Argonian Burial Caravan - 10/13/24
Khajiits Are Not Welcomed - 11/1/23
Khajiit Are Allowed In Cities - 9/15/21
- Not as immersive but why not?
Diverse Skyrim - Argonians in the Legion - 6/29/23
Jarree-Ra Ignores Crime - 7/15/22
- Why would a shady criminal narc on you?
Basic Skooma Farming - 3/1/2025
Smoking Skooma - 4/24/24
Honorary Seats - Argonian - 1/26/24

Image Spotlights:
Argonian Racemenu Preset
Flawn's Vanilla Argonians Redux
Argonian Weight Slider Affected Tails
Argonian Fins and Kabu's Argonian Fins
Beast Race Bodypaints
Argonian Warrior Armor
Argonian Macuahuitl
Racial Powers and Spells:
Dragon Aspect for Beast Races - 1/1/25
Khajiit Have Zoomies - 5/26/24
Undeath - Skeletal Liches for all Races - 4/8/24
Amazing Race Tweaks - Khajiit - 6/23/23
Argonians Can Handle Frozen Water - 1/17/24
Amazing Race Tweaks - Argonian - 6/23/23
Super Night Eye - 10/19/22
*Predator Vison - 2/15/21
- Adds new night eye and detect life effects for Khajiit as well as vampires and werewolves
Eye Can See - A Passive Night Eye Mod - 7/4/21
- Adds a passive nighteye ability to Khajiit, werewolves, and vampires
Night-Eye Toggle For Khajiit - 3/19/21
- Toggleable night eye
Toggleable Night Eye Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit - 8/16/21
- Same as above
Eye of Fear Khajiit Racial Power - 2/17/21
-Adds back a power that khajiit had in Morrowind
Realistic Khajiit Racials - 10/12/21
- New racial abilities for Khajiit
Argonian Upgrades - 4/13/21
- New racial abilities for Argonians
Histblood - 9/21/21
- Gives Argonians the power to resist all poisons for 10 minutes daily
Realistic Argonian Racials - 10/10/21
- Does as the name says
Khajiit Rito Kalshan SE - 2/15/21
-And this addon
-Some neat khajiit spells to add plants to the world
Khajiit Skills Improvement - 7/6/21
- Improves Khajiit skills
Khajiit Prowess - 7/6/21
- More skills for you Khajiit
*This is a demo for Sound for Khajiit.
Voices and Sounds:
Young Male Khajiit Voice for Player Voicesets - 9/15/24
Cat Ears - A Khajiit Themed Interface Audio Mod - 4/4/24
Male Argonian Voice Replacer - 11/3/23
Male Khajiit Voice Replacer - 11/2/23
Argonian Lusty Voice Replacer - 10/26/23
Khajiit Cute Voice Replacer - 10/24/23
DBVO - Argonian Male Voice Pack - 6/1/23
Khajiit Hero (RTW) Talking Dragonborn - 4/16/23
Elsweyr Main Menu Music Replacer - 6/8/22
- Honestly this was the best ESO main menu music.
*Sound for Khajiit character male and female - 3/6/21
-For more beastly and dangerous sounding khajiit
-LE mod but doesn't need any converting or optimizing since there are no esps and it's only audio files!
*Better Female Khajiit Pain Sounds - 2/15/21
- No more icky choking noises
*Male Argonian Shouts - Revoiced - 2/15/21
- Much better Argonian shouts
Male Argonian Shout SFX - 8/21/21
- More reptile like shouts
Unarmed Claw Impact - 1/11/22
- Unarmed attacks make clawing sounds
Argonian Voice Type to Orc - 10/31/21
- Replaces the Argonian voice type to the Orc voice type
Kodeshi Khajiit - Player Voice Pack - 2/15/21
-Voice pack
PC Head Tracking Voice Pack - Beastfolk - 3/28/21
-Voice pack
PC Head Tracking and Voice - The Breton and The Khajiit - 2/15/21
-Female Khajiit voice
-Also adds a breton voice. You can delete this if you only want the khajiit voice
Lusty Argonian Prince voice for PC Head Tracking BYOV - 5/13/21
-Lust voice pack
Argonian Revamped - PC Head Tracking and Voice Type - 12/9/21
-More voice packs
Argonian Treasure Hunter for Player Voicesets SSE (MALE) - 9/15/22

Image Spotlights:
My little kitty Ma-Rakka - original edition
Children npcs/Adoptable Children:
Sofie the Argonian child - 11/25/24
*BeastHHBB - Adoptable Beast Children - Argonian and Khajiit - 1/20/24
Adoptable Argonian Hatchling - Chases-Starlight - 2/14/21
-Female adoptable child
My Little Hatchling SSE- Ram-Ku - 2/14/21
-Male adoptable child
-Might want to install this patch too
- OR install this fixed version - 6/23/23
Vimune SSE - Kitten Khajiit Companion and Adorable Daughter - 2/14/21
-Female adoptable child/follower
My little kitty Ma-Rakha - 2/14/21
-Male adoptable child
-If using together with Khajiit Overhaul, set a LOOT rule to load this after KO!
*Kahjiit Child Maisha - 2/14/21
-Female adoptable child
- Also try this FIXED VERSION with a cute fluffy tail - 6/19/23
*Project ja-Kha'jay - Khajiit Child Ma'isha Addon - 8/20/23
Candy Shops of Skyrim Add-On - A Sweet Khajiit Child - 7/6/21
-Requires Candy shops of Skyrim
RS Elven and Beast Children - 2/17/21
-Also adds elven and orc children
The Kids Are Alright Renewal - 6/16/21
-Adds some cute beast race children
*Argonian Hatchlings - Children of Tamriel - 2/14/21
- This mod has been moved from Nexus to Bethesda.net
- Also install this edit found on Nexus
Khajiit Caravan Kittens - Children of Tamriel - 2/14/21
-This mod has been moved from Nexus to Bethesda.net
- Also install this edit found on Nexus

Standalone Followers:
Give these lovely people some support! These are only a handful because there are SO MANY it would take ages to scroll through.
I tried mainly to add ones that I thought had interesting traits or were marriable.
If you don't see someone that you would like me to add, please let me know!
*Xelzaz - Argonian Telvanni Follower - 2/1/22
-A very unique idea! A Telvanni Argonian for your travels.
Quimvee SSE - Beautiful Female Follower - 8/6/22
Onasha-Maki - Big-Bodied Argonian Follower - 8/6/22
Sun-Xu - the Sun Warrior - an Argonian Mercenary - 2/2/22
- He is just a masterpiece! My friend always makes top quality content!
Orsha the Dragonlancer - an Argonian Follower - 2/20/22
- Another beauty from my friend!
-SE- Small Lizard - Please Handle with Care - 7/6/21
-A VERY tiny, lizard-sized argonian companion.
Lord Scales Follower - 2/22/21
-This mod was literally just posted today and it looks like a lot of love went into this character. Check it out!
Khash The Argonian (A Fully Custom Voiced Follower) - 2/22/21
-This mod has 1,200+ lines of custom dialogue!
-Has a backstory that comes out over time! All in all, very neat.
- Install this mod to give her more armor options
The Lisping Argonian definitive edition For SSE - 2/22/21
-Adds a very interesting argonian sorcerer to the game.
-Also adds a dungeon!
*Lucifer - Argonian Custom Voiced Follower - 2/22/21
-A skilled archer with 1,000+ lines of custom dialogue!
- Try this replacer
Kills-in-Shadows Argonian Follower - 2/22/21
-This adds a argonian vampire mage!
Silver-Throat - Argonian Follower - 2/22/21
*WARNING! For those who like their lizards THICC
Argrippinia and Argifonus the Vampire Argonian Pair Follower SE by CT Team - 2/22/21
-Both are marriable!
Argifonus Male Argonian Vampire Follower SE by CT Team - 2/22/21
-If you want the male only.
Skylla The Argonian Warrior - Follower - 2/22/21
-Very unique and BEAUTIFUL argonian female. Please at least take a peek at this artwork!
Speaks-in-Flames Argonian Follower - 2/22/21
-A marriable male argonian pyromancer.
Dawnguard Argonian Follower Jymm-Re - 2/22/21
-Vampire hunter and marriable
Keema the young female argonian warrior - 2/22/21
-A young marriable female
Walks-In-Shadows - Argonian Pirate Captain Follower - 2/22/21
-A pint-sized pirate captain with a napoleon complex? Sign me up!
Ra'jha The Wayward Khajiit-Fully Voiced-Beta - 9/26/24
Jobargo - The Maestro (Fully Voiced Companion) - 9/23/24
*Asya'sa the Nordic Khajiit - 7/16/24
- Project ja-Kha'jay version HERE
*Chico The Comedy Khajiit - Reborn - 7/10/24
Z'rag the Fully Voiced Male Khajiit Follower Mod - 3/2/24
Mrs Claws - Follower - 1/16/24
Sa'chil - Custom Voiced Khajiit Follower - 12/13/23
-Also check out this patch hub and this 3BA patch
Chico the Comedy Khajiit - 5/29/23
*Lion El' - the Lunar Guardian - a Khajiit Follower - 5/2/23
- My Friend made this one and I love him!
*INIGO - 2/14/21
-Can't miss INIGO of course!
-Quest AND a much beloved follower
M'rissi's Tails of Troubles SE - 11/11/21
-There are TONS of patches and addons for her so make sure to look!
Kaidan - Khajiit Replacer - 12/8/21
Miyu - Cute Khajiit Follower - 7/18/22
Shiva - Ferocious KaPo'Tun Follower - 8/6/22
Sita the Khajiit Ranger - 12/12/21
Leorah - The Lioness Beastmaster - 11/2/21
- Made by my friend Also comes with Cringer!
Aurora the Spellcaster - UNP CBBE ESP-FE - 11/24/21
-Also made by my friend
A'ruthr - 8/28/21
Nightshade the Nightblade - a Black Panther Follower - 5/22/22
-Woo boy my friend been busy!
Zhani - A Standalone Khajiit Follower - 10/21/21
- My friend also made this one :)
Qa'yla - A standalone Khajiit Follower - 9/6/21
- My friend made this one! Enjoy :)
Zinokhar the Male Khajiit Vampire Follower - 2/22/21
-Honestly never seen a vampire khajiit in any of my playthroughs so this is great!
Sabriina Saber A Khajiit Spellsword Follower - 2/22/21
*Pretty SKIMPY outfit! You've been WARNED
Ko'ahni the Headless Khajiit (Custom Voiced Follower) - 2/22/21
-This one is definitely something I've NEVER seen before!
Vampire Khajiit Follower TEEF SE - 2/22/21
-Same as above, not enough vampire khajiit AND she's marriable!
Follower Genba Khajiit for SE - 2/22/21
-The definition of baby-face :3
S'hani the Grey - A standalone Khajiit follower - 2/22/21
-Neat glowing overlays
Miri - Standalone Hybrid Khajiit Follower - 2/22/21
-Check out this CBBE UNP conversion as well
-While technically not a khajiit, you can pretent she's an Ohmes-Raht
Rubee Shan - Standalone Female Khajiit Archer - 2/22/21
*WARNING! Adult Content!
-She is also marriable!
K'tarria the Bard - Female Khajiit Mage Follower - 2/22/21
-A cute little bard and she's marriable!
Napjiit the Khajiit - Custom Voiced Follower - 2/22/21
-Yay! Custom Voiced male khajiit!
JWD's Ky'ren-thia the Assassin - A Female Khajiit Follower - 2/22/21
-Why not make your kitty killing machines even MORE deadly!
M'gnuz the Khajiit Brawler - 2/22/21
-Thought this was pretty unique since in the lore, khajiit prefer to use their claws. Nice!
Jo'hur - The Special Khajiit Companion - 2/22/21
-Foul mouthed baddie
Ahzija Khajiit Follower - 2/22/21
-A marriable male khajiit!
Sarish A Male Khajiit Follower - 2/22/21
-A marriable male khajiit assassin!
Dar'rassa - Dark Brotherhood Assassin Follower - 5/16/21
Pantero - 7/22/21
-A marriable male Khajiit
Khan - 7/23/21
-A Marriable male Khajiit

Image Spotlights:
Khajiit Will Follow
Multiple Followers/npcs:
EVW SE - Female Argonian And Khajiit Beast Race Followers - 2/14/21
-WARNING! This is not for people who don't like big breasted Kitties and Lizards!
Iron-Scales (Argonian) and Cinder-Tail (Khajiit) Male Beast Followers - 2/14/21
Dx's Beast Followers - Argonian and Khajiit - 2/14/21
Beast Knights - 2/15/21
-Adds Argonian and Khajiit followers as well as Lykaios!
MONSTERaider - Beast Followers - 2/17/21
Argonian Girls - Standalone Followers - 3/12/23
Red Princess - Two Argonians Who Live in Morthal - 2/1/23
Clare's More Argonians - 4/11/22
Convenient Argonian Merchants - 4/16/21
- Very convenient merchants/followers!
More Argonians of Skyrim - Argonian Follower Mod - 2/14/21
-Marriablewith RDO
Dominion's More Argonians - 2/14/21
-Marriable npcs and followers
Simple Argonian Followers - Males - 2/14/21
Elrond the Khajiit Merchant - 1/29/25
Caravaneers - Khajiit Followers - 12/8/23
*Khajiit Will Follow - 2/14/21
-Also check out this addon!
-Well thought out back stories, quests, VOICED dialogue, marriable, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
-If you use Legacy Of The Dragonborn also install this patch!
-Also check out this cool edit to the unique items!
-There is now also a Khajiit Overhaul patch!
-Also try out this npc replacer OR this one
- Now has an MCO Animation Patch
Female Khajiit Clan - Standalone Followers - 2/24/23
More Kats of Skyrim - Khajiit Followers Mod - 2/14/21
-Marriable with RDO
Khajiit Followers and Trainers - 7/7/22
- Followers AND trainers
Warrior Khajiits - 1/4/22
-Khajiit Warriors based of of characters from a book series I read!
Pussycats (stand-alone Khajiit followers) SSE - 7/6/21
Royal Family Cats - 2/14/21
Khajiit Followers - 2/14/21
Simple Khajiit Followers - Female - 2/14/21
Simple Khajiit Followers - Males - 2/14/21
Dominion's More Khajiit - 2/14/21
-Marriable npcs and followers
KN Khajiit Followers - 2/14/21
Una and Jein - Unique Khajiit Followers - 3/20/21

Image Spotlights:
The Last Shadowscale
Lore Friendly Armor, Weapons, and Clothing:
New weapons, armour, and clothing items:
Argonian Funerary Masks - 3/3/25
Black Nekomimi Hood - 1/28/25
Racemenu Sliders and Male and Beast Conversions For Satisfactory Facial Piercings - 7/2/24
*Crescent Moon - Blade of Lunar Glass - 5/16/24
- For any Khajiit moon monks out there
*Lion Guard Weapons and Armor - 4/14/24
*Egyptian Pharaoh - 4/13/24
*Ancient Oasis -4/13/24
*Lion Halberd SE - 4/11/24
- A weapon fit for a Khajiit Mane
*Bone Cultist Armor - 2/9/24
- Not beast related but I absolutely LOVE the beast race support meshes for this armor. Please check it out!
*MoonChild Collection - 1/15/24
- Moon themed items for Khajiit
Maquahuitl - The Obsidian Blade - 1/11/24
- For Argonian players
*Witchy - Holiday Accessories 2023 - Beast Race Edition - 12/18/23
*Witchy - World of Warcraft Accessories - Beast Race Edition - 12/18/23
*Witchy - Lost Ark Horns - Beast Race Edition - 12/15/23
*Witchy - The Horniest Mod Ever - Beast Race Edition - 12/13/23
Dragon Quarterstaff - 10/18/23
- A cool monk-themed weapon for Khajiit monks
Black Marsh Weapon Set - 9/20/23
Ancient Argonian Armor SE - 9/16/23
*[Christine] Quetzali - 7/17/23
*Non-Nexus site!
- This armor might look good on female Argonians
*King Panther Armor - 4/10/23
- Not exactly for Khajiit but the panther aesthetic would look good for a heavy armor mane build
Sonia Armor for Males and Beast Races - 2/15/23
Beast Race Slave Masks - 1/14/23
- I almost didn't want to add this because oof, but it is unfortunately lore-friendly
*Moon Monk's Robes - 1/12/23
*Lunar Guard Armor - 9/14/22
- There is also a recolor here
*Immersive Khajiit Armor and Weapon - Rebalance and Integration - 12/22/22
*Lunar Guard Arsenal - Battleaxe - 11/20/22
*SC - Rormasu Armor for Argonia - 8/21/22
- Also install this fix
*Armors of the Velothi (Argonian Support) - 2/4/22
- Requires the main mod first!
*Wearable Horns Addon - Beast Races - 12/3/21
- Very horny
*Craziux Shades - 10/25/21
- Okay, not exactly lore friendly but still pretty cool
- You could pretend the Dwemer invented them
*VickusDickus' Khajiiti Apex Armory - 2/14/21
-Try out this edit! It fixes some problems and rebalances the armor. Highly Recommened!
-There is also a HIMBO patch
*Azura-Moonlight Blade - 12/12/21
- The blade you can unlock from the ESO Elswyer DLC
*Argonian (Saxhleel) Weapon Pack - 4/26/22
- Argonian themed weapons
*Saxhleel War Club (Argonian Warhammer) - 2/14/21
- Big stick
*Argonian Macuahuitl - 2/28/21
- Meso-American themed weapon
Argonian Flatbows - 2/20/21
- Argonian bows
*Shadowscale Set Reborn - 12/1/22
- Also install this to add it to Veezara
*Stormhold Warrior SSE - Port Plus - 7/25/23
*Argonian Warrior Armour - SSE Port - 7/25/23
AmA - Argonian Mercenary Armor - With Armored Tail - 2/20/21
-LE Mod
*Convert in CK and optimize in cathedral assets optimizer!
Marsh Armor-Custom Ebony Argonian Hevy Armor - 2/20/21
-LE Mod
*Convert in CK and optimize in cathedral assets optimizer!
Khajiit Jera Combat Robes - 3/6/21
-Male khajiit specific armor
-LE mod
*Convert in CK
*Optimize in Cathedral Assets Optimizer!
Iron Khajiit Monk - 7/20/21
Khajiit Suits for CBBE 3BA UNP BHUNP and HIMBO - 8/21/21
HistBone and Bonewood Argonian Armors - 3/6/21
-LE mod
*Convert in CK
*Optimize in Cathedral Assets Optimizer!
Vanilla variations or replacers:
Argonian Engagement Ring - 1/13/25
Madesi's Silver Ring By Ave - 11/29/24
Better Elven Helmets for Beast Races - 9/16/24
Blindfolds for Argonians - 11/15/23
HeadGear For BeastRace LE - 10/29/23
- LE Mod
Khajiit Have Ears Immersive Armors - 8/24/23
Blue Argonian Horn Curtains - 2/8/23
*Argonian Shin Guards - 2/6/23
*Kitty Hoods - Khajiit Shaped Hoods - 11/12/22
Beast Race Helmets - Alternative Armors - 7/25/22
*Khajiit Earrings SE - 1/20/22
Tail Armors - 2/14/21
-Armor for your tail
-Try out this mod that makes them enchantable! - 7/4/21
I have a tail - Tail armors for Khajiit - 7/4/21
-Another tail armor mod specifically for Khajiit
*LE mod! Convert in CK and optimize in CAO
*Greaves and Legwraps SE - 8/28/21
-Also install this patch
Fingerless Gloves SSE - 8/28/21
-To show off your claws
-I don't recommend installing this alongside Better Claws and Guantlets because they both effect gloves
Crown Helmets Redux - 2/14/21
-Adds open helmet variations of closed helmets for beast races
Masque of Clavicus Vile for Beast Races - 2/14/21
-Reshapes the masque of clavicus vile to fit beast races
Dragon Priest Masks for Beasts - 2/14/21
-Reshapes the dragon priest masks to fit beast races
Khajiit Ears - Gray Cowl - 2/17/21
-This is for "The Gray Cowl Returns" Creation Club mod
Forsworn Dreadlocks for Beast Races - 2/20/21
-Lets female argonians and khajiit wear the dreadlock forsworn helmet like the other female races
Khajiit Character Package - 5/16/21
- LE mod
- Convert in CK and optimize with CAO
- has a bsa so it will need to be extracted with CAO or Mod Organizer
Amethyst Two-Stone Argonian Engagement Ring - 6/17/21
-Makes Talen-Jei's unique engagement ring craftable so your argonian character can get engaged the traditional way. How sweet. :)
Ave's Moon Amulet - 6/17/21
-A replacer for Kharjo's moon amulet
Reb's Moon Amulet Replacer - 6/17/21
Moon Amulet - 11/1/23

FMAK Demonstration
*Lizard-like Swimming Animation for Argonians - 1/6/2022
ADXP I MCO Desert Race Animations Complete Pack - 10/22/22
*Feral - Claw Unarmed Attacks for Beast Races - Vampires - Werewolves - 2/14/21
-Adds some lore-friendly claw attack animations so you really feel like you are ripping enemies to shreds!
-Has vampire and werewolf options if you want
-Recommended to use with DAR
Beast Races Punch - 2/20/21
-This is for people who DO NOT WANT their beast races to use claw animations
*Feline Movement Animation For Khajiits Only - 2/18/21
-Makes khajiit move more like cats
Cat Like Run Sneak and Sprint (Player Only) DAR - 2/16/22
-For those who want only their player to use the cat-like animations and not other npcs
*DAR Argonians run on all fours - A FMAK Patch for Argonians - 4/26/21
- Requires the above mod
- LE but works for SSE. No conversion needed!
- Ignore the FNIS requirement in the description. Only DAR is needed!

Image Spotlights:
Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE
Beast Themed Quests/Houses/Locations:
Lunar Guards - Disciples of Lunar Gods - 11/16/24
Assault on Elsweyr - Orcrest - 3/8/24
*Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE - 2/14/21
-Check for patches and fixes by clicking on the requirements tab and looking at the mods that require it
-Also check out this npc replacer
*Underhanded Slavery - House Dres Operations PT.1(Mihail SSE Port) - 2/15/21
- Free the slaves!
Ersatz Hist Sap - A Short Quest - 9/21/21
Dark Moon of Elsweyr - 7/12/21
- MASSIVE land to explore
Cyrodilic Collections - 8/24/21
- Optionally, if you have The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal mod, you can get this version
Khajiit's Family House SE - 2/14/21
Argonian Quarters Windhelm - 11/29/21
- A nice place to rest your head
New Moons Hamlet - 8/14/2023
Shadow Scale Player Camp - 6/8/22
Khajiit Companion's Camp - 6/8/22
Roots of the Sleeping Tree - Argonian and Hist-themed Player Home - 1/23/22
- Be aware this mod requires AE version
Hovelmud - 4/11/22
Xalfek - An Argonian Home - 9/14/21
Argonian Hut - 12/4/21
Rawlith - A Khajiit Home - 8/15/21
Upper Cat Quarters - 12/7/21
Khajiit Campsite - 2/15/21
*Skyfall's Sleeping Hist Tree Overhaul - 4/15/24
Egg Siblings of Skyrim - 6/14/22
Black Marsh & Valenwood - 4/20/22
Wreck of the Crown Petone - Northern Argonian Settlement - 2/14/21
The Elsweyr Trader (QND) - 9/2/21
Sweet Roll Hut SE - 9/15/21
Ratway Skooma Den - 9/21/21
Maiq's Retreat - 1/23/23
New Moons - 3/16/23

Image Spotlights:
Pahmar Mercenaries - Outlanders (temporarily hidden)
Lore-Friendly Beast Race Creatures:
Mihail's mods are already in esl format but you can still safely merge them together with zMerge using the clobber method. Only Mihail's CREATURE mods though as far as I know. I have about 8 of them all merged in a patch.
Ironclaw - Simple Cat Follower - 12/3/23
Beast Skeletons - 2/15/21
Beast Race Vampires - 2/13/22
*Naga Bandits - Outlanders (Mihail SSE Port) - 2/15/21
-One of the different clans of Argonians
Ohmes Criminals - Outlanders (Mihail SSE Port) - 2/15/21
-One of the many khajiit furstock
*Alfiq Spellcasters - Outlanders (Mihail SSE Port) - 2/15/21
-One of the many khajiit furstock
Creatures of Nirn - Khajiit Alfiq (SSE Port) - 2/15/21
-If using together with HDT, use this patch
*Pahmar Mercenaries - Outlanders (Mihail SSE Port) - 2/15/21
-One of the many khajiit furstocks
Senche Khajiit Lich Companion Jo'Vassa - 7/6/21
-An undead Senche companion
Tiikeli - Tiger Follower SE - 4/4/22
- A tiger Senche for your travels
Khajiit's Pets SE - 10/31/21

Image Spotlights:
Races of Nirn - Kapo'tun SE
Lore-Friendly Playable Beast Races:
Lion Race - 8/11/24
A Tale of Two Moons - Khajiit Furstocks - 2/24/24
SC - Sarpa Race - 10/2/23
*Dagi-Raht Race - 2/17/21
-Also check out this ADULT retexture
- Also check out this male retexture!
- Also See this retexture!
-One of the many khajiit furstocks
- Also try Lunar Lattice Tweaks
Cathay-Raht Race - 11/24/21
-One of the many khajiit furstocks
Half-Khajiit-Race (Ohmes-Raht) - 2/17/21
-Also check out this patch
-One of the many Khajiit furstocks
- Also check this out to add leopard legs
Ohmes-Raht Race - A Khajiit Breed - 2/17/21
Ohmes Khajiit Race - 1/31/22
Races of Nirn - Kapo'tun SE - 2/17/21
-A race of cat-people from Akivir similar to the Khajiit
OR use this more compatible version
Races of Nirn - Kapotun Reborn - 11/9/22
Tang-Mo Race - 2/17/21
-A race of monkey-people from Akavir
The Lilmothiit - 2/17/21
-An extinct fox race originating from Black Marsh
Fennec Fox Race SSE - 2/17/21
Lilmothiit of Aetherius - 7/12/22
Serval Khajiit Race SSE - 2/17/21
-Affected by any khajiit texture mods you use
Races of Nirn - Argonian Crocodiles - 11/12/21
-Not sure this is actually in the lore but I'm adding it anyways!
Crocodilian - Argonian Crocodiles Complete Overhaul - 5/29/23
- New and improved version
Jaugiit Race - 1/4/22
-Not exactly in the lore but if you want more of a mage Khajiit build go for it!

Image Spotlights:
Flawn's Vanilla Argonians Redux
Draconic Argonian Head
Beast Race Bodypaints
Argonian Warrior Armour
Animated Wings Ultimate
Recommended Non-beast related mods:
-These are just mods that I found fit well with beast races and are pretty lore friendly or I think you will like!
Way of The Monk - Unarmed Combat - Extended
- Make good use of those claws! Perfect for those wanting to play as a Khajiit adept.
- Contains skills for unarmed AND unarmored
Custom Skills - Hand To Hand(Pugilist)
- For a more lightweight unarmed only playthrough
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM
- So you can actually MARRY other beast races! Even ones added by mods!
- This version fixes the issues of the original SE version which didn't include the option to marry beast races. You still need the original SE version however.
DAR - Dynamic Swimming
-Makes Argonians actual powerful swimmers
Stronger Swimming Animation
-If you don't want DAR
Animated Wings Ultimate
-To give your Argonian badass dragon wings!
Community Overlays 1
Community Overlays 2
Community Overlays 3
Ziovdendian Bodypaint
- Has some overlays with pawprints for your khajiit character
Wolfpaint - Face - Facepaint
- Don't forget that female face overlays are off-centered on beast races regardless of gender. Use the male face overlays! They are exactly the same.
Skin Feature Overlays
- For more scar options
R.A.S.S. Rain Ash And Snow Shaders
- This is very very minor but I like it.
- Like a very lightweight version of Wet and Cold
- Adds bubbles when you swim underwater! Now your underwater Argonian makes sense!
- I only keep the cold and bubbles options on and turn literally everything else off,
JaySuS Swords SE
- Khajiit and Argonian weapons
Monk Series
- For monk clothes if you want to play as a Khajiit adept
- Good for using with the unarmored skill in Way of The Monk
Invisible Armor For Pants
- Some armors like loincloths have clipping problems with the Bestial Beast Race skeleton so this fixes it.
The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE
- Not exactly Khajiit related but the desert scenery makes for some excellent photoshoots for your Khajiit!
- Don't forget to grab the HD Texture Pack and Flora Pack
-This mod also has a lot of patches for other mods so make sure to look!
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
- Has some of lore friendly starting options for beast races