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moose109Virus scan
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Activity logs
This page was last updated on 24 March 2022, 1:58PM
- Changelogs
Version 1.3.3a
- Replica consistency changes (armour/damage, weight, and value).
- Fixed Elven Light armour crafting conditions. It should now be craftable without any perks if the player is a High Elf, other races require the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing) perk.
- Cleaned all patches included in main installer.
- NOTE: From this point forward there will be no further support for Reliquary of Myth and Adamant.
- ---
- -> Optional Patches:
- --> SSO Improved Closefaced Helmets
- -----> Removed all record changes except the Nightingale Hood replica consistency changes. A WACCF patch can be found on kryptopyr's Patch Hub.
- --> SSO Masque of Clavicus Vile
- ----> Fixed replica armour and weight values.
Version 1.3.2
- Added an iron ingot to the items given to the player when doing the blacksmithing tutorial to craft a hide helmet. (Thanks to Drakan85 for reporting.)
- ---
- -> Optional Patches:
- --> Added consistency patches for Mandragorasprouts' Masque of Clavicus Vile.
- ----> Model changes forwarded to both the Masque of Clavicus Vile and Ebony Masque replica. Also includes a version for Reliquary of Myth.
- --> Added consistency patch for navida1's Improved Closefaced Helmets.
- ----> Changes forwarded to the Nightingale helmet replica. Also includes WACCF balancing for all helmets changed in ICH.
Version 1.3.1
- Integrated mattrk's PRUFEI - Protection for Recipes Using Favorite and Equipped Items mod (
- A few misc consistency fixes.
- Updated all patch breakdown recipes for PRUFEI.
Version 1.2.0
- Spellbug Helmet now requires the Ebony smithing perk.
- Changed the quest requirement for the Thieves Guild armour to "Meet the Family" and not "Loud and Clear".
- Removed script from Wuthraad replica.
- Updated perk overhaul and additional patches.
- Changed most - if not all - replica recipe to require their quest, or quest where they are encountered, to be completed instead of having the items in the player's inventory.
- ----> Shield of Ysgramor and Wuuthrad replicas, Ancient Nordic Ebony Shield and Ancient Nordic Ebony Battleaxe, now requires the quest "Glory of the Dead" to be completed instead of the original items in the player's inventory.
- ----> Masque of Clavicus Vile and The Rueful Axe replicas, Ebony Masque and Axe of Wolves, now requires the quest "A Daedra's Best Friend" to be completed instead of the original items in the player's inventory. Allowing the player to craft both items no matter which side was chosen in the quest.
- ----> Ebony Mail and Blade of Sacrifice replicas, Ebony Heavy Mail and Ebony Ceremonial Dagger, now requires the quest "Boethiah's Calling" to be completed instead of the original items in the player's inventory.
- ----> Ring of Hircine and Savior's Hide replicas, Ring of the Hunt and Armor of the Hunt, now requires the quest "Ill Met By Moonlight" to be completed instead of the original items in the player's inventory. Allowing the player to craft both items no matter which side was chosen in the quest.
- ----> Volendrung replica, Daedric Hammer, now requires the quest "The Cursed Tribe" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Mehrunes' Razor replica, Daedric Razor, now requires the quest "Pieces of the Past" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory. The player will only be able to craft the replica is they sided with Mehrunes Dagon.
- ----> Blade replica, Ebony Katana, now requires the quest "The Whispering Door" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Dawnbreaker replica, Sword of the Living, now requires the quest "The Break of Dawn" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Mace of Molag Bal replica, Vampire's Mace, now requires the quest "The House of Horrors" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Ring of Namira replica, Ring of Bones, now requires the quest "The Taste of Death" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Spellbreaker replica, Arcane Dwarven Shield, now requires the quest "The Only Cure" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Blade of Woe replica, Assassin's Blade, now requires either the quest "Death Incarnate", or "With Friends Like These..." and killing your 'host', to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Targe of the Blooded replica, Spiked Steel Shield, now requires the player to have witnessed the scene between Umana and Sulla Trebatius in Alftand Cathedral, and to have killed the victor instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Keening replica, Ancient Dwemer Short Blade, now requires the quest "Arniel's Endeavor" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Chillrend replica, Blue Glass Sword, now requires the quest "The Pursuit" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Champion's Cudgel replica, Imperial Cudgel, now requires the quest "March of the Dead" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Dwarven Black Bow of Fate replica, Dwarven Ebony Bow, now requires the quest "The Kagrumez Gauntlet" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Bloodskal Blade replica, Ancient Nordic Silver Greatsword, now requires the quest "The Final Descent" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
- ----> Dawnguard Rune replicas, Dawnguard Pristine items, now requires the quest "Lost Relic" to be completed all three times instead of the original items in the player's inventory.
- ----> Harkon's Sword replica, Vampiric Sword, now requires the quest "Kindred Judgment" to be completed instead of the original item in the player's inventory.
Version 1.1.6a
- Imperial weapons now require the Steel Smithing perk and the player to have completed the quest to join the imperial faction.
Version 1.1.6
- Fixed a few out of order conditions on breakdown recipes.
- Changed Heavy Chitin to require the Dwarven Smithing perk.
- Added additional conditions to some artefact replica recipes to allow them to be crafted in either the light or heavy branch of the vanilla smithing perk tree.
- Stormcloak armours now require steel instead of iron.
- Stormcloak and Imperial armours now require the Steel Smithing perk and the player to have completed the quest to join their respective faction.
- Stormcloak Officer and Imperial Officer armours now require the Jagged Crown quest to be completed in order to be crafted.
- Penitus Oculatus armour now either requires the Jagged Crown OR Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! quest to be completed in order to be crafted.
- ---
- Created a non-WACCF fork of the mod, Coming Soon™!
Version 1.1.5
- Fixed some breakdown recipes either requiring the wrong item or the wrong amount.
- Adjusted Iron and Banded Iron Cuirass recipe.
- ---
- -> Optional Patches:
- --> SSO Open World Loot AVL Addon Patches added. Includes:
- ----> Open World Loot - AVL Iron and Steel Addon SSO
- ----> Open World Loot - AVL Morrowind Glass Addon SSO
- ----> Open World Loot - AVL Nordic Addon SSO
- ----> Open World Loot - AVL Thalmor Addon SSO
Version 1.1.4
- Added lockpick recipe.
- Nord Hero weapons new require Ancient Nord weapons again.
- A few other small consistency fixes.
- SSO - Adamant WACCF Perk Patch updated.
- ->Optional Patches:
- ---->SSO Volkihar Knight updated.
- ---->SSO Mainland Stalhrim added.
- ---->SSO Ancient Nord Stalhrim added.
Version 1.1.3a
- FOMOD installer fix.
- ROM patch updated.
Version 1.1.2
- Minor consistency fixes.
- SSO - Adamant WACCF Perk Patch updated for Adamant 5
Version 1.1
- Re-added Iron as a secondary material in Orcish equipment, for lore reasons (MAXIMUM IMMERSION™).
Version 1.0-AMB
- Consistency changes to all crafting recipes.
- Removed the recipes to convert Savior's Hide fur colours.
- Added black and white replicas of Savior's Hide.
- Removed Thalmor Crafting toggle requirement on Elven Light Armor.
- Added Thalmor Crafting toggle to all Thalmor armour variants. (Elven Light, Elven, Gilded, and Glass.)
- Added missing Skyforge Arrow, Bow, Mace, and Warhammer recipes.
- Added Imperial Outlaw Armour and Blacksmith's Tribute Iron Armour recipes, transferring the relevant notes found with the original armours will unlock the crafting recipes. If you have already sold/disposed of the notes, open the console and type "set SSO_AMBImperialOutcastCraftingGlobal to 100" and "set SSO_AMBIronPrideCraftingGlobal to 100" to unlock the crafting recipes.
- Added White Wolf Armour recipes. Requires Faction Crafting and Companions to be enabled and the Advanced Heavy Smithing (Orcish Smithing*) perk.
- Added gold and silver Ebony Mail replicas.
- Author's activity
March 2022
24 Mar 2022, 1:58PM | Action by: moose109
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.0-AMB'
24 Mar 2022, 1:58PM | Action by: moose109
File added
'SSO aMidianBorn Content Addon Light SE [version 1.0-AMB]'
February 2022
15 Feb 2022, 6:30AM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'file visible to the public'
15 Feb 2022, 6:25AM | Action by: moose109
File added
'Simple Smithing Overhaul [version 1.3.3a]'
15 Feb 2022, 6:15AM | Action by: moose109
File added
'Simple Smithing Overhaul [version 1.3.3]'
15 Feb 2022, 6:14AM | Action by: moose109
File added
'SSO Masque of Clavicus Vile [version 1.1-p]'
15 Feb 2022, 6:13AM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'File \'SSO Improved Closefaced Helmets Patch\' description changed.'
15 Feb 2022, 6:10AM | Action by: moose109
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.3.3'
15 Feb 2022, 6:08AM | Action by: moose109
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.3.3'
15 Feb 2022, 6:07AM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'file hidden from public viewing'
13 Feb 2022, 9:34AM | Action by: moose109
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.3.3'
06 Feb 2022, 4:25PM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'file visible to the public'
06 Feb 2022, 4:25PM | Action by: moose109
File added
'SSO Masque of Clavicus Vile [version 1.0-p]'
06 Feb 2022, 4:24PM | Action by: moose109
File added
'SSO Improved Closefaced Helmets Patch [version 1.0-p]'
06 Feb 2022, 4:23PM | Action by: moose109
File added
'Simple Smithing Overhaul [version 1.3.2]'
06 Feb 2022, 4:22PM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'file hidden from public viewing'
06 Feb 2022, 9:58AM | Action by: moose109
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.3.2'
January 2022
11 Jan 2022, 8:24PM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'file visible to the public'
11 Jan 2022, 8:24PM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
11 Jan 2022, 8:23PM | Action by: moose109
Attribute change
'Description changed.
Mod version changed to 1.3.1.'
- Mod page activity
March 2025
12 Mar 2025, 11:03PM | Action by: cyberpukkn
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
09 Mar 2025, 9:35PM | Action by: BR75
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
09 Mar 2025, 12:54PM | Action by: Fongojelly
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
09 Mar 2025, 4:21AM | Action by: SadgamerXD123
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
08 Mar 2025, 10:55PM | Action by: tolstyyutka
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
08 Mar 2025, 3:50PM | Action by: DeltaO7
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
07 Mar 2025, 7:07AM | Action by: derseckel
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
05 Mar 2025, 7:34AM | Action by: idostuff24
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
04 Mar 2025, 7:29AM | Action by: Jackschiit
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
01 Mar 2025, 8:57PM | Action by: mmhcookies
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
February 2025
28 Feb 2025, 2:38PM | Action by: Aizen1988
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
28 Feb 2025, 10:51AM | Action by: xcal68
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
26 Feb 2025, 2:18PM | Action by: Tyrannus007
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
24 Feb 2025, 12:57PM | Action by: Empyern
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
20 Feb 2025, 8:51PM | Action by: somnyus777
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
20 Feb 2025, 4:15PM | Action by: mdh56
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
20 Feb 2025, 2:19PM | Action by: thetgmgod2
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
18 Feb 2025, 11:41AM | Action by: thetgmgod2
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
12 Feb 2025, 12:44PM | Action by: Ayisyen
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'
12 Feb 2025, 2:16AM | Action by: Branwen
'Simple Smithing Overhaul'