LockedStickyWho needs the Witcher 3 anyway?Have fun with the mod! Let me know your feedback, suggestions, issues, etc. :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ISSUES? TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
Please, make sure you READ THIS before asking me for help. I'm not a 24/7 customer support hotline and the quest stages are the simplest things in the world, this is not a complicated mod, if it's not working it's simply an incompatibility from another mod in your load order and it will require manual tweaking from your side. For the record, I've spent a couple of days testing it in my 500 mod load order and never had an issue. I've collected more heads than I thought were possible, but if you keep bringing up the same issues again... I'm the one who's gonna lose his head.
- Well, that means you have an incompatible mod installed. Most likely a mod that adds custom rewards per bounty type. This is ALREADY included in my mod if you're using Missives (Vanilla and Missive quest rewards are synced). Just use the MCM of Missives to configure the reward. If you have another mod that modifies these rewards, it will NOT be compatible. Examples of incompatible mods that do the same: Bounty Gold SSE / Economy Overhaul / Perk Points & More Gold for Bounty...
- Same answer above. It can help to check on xEdit to see what's modifying the quest in question. If we're talking vanilla bounty quests, the quests are called BQ01, BQ02, BQ03 and BQ04. If you want to use those mods together with mine, you will have to delete their changes to these quests.
- If you've done those things and it's still giving you issues, make sure the mods + patches are in the right order: 1. Missives/Notice Board, 2. Headhunter, 3. Headhunter + Missives / TNB patches, 4. SRC patches
- Make sure the patches are ACTIVE in your load order (Sounds basic, but I've had 3 cases already of users not activating the plugins... If I was the Jarl, I'd put bounties on all of you! Just kidding, but please, check things from your side before contacting authors or we'll go crazy)
- If you're trying to fix a bounty quest IN THE MIDDLE of a bounty quest, it's not going to work. Use console commands to finish this quest, fix what needs to be fixed, and try again. For vanilla bounty quests, this is what you would need to input to force-complete the quest (Bandits:)
Setstage BQ01 200 (BQ02 for Forsworn, BQ03 for Giants or BQ04 for dragons)
- I do not modify the beginning or distribution of the bounty quests in any way, so I cannot be of much help here. From what I've observed in my marathon of 25 bounty quests to test that the mod is working correctly is: It's possible that if you capture or kill all bandits in a hold, the steward won't have more for you in a while. Teleporting to the location of the steward/Inn sometimes makes the dialogue option for "looking for jobs?" not appear, enter via the door of the Jarl's palace/Inn before talking to the steward or innkeeper for the option to show up.
Again, the mod works fine. If you have an incompatible mod, it will not work (duh). Follow the steps above if you're having issues, and send some love and cool screenshots my way if you're enjoying this mod so I don't lose my head.
Stay safe <3 -
LockedStickyFor those of you using Immersive Equipment Displays instead of AllGUD, you can get pretty much the same by using an IED preset.
I have tested and can endorse these two:
- Missile's Presets: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67770/
- Mura Presets: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62360 -
can't find the thea npc, quest marker just leads me to a cellar in an orc stronghold
anyway to find them normally or is the mod broken? -
Hello friend, just to double visibility. this is on bugs. but many npcs say "I can't believe I got caught" random.
hey, while playing with your mod today an idea came to my mind. (in case you still take requests or ideas, feel free to ignore if not)
- Capturing prisoners: For those playing a more lawful / forgiving character, bandit leaders who have a
bounty on them can be captured and brought to justice.
How about slightly increasing the bounty gold reward for bringing bounty targets back alive? This would give players an additional incentive to use the capturing system beyond just roleplaying a lawful or merciful character.
From a logical standpoint, it would make sense—you receive a gold bonus because you made it possible for the city to set an example. Moreover, bringing someone back alive is much more of a hassle.
Dead or Alive Bounty: Dead 500 G Alive 800 or something like that.
Edit: I checked the scripts and saw it was easy enough to implement, I added 350 gold bonus reward thorugh the guard dialogue when bringing a captive back alive : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/144301 - Capturing prisoners: For those playing a more lawful / forgiving character, bandit leaders who have a
Does Surrender - Enemies Yield and Comply with Your Demands require a patch since both mods have a surrendering system or is it compatible by default?
** Found Problem - This comment is dismissed.
*** I forgot that I re-arranged mod orders; 'Even Better Quest Objectives SE - EBQO SE' was overwrite the quest of Headhunter.I am here to asking if anyone install the 'Headhunter' with 'Quest Journal Overhaul (Link)'.
I get 'Destroy Bandits in Valtheim Towers' and finished it, however I cannot get the options of Bandit Head or Prisoner.
In addition, I can inform Proventus, but cannot get rewords in the end.
Anyone have the same problem ? -
Good day, sir!
In your hunting mod we have the option to turn off the darkening when cutting a hide. Is there any way to remove the darkening here? -
hi, will it work with mod who decapitate ? like dismembering framework or severing of spine ? ty
For those cannot deliver prisoner to the guards: From version 1.54 , you have to deliver prisoner to the hold where WANTED them, rather than any hold. For example, you cannot hand a whiterun prisoner to solitude guard.
Mod description is . . . confusing, you wrote " if you use algud " indicating as a preffered option, but in the installer you actually recommend iimersive equipment
just saying
love your mods, keep em coming