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This mod provides a portable home located inside of a Dwemer cube. Simply activate the cube in your inventory to enter or exit. The design is fairly spartan; I've tried to include all the necessary amenities without any excessive clutter.


Full set of vanilla crafting stations:

Alchemy Lab, Arcane Enchanter, Cooking Pot, Tanning Rack, Grinding Wheel, Workbench, Anvil, Smelter

Named storage containers:

Alchemy Supplies, Enchanting Supplies, Smithing Supplies, One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Clothing, Jewelry, Staves, Scrolls, Potions, Food, Books, Notes & Journals, Recipes, Unique Items, Miscellaneous

A non-designated container for all your packrat needs

Two bookshelves with room to display 78 books

A stone bed (it's more comfortable than it looks)

A special shrine which will cure diseases and grant a small smithing bonus

--Optional Pre-Stocked Version--

Starting a new playthrough for the hundredth time? Don't want to spend hours harvesting ingredients and filling soul gems all over again? Want to focus on quests and not worry about looting, sorting, and selling? There is an optional version which comes pre-stocked with (nearly) all generic items. This includes standard faction gear but not unique items, quest rewards, or guild leader gear.

--Where to Find--

If using the regular version, the cube will be sitting next to a column in the Temple of Xrib, which is accessed through the Sightless Pit, northwest of the Shrine of Azura. See the screenshots for details. If using the pre-stocked version, the cube will simply appear in your inventory when you first load the game with the mod installed.

If you lose the cube (or just want it right away), it is perfectly safe to spawn additional cubes using the console. Type help "a dwemer storage cube" to get the ID. No matter how many you spawn, they will all take you to the same place.


Just extract the contents of the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition data folder, or use your mod manager of choice. This mod is safe to install mid-playthrough.


This mod should be compatible with just about everything. The only possible conflicts would be with mods that edit the spot in the Temple of Xrib where the cube is located.


This mod is shared under a WML 1.0 'Cathedral' license. This means you are free to:

Redistribute this work in an unmodified form

Include this resource within another work

Modify and re-distribute this work

So long as you:

Give the author(s) due credit

Link back to the original mod page

Distribute your mod under the same license

See for more details.

TO BE CLEAR: This mod cannot be used for paid projects/mods as the resulting work couldn't be released under the same licence.