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  1. Repzik
    • premium
    • 71 kudos
    I didn't list it in the file description, but I also included my Dome Painting Textures in the zip as well. 

    All screenshots I've uploaded are only of areas modified by Blue Palace Terrace.

    The white tiled floor texture you see in my screenshots is not available in either base Extravagant or the 4k pack. I manually replaced that with a solitude texture mod that I preferred for the blue palace. The texture is from HQ Solitude. . It is not included in my download file here.

    The Simplified Dome screenshot is of an experimental edit I made for the dome meshes using a different mod. I have removed the file as that author has their own version of extravagant patch, but I am a little bit lazy and haven't removed the screenshot here.

    Finally, there are new cells added by Blue Palace Terrace. I have not modified these intentionally. These are basements and serving quarters, which would not have the more extravagant materials.

    Edit as of April 2024: This appears to still work, with latest Blue Palace Terrace, but I haven't dug into the weeds. Installation of this mod is still confusing due to permissions limitations. Please consider this a modder's resource (that for an experienced modder is fairly easy to get working).

    Looking at the permissions I actually should be able to package this all together for ease of install. May just do so once I get down to this in my load order. 
  2. geraintwd
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Please could someone help me with my load order here?
    I'm trying to get this to work together with BOTH JK's Blue Palace and Extravagant Interiors Solitude (Blue Palace Only version).
    I have the following mods / patches:

    Extravagant Blue Palace.esp (this mod)
    JK's Blue Palace.esp
    BluePalaceTerrace-JKsBluePalace-Patch.esp (from here)
    JKs Blue Palace - USSEP Patch.esp (from JKs Interiors Patch Collection)
    JKs Blue Palace - Extravagant Blue Palace.esp (from JKs Interiors Patch Collection)

    I'm trying to get JK's layout with BPT's additions and the nice models and textures from Extravagant but I think I need a unifying patch to combine them together.

    Any suggestions most welcome.

    [EDIT: not sure where the extra question marks came from but I've removed them now]
    1. DuplicitousDemiurge
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      were you getting overlapping textures in the terrace parts? Did you ever figure this out or should I just bail on Extravagant Interiors?
    2. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      You're going to get issues with JK's Blue Palace and this. I didn't account for JK's and am not particularly interested in it. BPT covers the blue palace for me.
    3. xFlock
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      its too much work to get them to work together been trying for months
    4. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      You really shouldn't add JK's to the mix. Either JK's or Terrace are complete overhauls of the palace. They both cover everything, you should really use one or the other.

      That said, you could try utilizing the assets for JK's, but requires the know-how and that all the meshes are already covered. It's fairly straightforward but tedious to do.
  3. InsaneLegion
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'm getting some smooth, grey colored meshes where Elisif's throne is (on either side of her and on the arch above her).  I've installed in the order listed on the description and I have the ELFX patches for both BPT and Extravagant Interiors.  It looks fine with just BPT and its ELFX patch.  I looked at the meshes in nifskope and the texture that's supposed to be used here is present, anyway I'd expect a missing texture to have a blue color not grey, right?  Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated because I really want to use these textures...they look outstanding!
    1. godescalcus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      This patch is great, but it seems it needs updating to the latest version of Blue Palace Terrace. The underground meshes are a bit messed up as well (walls should be using floor boards but instead use the same floor tiles as the floor itself and the ceiling). 

      Also noted that there isn't a Lux patch specifically designed for this combination. If you let Lux override all interior mod meshes (as you normally should) you'll get smooth grey walls around windows, because Extravagant uses its own texture paths, but Lux meshes point to vanilla paths, so you'll see textures from whichever regular Solitude texture replacer you're using. The perfect solution would be to make a full-fledged Lux patch, which would include referencing the correct textures in Lux meshes. I've tried this, but at some point I stumbled upon Lux using its own UV maps, which would require me to also edit the textures... I gave up then. Also, you need to edit 20+ fields in 54 meshes, it's insane. So the imperfect solution is to make a patch and, for each Lux reference that's overriding Extravagant windows, forward extravagant. In theory, Lux meshes should be more stable under its lighting setup (reduced flicker), but I've noticed no flicker with Enhanced meshes winning.
    2. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      I am not getting floor texture issues in latest Blue Palace Terrace, nothing seems to have changed in that respect.

      Anyone's welcome to make a Lux patch, I will probably not do so.
  4. fyerena
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I could use some help, I ctd every time I try to enter the blue palace.

    I have:

    Blue Palace Terrace
    Riton Solitude
    Extravagant Interiors Blue Palace Only
    Blue Palace Terrace Extravagant Blue Palace Patch
    Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified
    Solitude Dome Paintings
    Extravagant Interiors Solitude Dome Patch

    I've never had a problem in the past, but decided to start a new play through and added riton solitude, and legacy of the dragon born, which made me switch to extravagant interiors blue palace only, lodt is working fine tho, seems like it's something with the blue palace.

    any ideas?
    1. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Try disabling mods one at a time moving upwards in your load order that modify the blue palace cell. You could also try one of the crash loggers. I doubt it's my mod, I don't believe I've deleted anything but who knows what kind of strange behavior there might be.

      Please let me know if you determine what's causing your crash.
  5. smoothguyto
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really love how the Blue Palace is looking with the new mods.  For some reason, I can't get the stained glass windows?  They're just normal colored windows.
    1. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      As I recall I didn't replace the glass textures for the windows (meaning they use vanilla solitude textures IIRC). I believe stained glass solitude windows come from Rustic Windows.
    2. deleted74338003
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Skyland - Solitude has nice stained glass textures
  6. deleted74338003
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance of a patch for JK's Blue Palace?
  7. jedp15
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Your description is a bit confusing because it doesn't match what you wrote in the requirements.
    In the description the order is:
    1) install blue palace terrace
    2) install extravagant interiors
    3) install this mod

    Whereas in the requirements, you have it:
    1) install extravagant interiors
    2) install blue palace terrace (but let this overwrite your patch mod and at the same time load your mod plugin below BPT - confusing).
    3) install this mod (letting it overwrite extravagant interiors but not blue palace terrace)

    Could definitely use a bit of simplifying/restructuring.
    1. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback, you're absolutely correct. I really just wanted to package all this together for user convenience, but when it came down to it I didn't want to upload all of everybody else's files. 

      Are the instructions (both on the Details tab and in the Requirements) clearer now? 
  8. ScenicGaming
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Could you please do a version that removes the USSEP dependency please?
    1. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Done. 1.1 onward has USSEP requirements removed as the file dependency was a holdover to how CK manages file dependency and was not actually necessary. However, I still have all USSEP changes forwarded. From what I can tell, this likely shouldn't affect anything aside from very minor visual differences (the only change I saw in the half dozen records I looked at was a lighting change USSEP made to a specific static object). 

      1.1 onward should be fine for USSEP or non USSEP BPT, but your mileage may vary. It was built with the USSEP version in mind, and as a general rule for modding SSE I heavily recommend you build everything around USSEP. It really is an invaluable resource, and the few controversial changes it makes that are the bone of contention most people who don't like USSEP seem to stick behind are very easy to fix or ignore. 
    2. ScenicGaming
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Thank you very much!
  9. cheesetoast8
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    do the dome meshes have the improvements from this mod? (just cleans it up so the paintings can be seen more clearly)
    1. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      No, it doesn't. I initially didn't make this edit as it seemed to be very tedious; funny thing is you can just copy one mesh and change the texture paths once you've got one mapped. I just uploaded the edit to see what it'd look like. There are some issues with the mesh, as it translates the textures differently I think. Also it seems with the placements from the Extravagant plugin there are minute gaps between the meshes. I may address this with a separate plugin, for now the meshes are up as an optional file.

      Edit: Nevermind. Removed the optional file, as far as I can tell in the description the author of that mod the author made their own version for Extravagant. Just load after my mod.
  10. SuzanoSho
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    I've been using BPT and Extravagant Interiors together for a while with no issues with meshes.

    Maybe there's something I'm not seeing. Could you explain to me what this patch fixes/changes? Or does this essentially change the interior meshes so that they match the scheme of the meshes used for the terrace portion outside?...
    1. veslye
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      If you go into the dining hall, you'll notice that the stained walls with stained glass (WSSmAWinx2Sol01.nif) use a stone texture that stands out compared to the extravagant palace textures. Then on the immediate right of that, the two small walls (SMdAwallSol03.nif) do not use the floral pattern seen throughout the castle. I guess it depends on the texture replaces you use (some may blend in better) but this mod fixes the inconsistencies.
    2. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Yes, there isn't a hard incompatibility there just won't be new extravagant materials in the added rooms. This is a consistency patch.
  11. dragonBall64
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can this be run with the complete version as well (Use this if you have the full replacer that covers all interiors in the Blue Palace, Thalmor Embassy, Proudspire Manor, and Vittoria Vici's House)?  Also what is the ESP for?  Will this work as a pure texture replacer without the ESP? Also your dome paintings are quite nice! 
    1. veslye
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      I believe WSSmAWinx2Sol01.nif is an original mesh from Drenguin's Blue Palace so this mod can be used without the Blue Palace Only patch. The only thing you'll see that is still inconsistent if you use the full replacer is the two small walls on the right of the stained glass walls in the dining wall or wherever else this mesh is used (SMdAwallSol03.nif) and it will use whatever vanilla texture replacer you have.
    2. dragonBall64
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thx for the info!
    3. Repzik
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      This is for standalone only (meaning the tile sets are unique and are replaced via the plugin). There are vanilla meshes extravagant didn't cover by default which I covered as Blue Palace Terrace uses them. I did this a while back so aside from cross referencing I have no idea which ones those are.