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  1. sattyre
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    The Changelog now features possible inclusions.  Feedback is Welcome.

    I created a page for USMP patches.  You can find it here

    USMP is compatible with all Skyrim versions

    Anyone wanting to translate the mod is welcome to do so.
    I've had a lot of suggestions, for mods and mod fixes to include, so I thought I would outline some necessary details.

    Eligible mods must be:
    -fairly self contained, meaning no dependencies beyond USSEP and vanilla, so no SKSE.
    -be beneficial for the vast majority of players, and
    -be fairly compatible with most other mods.
    -not be strictly taste mods.

    Skyrim VR users will require Skyrim VR - USSEP 4.2.2 and SSE 1.5.97 Compatibility Patch?

    If you have a version of USMP prior to 2.0.2 you need to update, and get the latest version to fix an issue that could cause black face.
  2. sattyre
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    There is a Back ported USMP 2.6.2b version under misc for LE users.  Use at own Risk

    USMP and 99% of mods aren't tied to a specific version of the Game.  However it pays to be aware that older game versions probably won't load esp, esl or esm files with the newer 1.71 header version.   Older game versions require BEES to load the newer version plugins.
  3. sattyre
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    • 253 kudos
    Installation.   If you are updating on an ongoing save, then you definitely need to get your character somewhere inside a house or inn and out of the larger worldspace.  The Critterspawn Congestion fix needs to fix the worldspace bugs and will cause issues if you are not in a contained world-space like an inn or home that doesn't have spawn points. 

    Updating and new installs are always best on a new game. 
  4. MartoJolo
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    Is there any way to disable torches being held away from face?
    1. sattyre
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      extract the archive and delete the mesh for torches.  you can download Proper Torch Wield - Hold your torch away from your face by skyrimaguas for the reference on where to find the torch.  Then re-archive the mod. 

      Alternatively, you can use that same mod to find the path for where the torch mesh is and simply use the vanilla torch mesh to overwrite as a loose file.  That way it isn't something that needs to be repeated if you update usmp.

      Since your the third or 4th person to ask, I'll upload the vanilla torch mesh as a patch to overwrite the one in USMP.  It's under optional in the downloads section.
    2. MartoJolo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you!! I am lucky that you are such a considerate mod author!

      But while we're on the subject of my nitpicking....
      I noticed while playing that I was able to purchase the Whirlwind Cloak spell tome from a generic spell merchant (Farengar in Dragonsreach). Looking at UESP, it looks like the this spell tome can only be purchased from one specific merchant from the Dragnonborn DLC after the completion of the quest Wind and Sand (about finding a rare book to help someone with researching magic), but I was able to buy the tome without completing the quest.
      Using SSEdit, I found that USMP was modifying the leveled list to allow this to happen. I presume this is because of DLC Spell Integrations by Rooker.
      This is just my opinion, but I feel like Whirlwind Cloak should be kept out of the generic leveled lists of spell merchants considering its exclusive quest.
      UESP pages for:
      Whirlwind Cloak:

      Wind and Sand (Quest):
      Relevant excerpt: "Once you have the book, return to Neloth who will excitedly declare that he can create some sort of wind spell with its contents. You will receive 250 gold, and the spell tome Whirlwind Cloak will be made available for purchase the next time that Talvas Fathryon restocks."
    3. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      yup that definitely sounds like it shouldn't be there.   There were a couple of other quest based spells he didn't include for the same reason, so I assume this was an oversight.  Since I'm really not disposed to play a mage type character, it's not something I would be inclined to notice.  I will check into it further and remove it if I feel your correct. 
      Thanks for the heads up.

      Edit:  nice catch.  it'll be removed from vendors in the next update
  5. Rybonucleic
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    can confirm that the file with UOSC works for me. double check your mods people. read the description if a fix is already included in USMP or not.

    i actually had problems with NPCs not in their usual places (like idolaf talking to air when entering whiterun because adrianne was somewhere else) before removing other script fix compilations in my LO. i found out later that USMP already has a lot of the same script fixes integrated lol.
  6. Xciow
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    1. sattyre
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      I played at least 2 full playthrough's before I integrated SOFC into USMP, and I did so without any issues what so ever.  My mod list includes somewhere around 1100 mods with around 500 active esp/esl/esm, and I have another 2 - 300 patches merged for a total of at least 700 esps or more.  While I have had a couple of reports of issues with SOFC integrated, overall, its only been a couple.  This leads me to believe there is probably a script overwrite or conflict somewhere within those load orders causing the issue.  It's very possible it doesn't play nice with a mod or two. 
      Unfortunately, a lot of bug reports are completely unreliable for any number of reasons, so unless you experience an issue with the SOFC version, it's the one I would recommend.  If you find you have an issue with it, please report it and try the no masters version. 
      While Reddit is valuable for some, I wouldn't put much stock in threads on Reddit, unless you know the people talking are reliable.  I've read lots of stuff on reddit about mods and modding that was utter crap, and you have no idea if it's a pro modder or an 8 year old who simply expects everything on a platter.
      I also recommend removing patches and mods that are already covered by USMP which includes SOFC.
    2. Xciow
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      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for your time and response I am a noob too. I couldn't finish this game because of all those CTD (I am to blame tbh). If I gave up on playing I feel bad and when I start to mod again, CTD. This cycle doesn't end.
      But this time I am determined on finishing this game and completing my mod list too. So I am trying to check recent comments to determine if I should install a mod or not.
      I am trying my best this time also asking in places for help but I am not getting much. I really appreciate your reply.
      May I ask some question if you don't mind ? I made a long post in reddit here. Nobody helped.
      But I have more questions now.
      It looks like you have a large load order. how do you manage it ?

      1. When you had chosen your mods how did you select if this is safe or not?

      2. I see people talking about creating patches, finding conflicts how do you do that (not talking about getting from nexus) ? I wanted a beginner friendly ssedit guide I dont want all the info dumped at once first I want to get an overview then I would like to go in depth . Can you help me ? np if you cant.

      3. If I patch using ssedit should I download patches from nexus ?

      4. I am confused about load order and mod priority. I'm trying to read LOOT docs so I can manage my load order using groups and personal metadata. But I am not sure about groups here. I can get mod priority suggestion using separators also mo2 shows loose file conflicts . my issue is with plugins. there are no such order for groups. I can create custom but dont know where to put those group (between existing loot group). Do you follow any rules (your)? that I will organize the esps, I mean the plugins like this way or that way ? yeah I try to follow mods description page but all this time I didn't know it was also meant for load orders not just mod priority.

      5. which type mods have low risk I used to thought about mods with .esl is safe. Should I get SKSE version of mods? is texture mods safe ? what about adding new standalone armor, weapons, clothing?

      If you can you answer the ones that you know from my reddit post? if you want I will post here.

      I think loot and ssedit can help me from ctd if I can learn it. but I don't see a lot of tutorials video, its only about this new mod can do these and that but nothing about if you do this you can minimize these issues.

      BTW are you going to add more fixes in future. iirc I used to use your mod before because another mod recommended and I didn't read the details. When I removed that mod I did yours too. But now that I am looking at is, I can see I shouldn't. You have included a lot of things I have a few. I could have more fixes and AIO type fix mods. Previously I thought this one is only needed if I want to use that mod.
      If you don't want to answer its up to you but I will still appreciate the things you pointed out thanks.

      Edit: I just checked your profile I really appreciate what you are doing and your permissions for the community unlike many others.

      If ever I haven't logged into Nexus in over 1 year, then all my mods should go back to the community, and all perms shall be considered open. This shall over-ride the individual mod perms.

      user sattyre
    3. sattyre
      • premium
      • 253 kudos

      1ST.  Modding is a labor of love.  It takes a good while before you become even somewhat competent.  Liking mods is one aspect of selection. Then its reading.  Read the description, read the posts, read the bug reports.  Read, Read Read.  And then you can often discount much of what you read.  LOL  I've seen a lot of posts that complain or accuse a perfectly good mod of being buggy and broken.  If you see lots of that on a mod, then perhaps something is up.  Often, those posts are people who have no idea how to mod and have unrealistic expectations.  If a mod has lots of downloads and endorsements, you can assume they are at least ok.

      Honestly watch some modding tutorials.  They are out there.  There are a lot of tools to use to help fix issues.  I used Mator Smash's Smashed Patch when it first came out, but there is now an updated version that recognizes esls here.  Use it.  It will really help fix stuff for newbies, and on top of that, if used correctly in conjunction with xedit, it will help you to learn what different records change.
      NPC records, as an example, contain facegen, skills, outfits, items, factions, packages and other info, all of which can be changed by different mods.

      Download and use SSEedit or Xedit as I call it.  There really aren't great tutorials on exactly how to use it, but there are some available.  I would suggest learning how to forward records, (its very easy, simply drag and drop.)  Practice  using xedit only on your Smashed patch initially.  You will break things with xedit, but, you can simply rebuid your smashed patch if and when it happens provided you only change that patch.  Xedit is an invaluable tool for modding and making mods, (It actually does some things better then the Creation kit,) but it excels at helping users to resolve conflicts in their mod list.

      Understand that Skyrim and all bethesda games are modified because of "the Rule of One", which is that only the last record is ever used by the game.  I can have 100 different versions of a record that all do different things, but only the last record is ever used so that means those other 99 versions are not.  That is why patches are so important.  Patches have to forward all the required changes in those 99 other versions so they can be used by the game and are not lost.  Patches are actually a misnomer, they don't patch, they actually completely replace records which is why all the final data needs to be in the final patch.

      For NPC patching or selection, you can refer to Merging NPC Overhauls made easy.  It has a lot of tips and advice on how to work with NPCs and NPC Overhauls whether you are merging them or not.

      Patching requires knowledge of Xedit the CK or both.  Use the patches for your mods that you can find online, and then modify them for your modlist and load order.  The most fundamental element for creating a stable load order is conflict resolution.  I really can't overstate that.  Resolve Conflicts.  Not all conflicts can be resolved by the use of Xedit, as some conflicts happen at the engine level, but resolving all the conflicts you can, will go along way.  (The Smashed Patch tries to do this somewhat successfully.)  (It does require editing for proper conflict resolution in many cases.)

      LOOT  Loot is an awesome tool for the uninitiated.  It can and does sort your mods in a somewhat efficient order and it does a pretty good job of it.  However.  Loot can't make choices for preference unless you learn about loot rules (in the metadata tab beside the plugin name.)  It doesn't sort NPC overhauls very well.  Nor make informed choices on which mod should take precedence in many cases.  Again, LOOT rules are your friend.

      Load order and priority.  First.  There are two different things going on here.  Load order most often refers to the order of your plugins as sorted by LOOT.  It can also be used in a context to refer to your mod order.  Two very different things.  Mod order is all about game assets.  Textures, meshes, scripts and more.  Just like load order, these need to be sorted in an order that makes sense.  They too can over-ride other game assets and cause mischief if sorted incorrectly.  Pay attention to mod descriptions  when dealing with assets.  Priority is simply which assets are placed or given over-ride rules to over-ride other assets.
      This is easily seen in Mod Organizer as the mod asset lower in the left panel.

      Mod Safety.  First, esls are not safer.  ESLs  (refers to both esls and esp/fe) are actually more complicated then regular esps or esms.  ESLs have a lot of stuff going on beneath what is seen in xedit.  That doesn't mean they are dangerous, just more complicated.  There can be issues with esls that you won't find in regular esps.

      SKSE mods are typically safe enough, although they can conflict, they seem to do so very seldom.  I think I use around 70 SKSE mods.  As with other mods, Read the description and know what you're installing.  There are some very necessary SKSE mods that do wonders for the game.

      Definitely learn about LOOT and Xedit.  Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn mod list has a lot of good tutorials and tools for modding at the start of her Installation guide.  Whether you follow her guide or not, they are an indispensable asset for those who wish to learn more about modding.  She has some very good information about installing and using them.  While her guide isn't for everyone, it truly is a work of art.  It's very stable and gives a large assortment new quests as well as a fresh take on game assets.  While I personally don't use it, I have built it several times and learn new things every time and I would still say my personal modlist foundation is still loosely based on Lexy's build.

      I will add more to USMP if it is eligible, (see sticky), but I am very concerned at this point with feature creep and in order to stay compatible with all game versions, I won't be adding AE update fixes.  That can be a different mod.

      How to make a spoiler tag.  Unfortunately showing exactly how to make a spoiler tag isn't possible without adding something to stop it from actually just being a spoiler tag.  So delete the question mark.
      [?spoiler]  Your Text  [/spoiler]

      Edit:  I do think following a good modlist is a great way to start a modding collection.  As you learn, you can modify the list.  My own modlist started as Lexy's LOTD, but has moved so far from that origin that it is now essentially unrecognizable in everything but structure.
    4. Xciow
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Does nexus comment uses MD format or HTML or anything else ?
      Regarding smashed, bashed, merged patch and xEdit
      I heard its not needed and its outdated as modern standard. Sam e goes for merge patch and even xEdit don't suggest it but was left alone because people wanted it. When creating a patch shouldn't I use ESP flagged as ESL. I also found negative comments about bashed patch. But it was more recommended than the others. Some talk about synthesis but didn't say which patcher they use in synthesis 

      Regarding load order
       Like other automatic patches some says loot is also messing up with their load order. But I cant get it how is that possible ? I read the Loot doc last night. I can use load after metadata and loot respects that + there is groups. But I have issues understanding groups what I meant to say is that I don't understand the groups from masterlist what they means and if I want to add my groups (I will add my groups based on mod priority). iirc last time when I went to check lexy's guide I also didn't get it but I will check again and that guide's groups are based on the guide's specific load order so I gave up. 
      Some question about LOOT.
      1.I think I should stop using Sort button on MO2 right ?
      2.If I drag and drop in MO2 right pane does LOOT respect that or do I have to edit "plugin metadata > load after" in loot to respect that ?
      3. Suppose these are npc overhauls A, B, C, D, E. A changes all vanilla NPCs, B changes a lot of unique female. C1 changes some female, c2 some more, c3 some more, then Df1 changes some female, Df2 some more female, Df3 some more female after that Dm1 changes some males and Dm2, Dm3, E has some mixed and match for male and female. C, D, E are compatible with each other but A, B over laps with each other and also with C, D, E in this case how can I use LOOT ?
      My mod order is like A, B, C, D, E. I wanted to create mod groups for NPC overhaul but I cant get it where to put in official mod groups from loot masterlist. Then about load order for C, D, E, should I say all three should load after A, B or I should mention all like this ?
      A -> B -> C -> D -> E but in this case C , D has more (ex. C as Bijin series, D has pandorable which has male, female including no names) Do I have to load after is every esp of C to load after B and as D is compatible with C, I don't need to mention C but have to mention to load after B right ?
      I just wanted to create a mod group then drag and drop there how I used to do in MO2 . is it possible ?

      Another request would you mind sharing your load order here ? Here's the MO2 plugin usage guide from github and api access doc. I found lexy's load order here. This site seems better than modwatch as I can compare.
    5. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      Just because something is old doesn't mean it's no longer useful.  I no longer use a smashed patch myself, and I very heavily edit my bashed patch, but they are both gold for newbies.  A lot of veteran modders snear at silly things because they've outgrown them, but that doesn't mean old mods or methods aren't useful. 
      If you don't know how to use Xedit, then a smashed patch can be the difference between constant ctds or not.  It's a stepping stone to better modding.  Same goes with a merged patch, though that is actually an older version of a smashed patch and not as sophisticated, but still potentially useful as a learning tool.   And Loot places them both to the bottom of your load order, another useful tidbit.


      I think a lot of Veteran modders often forget what it was like to be a newbie, when everything was new and foreign.   There are also those who simply like to snear and show their superiority in less then useful ways by talking smack.
      Synthesis is also a very useful tool and highly recommended if you can use it and the right patchers are available, but most patchers are made for specific mods.

      LOOT's a great tool.  For people who really understand load order and modding, i,e, veteran modders, it may be more useful to sort your own load order.  But...  For newbies on to veterans, LOOT is a great tool and not to be under valued.  For people who grow up learning to program and understand coding, all of these things may be less then perfect, but for average users and people brand new to modding, LOOT is a very necessary tool and aside from using the sorting rules in Metadata, I wouldn't worry about the groups for now.  They are for more advanced users who want to tweak how loot works and you need to understand Xedit and records and how the engine reads data.

      I think I should stop using Sort button on MO2 right ?

      Download and install the LOOT program and use it.  It's a more up to date sorter.   Loot requires Loot rules in metadata to respect changes, otherwise it's algorithm places certain types of mods at certain areas of the load order.  Mods work best in certain area's of a load order typically and Loot uses this info in sorting.  What it doesn't do typically, is give preference to mods in that space.  There are load order slots, lets call them, for certain types of mods.  LOOT uses these slots to help place mods, but doesn't care in most cases what the order within that slot is.  Hence metadata loot rules allows you to tell LOOT your preference.

      For NPC info, read through the Merging NPC Overhauls made easy.  It should tell you everything you need to know about dealing with NPCs.  I covered it all there and its useful whether you merge npcs or not.  There is also useful info in the articles tab in that mod and this one. 
      Properly patched NPCs should go to the bottom of your load order.


      You will see what looks to be a merged patch and a smashed patch.  These aren't actually what they appear to be, but are useful names as loot sorts them to the bottom.  They are in reality, my own made patches.  disregard the last three esps as they currently haven't yet been placed properly into the load order.  In the modlist are also a lot of currently unused mods as my modlist is constantly being tweaked.

      LOOT in conjunction with MO2's right pane "save a backup" and "load a backup" buttons are useful for finding rough mod placement without disturbing your current load order.
    6. Xciow
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      • 0 kudos
      I was organizing everything again. I thought I will have to follow certain priority. For ex SKSE plugins (or dependency for others at the top) then Bug fixes, then others... Looking at your mod list it looks like you are not following certain rules. Wanted to compare load order with mine but couldn't as you used loadorder.txt instead of plugins.txt btw np I'll look manually. 
      So I shouldn't be concerned about loot groups. I will just use the Edit metadata > Load after right. Right now I am not thinking about NPCs but I have noted your article. I mentioned this because I found its one of the complicated load order. So if I understand that, I think I can get the idea of load order for my list. 
      Oh I forgot if I drag and drop in the right pane in MO2, does loot respect it ? Or I will have to use Edit metadata > Load after for that ?
      I gave xEdit a try. Ran with apply filter to show conflicts and hide no conflicts empty row. Its full of Red and I am not getting it what to do. So I took random esp to look at.
      HeelsFix.esp seems to be overwriting skyrim, update.esm (everything) so ig even if its red its ok right ?
      Then I tried some more esp. But I found some mods thats loading last has empty data/record (what do you call) but previous mod has same or different data. Sometimes 4 plugins have completely different data.
      So how do you know which to patch ? do you check every conflicting record ? do you use xEdit after every new mod with esp and then create patch? do you load all plugins when creating patches?
      I get the thing about mod priority if there's a conflict load last which you want to keep. What's about plugins ?

      BTW if I read Merging NPC Overhauls made easy. will it answer these questions about xEdit ? I want to fix on the way not dump all and fix it. bashed patch is for leveled list right and smashed is alternative to merged but better right? I didn't found any good smashed patch guide though, is there something like I have to disable some mod when creating smashed patch? From your opinion after making a patch I should edit and forward records to the patch right ? do I have to forward all the records from each red entry ?

      Thanks a lot for teaching me these stuffs. I didn't find anyone helping to learn these much about modding till now .
    7. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      I added the plugins txt with the others in my post above.

      No don't worry about Loot groups for now.  That can come later.  LOOT does an ok job and there is a lot to learn for those motivated to do so.
      if I drag and drop in the right pane in MO2, does loot respect it ?
      no, loot doesn't care what you do unless you create a loot rule or you've dropped it within the allowed (by loot) standard.  If you drop it outside of that standard, loot will move it back.  If you add another mod, LOOT may change your plugin order entirely, because it may not care which plugins are first so long as they are within their "area".  This seems to be doubly true where NPC overhauls are concerned.
      Yup Xedit takes some getting used to.  It's why I suggest only using it in a smashed patch.  Never change an original plugin and do take notes.  Seriously.  You will break things initially, but you will only break them within the smashed patch and that can be undone or regenerated.  I started learning xedit with NPC records where I could compare one overhaul against another and see what smash did and if it worked.  As time went on I became more comfortable with other records as well.

      Ran with apply filter to show conflicts and hide no conflicts empty row. Its full of Red and I am not getting it what to do.

      Of course it's full of red.  You are only looking at what is conflicted.  The unconflicted records are filtered out.  Red means there is a conflict, but conflicts aren't always detrimental.  Figuring out which is which is the tricky part.  Red typically means theres a change that isn't reflected in the last record.  But that doesn't mean it should be.  Mods that create change in skyrim typically do so because they create conflicts and if all the changes aren't in the last record, the records stay red.  Find an area you can confirm easier, such as npcs and look at those conflicted records and see what is being changed by what mods.  NPC overhauls are an easy source of these changes.
      I get the thing about mod priority if there's a conflict load last which you want to keep. What's about plugins ?
      Plugin conflicts are very often solved by load order.  whether it is NPCs or town overhauls.  However, load order doesn't always solve everthing and to do so requires a patch.
      If mod A adds items to an NPC, and mod B changes the look of that NPC and mod C changes the skills of that NPC, load order alone won't fix it.  The last mod wins.  In order to get the changes from all, All three mods need a patch that combines all the changes to that particular record.  The Rule of ONE applies.  Always.  Having three separate patches won't do the trick.  All changes have to be in the last record

      As far as creating a smashed patch is concerned.  open it and let it load all your mods and then click the big green button.  That's it.  If you want to learn more later, you can, but to start, learn the basics first.  Get them down first.  Worry about the more technical stuff later.  I'm still learning about modding.  Things are constantly changing, updating etc, but the fundamentals are still the same and their the things to learn first.

      PM me if you still have questions.  This is getting too long for the posts

      It would seem that the Smashed patch doesn't work with plugins made with the new esl format.

      by the way.  The game engine uses more resources as you gain levels, so ctds become more likely to happen as you gain levels.   Having a ctd is sometimes about getting above a critical mass of failures.
  7. Thijmen2017
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Does this include TrapSwingingWall Script Fix? USMP and that mod have conflicting scripts, but I can't find any mod in the modlist that would include this script...
    1. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      If you know that usmp and another mod have conflicting scripts, then you must know which mod it is, otherwise, you wouldn't be here asking.  What am I missing?  What are you missing?  All USMP scripts are archived in the .bsa and this mod should be loading at the top of your load order so any conflicting script will overwrite USMP which is part of the reason for USMP loading at the top.  If you don't want that mod's script to win, you need to either delete it, or comment it out.
    2. Thijmen2017
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Yes, I know. I literally just told you which mods are conflicting? It's USMP and TrapSwingingWall Script Fix.
      What I am asking is what mod you have included in USMP that also edits the ''TrapSwingingWall'' script, because I cannot find it. If I don't know what mod you have included that also edits this script, I don't know if I'm potentially overwriting a very important fix.
    3. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      I'm pretty sure that's in Ultimate Optimized Scripts Compilation
  8. Topeka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So... Why would I update the mod if its just a whole lot of patches being deleted?
  9. averagejoe3x
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Do you have any plans to expand USMP to Fishing, Rare Curios, Saints & Seducers, and Survival Mode since USSEP now requires them as masters?
    1. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      No, I'd like to keep it compatible with all versions of the game.
    2. r0000
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      But that doesn't make sense since it already requires USSEP which is AE exclusive.
    3. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      Well it happens that people already have a variety of ussep patches of all versions.  I myself probably have most of the ussep  patches I've downloaded on my storage drive.  Most are from before the AE update.  Since I really don't care for the AE updated CC mods, I've never updated, and a lot of players feel the same.  Thanks for understanding.
    4. averagejoe3x
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Fair enough. Everyone is allowed to play and create mods however they see fit, won't turn me away from downloading your mod :)
    5. ff7legend
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      Not everyone is running the latest version of the game nor do they want to for specific reasons - myself included.  The last thing I need is for buggy CC content causing even more bugs in my game.  I have mods which will not run on SAE Runtime 1.6+.  I don't need a greedy multibillion dollar corporation (Bethesda/Micro$oft) telling me which mods I can/cannot have installed into a game I paid for period.
  10. Nuascura
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    Any interest in including this patch? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/130015
    1. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      considering that mod is mostly dependant on Skyrim Souls Updated, it really doesn't fit within USMP's framework.  Doubtless, the script would sit dormant if you don't use SSU, or the AE fishing update, but it really fits into the "taste" category so is outside of USMP's preview.
  11. Maderasnobile
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    • 2 kudos
    which wskeever mod i should get?
  12. Budum0002
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    hi, do I still need the Ai overhaul patch, if I am using synthesis to patch it, for some reason, npcs affected by USMP-Ai overhaul patch have default appearance and are not being affected by replacers, no matter the loading order. 
    1. sattyre
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      if the synthesis patch includes an AI overhaul patcher, then you don't need the patch from usmp as the patcher should take care of everything.  Load ordering NPC overhauls needs to include patches, as most patches that aren't overhaul specific revert facegen to vanilla.  So to properly patch NPC overhauls you need a patch that includes all the changes from all the mods you use that affect those particular NPCs and it needs to load after any other mods that make any changes to NPCs.
      Synthesis typically does a pretty good job of that.  You may find you can get rid of some of your patches after running synthesis as a result.  NPC overhauls should load very close to the bottom of your load order, regardless of where LOOT places them and any patches should be placed directly beneath.  In this particular case, LOOT isn't quite correct in it's placement.  For more info on NPC overhauls and how they work go here.
  13. AcesOverEights
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    Just a question about the 2 versions; the added master is that more for VR etc, so it's a better option to use the non-master for the average user, or is it something I'm not aware of. I couldn't see any clear reason listed unless I've missed it.
    1. sattyre
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      • 253 kudos
      2 USMP versions.  The first version (No Extra Masters) is a pure base game only version that does not include Ultimate Optimized Scripts Compilation, and therefore, doesn't require the extra SKSE master file. 
      The second version incorporates Ultimate Optimized Scripts Compilation  into USMP, which requires a new SKSE master file. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender.
    2. AcesOverEights
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you for the reply and clearing that up for me, looks like I've set it up correctly. Thanks for your time, much appreciated.