1. Maderasnobile
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    hi so, i use cbbe, so i have to delete the female files from the 3rd file, then download the first file, right?
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      That is correct! The original SC normalmaps are not compatible with cbbe bodies
  2. cmdna12
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks so much for putting this together! So excited to start my next lizardman playthrough with all the new options!
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      Glad I could help you! Enjoy the goodies :)
  3. this is amazing!!!! have to go on a khajiit modding rampage now
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      Ooo boy good luck entering the rabbit hole lol. Upgrade your khajiit!
  4. Stygian211
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Going to be modding Skyrim VR for the first time and I absolutely love the idea of playing a giant cat, lol. Are there any mods that won't work with Skyrim VR? Thanks for all the hard work you've done, really awesome !
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      I don't know unfortunately since I've never used VR. :(
      I want to play Skyrim VR SO BAD! 
  5. Tigersong
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Marvelous. By the way, do you know of the Cellan otter race?
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      I do! I would add it but my list is for lore-friendly races. I don't think there are any otter races in TES. There was a possible fox race though. 
  6. Solrac9764
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Are there any mods for SE/AE that adjust the tail placement of khajiit and argonians? I have noticed that they are suddenly placed very low on the body. Like past where the spine should end and clipping into the buttocks. I have seen plenty of mods with images that show their tail above the butt, but I can't seem to find any mods that do that.
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      Do you have any tail mods? It seems like an incompatibility with the body you use. It could be as simple as lifting the nif in nifscope. I had to mess with the nif for HDT SMP tails because it was too high.
    2. Solrac9764
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I use CBBE 3BA bodies, and even without tail mods the tail is placed very low. And this only seems to be a thing with khajiit and argonians. the Lykaios from Lykaios Reborn don't have that issue. With Zeroed Sliders the tails seems to be in the right place, but when a body preset is applied it looks like it gets lowered.

      Edit - So after experimenting with some body presets it seems to be an issue with some of the "bigger" examples.

      Edit #2 - After more testing around it might be the digitigrade version? It seems to be making everyone stand on their tip toes, and hover above the ground a bit. Maybe that is displacing the tail? Will switch over to the plantigrade version and see what that does.

      Edit #3 - Okay, so it might not be the digitgrade version. I swear I did not have this issue before a few years ago back before AE came out. Think I will just have to live with it. 
    3. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      It sounds like maybe it's the body preset you use because it affects both argonian AND Khajiit. The female body preset you use isn't made for beast races probably. In that case, you'll have to edit the nif in nifscope. What preset do you use?
    4. Solrac9764
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Before I was using 3BA Wench Body for testing pruposes. Even at zero on the weight slider it looked like the tail was too low. Switched to Body of Plenty, again 3BA, to see if it really was just that the mesh was overtaking where the tail is. Is betterm but there is still some clipping that makes the tail look like it is lower then it should be. Just no where near as bad.
  7. nazeemsleftnut
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the guide! I found a lot of cool mods to use to make the beasts more beastly
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      As you should lol. I'm glad <3
  8. magicbunnyrabbit
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hi katiexmongo,

    I know this is a really weird request but do you still have the old Word document guide? I always use it as a guide whenever I come back and mod Skyrim. It's a really helpful document even though it's somewhat outdated.

    I would really appreciate to have a copy of that document but it's okay if it's already deleted.
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      I do feel a little guilty deleting them. They were just SOOO outdated I didn't want to mislead anyone with my current mod list. 

      This is the more updated one:

      This is the old old one:
    2. magicbunnyrabbit
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Oh my, I cannot express how thankful I am, katiexmongo!🥺 I really appreciate it!

      The moment I opened the link it feels like coming home lol!

      Thanks again, sis ! 😊
    3. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      No problem! I will eventually put out my recent load order once I get everything to a more stable point
  9. KratosSon1
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Listen, is the character from your Lion Guard Armor pictures available as a preset? He looks seriously awesome
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      I can probably do that lol. It will require High Poly Head though if you're ok with that.
    2. KratosSon1
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Yes, more than ok, I use it anyways! Looking foward to it, he looks really cool!
    3. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
      Done! The site is really slow right now so it may not be visible for like an hour.

      Aslan - Male Khajiit Lion Preset
    4. KratosSon1
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Wow, thank you so much! Will download as soon as I get home
  10. KratosSon1
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Wow, never knew there was something like this around here! Guess my next playthrough will be a Khajiit