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  1. lazyskeever
    • premium
    • 648 kudos

    With the new modular system for footstep and armor sounds, new custom sound sets need to be added to the ArmorAddon chest records for the armor sounds to play. I have made patches for popular compilations such as Immersive Armors and NordwarUA armors, but you can't realistically expect me or even the community at large to have patches made for every individual armor mod out there since there are so, so many. So if you have some more obscure individual armor mod you want to get sounds from, I have written a guide on how to make your own patch in SSEEdit/xEdit. It's very easy and straightforward if you are familiar with the basics of the tool (which you should be if you're a serious mod user in the first place). In fact the hardest part is just deciding which armor sound is the most appropriate for your armor mod.

    STEP 1: In SSEEdit, load the plugin for the armor mod alongside Immersive Sounds Compendium. For this guide, I am picking Skyblivion 3E Cyrodiilic Steel Armor as an example.

    STEP 2: In the armor mod plugin, open the Armor Addon section and locate the chest slot record. Usually these will be called "Cuirass", "Armor", "Body", "Hauberk", "Robes", "Chest", etc etc. But in most cases they will be called Cuirass as that is the name all vanilla chest records use. In this case it is called SBPR_3eSteelCuirassAA.

    STEP 3: After selecting the chest record on the left, right click the plugin name in the column on the right and choose "Copy as override into....". Then choose <new file>.esp with the ESL column marked. That way the patch won't count toward your plugin limit. Click OK and give the plugin a name. Usually I name them "ISC (mod name) Patch". So in this case I'm calling it ISC SkyblivionSteelArmor Patch.

    STEP 4: Now the patch plugin will have appeared in the list on the left. Right click it, click "Add Masters..." and pick Immersive Sounds Compendium from the list. Now the patch plugin will have access to ISC's records we need to add later. Also, it is considered good form to sort masters on the plugin so that its master list reflects your load order. So right click it again and do that for good measure.

    STEP 5: Now open Armor Addon in the patch plugin, click the chest record you added back in Step 3, scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see a row called "SNDD - Footstep Sound". Right click the empty space in there on the column for the patch's record and click "Add" Scroll to the top of the drop down menu and that is where the armor sounds will be.

    STEP 6: This is the actual hard part; deciding which sound set best suits the armor! You will simply have to consider what the armor looks like and use your intuition and decide what most closely approximates the kind of materials it has. It can't always be a perfect match with what's available, but having 10 sets sure is a lot more flexible than just the 2 generic "Light" and "Heavy" vanilla offers. In this case it is primarily typical steel armor but it also has a bit of chainmail on the neck and skirt. We could either pick FSTArmorChainPlate or FSTArmorHeavyPlate. It's down to personal taste really.

    To make things more convenient I will describe the purpose for each sound set as they appear in the list:

    FSTArmorChainPlateFootstepSet - This is for armors that mix plate and chainmail.

    FSTArmorChitinFootstepSet - Chitin for falmer and dunmer armors.

    FSTArmorDragonPlateFootstepSet - Less metallic sounding plate with some bone rattling accents.

    FSTArmorFullChainFootstepSet - Armor predominantly made of chainmail, making it really jingle jangle.

    FSTArmorHeavyFootstepSet - This is the vanilla Heavy Footstep Set meant for boot records. DO NOT USE THIS OR YOU WILL GET DOUBLE FOOTSTEPS!

    FSTArmorHeavyPlateFootstepSet - Heavy plate armor that clinks and rattles.

    FSTArmorLeatherFootstepSet - Reinforced leather with metal accents from studs and belts and such.

    FSTArmorLightChainFootstepSet - Light/leather armor mixed with some chainmail accents, like for the Skyrim guard armors.

    FSTArmorLightFootstepSet - This is the vanilla Light Footstep Set meant for boot records. DO NOT USE THIS OR YOU WILL GET DOUBLE FOOTSTEPS!

    FSTArmorLightLeatherFootstepSet - The most rudimentary form of leather/hide garment without much metal reinforcing it, like for the basic bandit outfits.

    FSTArmorPlateFootstepSet - For lighter plate-based armors, such as the vanilla Elven armor. Does not clink and rattle as much as the Heavy Plate set.

    FSTArmorRingMailFootstepSet - It's ringmail. Exactly what it says on the tin.

    STEP 7: Either hit CTRL+S to save or simply exit and have the save prompt show up and save the plugin. All done!
  2. cosmicandi
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Is there anywhere to hear a sample of all the different FOMOD options?

    Nvm found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvf8g_8mgi8
  3. ThalmorJusticiar7th
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    A modular version maybe ? some of the sounds are great, others cause major incompatibility issues and CTDs. a modular version where we can at least choose which sound packs we want to install rather than the whole package would be great.
  4. Emputecido
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    For people thats having problems with audio stuff or even incompatibilities, try installing this mod below:


    this fixed all the audio problems for me like effects don't playing or the steps without sounds. 
    1. Jellygrass2245
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      This needs to be higher
  5. apfe1sine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, great mod. does anyone know how to fix sound bug: when I equip vampire drain it blows out my ear drums? I have better vampires installed and it feels like there is double sfx happening 
  6. Finstersturm
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I dont have many mods installed that affect lightning magic but... i am the only one that gets regular crashes and freezes when using lightning magic with immersive sounds installed? Does someone experience the same problem?
    1. Featherstich
      • supporter
      • 69 kudos
      I have same problem
  7. Optimus2Prime
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This sound MOD may cause some problems when it is used with the high heels sound. How can I delete the sound of feet hitting the ground in this MOD? I need to install the high heels mod.
    1. a798746
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      These are translated texts, and I have encountered the same problem as you. I don't know how to resolve this conflict. Currently, I have found the conflicting sound, found the folder "fs_is", found the folder for ground footsteps, such as "wood" and "ice", deleted the "cloth" folder in the folder, and entered the game again. The extra footsteps disappeared, but the footsteps of the shoes related to "cloth" also disappeared, after all, they were deleted.
    2. HappyEveryDay233
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. LixVentric
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      +1  , I have the same problem
  8. SatiroVolante
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    How do I install this manually?
    Trying to get it ro run on steam Deck.
    Thanks for the help :)
  9. Tetrol88
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Can't find what I am looking for - perhaps someone can point me in the right direction please?
    I am getting a dramatic loud "death hit" sound - which is totally unimmersive - backstab from stealth, get a big "boom" sound, arrow at 100 paces away - a big "boom" sound. If it doesn't kill, no "boom". Any ideas?
    1. fumino
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I think I have this low volume boom sound too, not sure if this is a vanilla sound.
    2. Tetrol88
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Think the solution is found - this was just published Critical Hit Sound - and this is the exact sound I have been trying to work out - and this hopefully will shut it up! Why would anyone want a big sound for a stealth kill? I also wonder why I seem to be getting a critical hit for pretty much every bow kill.
  10. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 660 kudos
    Is it possible to make shield power bash sound more subtle? When striking the air it makes a pretty loud impact sound.
  11. lanselot49
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I truely hope the developer fixes this. I installed EBT, WACCF and AOS-ISC Compatibility patches, all patches needed and activated the necessary FOmod toogles for each mod. Checked xEdit as well for anyone who i know will say this. 
    There is not a bug page whatsoever.  
    lazyskeever you are a great modder, i like all of your 10 SkyrimSE mods i really do, but it seems that you abandoned us for good...