I had some trouble loading the correct hairstyle for some reason, is there a way to identify this hair? like does it have a specific number or order, I absolutely love this hairstyle
For some reason, the preset doesn't match this one when I load it. I did everything right mod load order and stuff all good to go but why is she looks like this? it looks like this: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/215804929237843968/835996913282449408/ScreenShot21.png?width=1202&height=676 If you look close enough the face isn't matching in the sculpt menu as well.
the only thing i dont have is the bijin skin since i use fair skin. surely that cant be the reason why her cheeks look like they have the plague and her eyes have nowhere near close to what the makeup should be. i need help bc other than bijin, idk where im going wrong
So you said she would be good as a Merchant or Noble but they aren't really classes within the Elder Scrolls, what would be an appropriate class for her? Agent? Bard? Archer? Knight?
being a Quaestor (Imperial Investigator) for the 4th Legion in Skyrim under Legate Rikke would be nice. Spellsword or Ranger I guess since I don't think she'll look good on heavy armor.
Spellsword or Ranger I guess since I don't think she'll look good on heavy armor.