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PraedythXVI and Soulmancer

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  1. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 669 kudos
    I wanted to thank everyone for the interest and support in these.  A few have asked me to write a tutorial on this, at this time I don't feel qualified to do that.  Once I have dialed it in a bit better and tackled some of the issues I may be in a better place to do that.

    Consider these mods as work in progress currently.  I've been churning em out fairly quickly without much time testing.  A few highly skilled texture and mesh authors have been passing on their advice to correct issues and improve these add ons.  

    Some issues that have arisen so far is some parallax flagged meshes causing CTD.  If you encounter this please report it and this will be fixed promptly...

    In some cases parallax may not be viewable on the texture, or the effect may be too strong leading to jagged edges or melting textures... In some meshes, parallax simply doesn't look good....  So if you encounter stuff of this sort, please just let me know and I'll do what I can!
  2. MehrunesDagon47
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Hey Kulharin,

    Just for clarification, are your parallax meshes not required anymore with Parallaxgen?

    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      That is correct
  3. LeanWolf
    • premium
    • 963 kudos
    Praedy has just updated some of the textures.. any idea if these parallax files will still work?
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      If updating to Praedyth's you can also use his included complex material parallax as an alternative to this.  Or you were wanting old school parallax?
    2. LeanWolf
      • premium
      • 963 kudos
      Yeah I'm not ready to take on complex materials yet, I'm perfectly happy with simple parallax.
    3. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      These textures should still work but let me know if you encounter any issues or visual problems
  4. Datness
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Little question : I am using LUX parallax mesh and it is in conflict with a lot of your parallax conversion.

    Should I overwrite LUX mesh or yours ?
  5. Pfuscher
    • premium
    • 3,690 kudos
    hey mate
    None of the meshes contain parallax, because there is a env flag that prevents the script from adding parallax
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      I only include meshes that are successfully processed by nif batch processor script.  If the script can't apply parallax, isn't it suppose to skip processing entirely?

      But you're correct, I looked and they are all still pathing to environment cube map without a parallax texture.   What happens if you try to manually add a _p texture to a mesh with a cube map?  is this only an issue when using the parallax shader as oppose to complex material environmental mask?   and is there a script that exists to remove the cube map pathing?
    2. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      thank you, fixed
  6. whamy03
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Thank you for the Parallax Meshes! :) your mods is a must for Praedy's Texture sets. Just wandering tho... will you ever make a parallax patch for Praedy's Dawnguard?
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      Probably not, because it's quite similar to a mod I already made parallax for, by CC who is another favorite of mine.

      I have also done CC's Mines and Caves... CC as in ClearanceClarence not CleverCharff
  7. LogicRock
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    What specific elements of this require Better Dynamic Snow? Could I possibly overwrite/exclude specific elements/assets that rely on Better Dynamic Snow and get the benefits of the rest of the mod?
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      BDS 2.11 or Simplicity of Snow is a hard requirement.
  8. lukeded
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    you did very good in this mod, way better than ratway
  9. Dinerty
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    These look amazing textures, brilliant work. Thanks for sharing your work with us. 
  10. Pfuscher
    • premium
    • 3,690 kudos
    90% of the castle has worthless environment/cubemapping, which isn't really visible.
    But it prevents the script from adding parallax.
    Parallax needs to be added by hand or better, a script is needed to deactivate cubemapping
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      have you by any chance made these meshes in your Skyrim parallax series?
  11. MisterBanana17
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Great work Kulharin !
    This mod is now featured on my True Graphics and Immersion List